What am I doing wrong? Advice needed!



  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    I don't count calories (sorry! My view is that if it's all good for you, as long as the portions aren't huge-- its generally okay)

    I'm 24, 5'8 and 225.

    how is that working for you?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't count calories (sorry! My view is that if it's all good for you, as long as the portions aren't huge-- its generally okay)

    I'm 24, 5'8 and 225.
    My mother eats the healthiest foods of anyone I know and she has been obese most of her life.

    You need to count calories.
  • SarahHensLew
    I would suggest trying to count calories, at least for a short time. I used to be in the same boat, boot camp 3x week, cardio 3x week and wasn't losing. Once I started using MFP to count calories, I was shocked at how many more calories there were in my "healthy" diet. As my trainer told me many many times, exercise is only 20% of losing weight, the rest is food. I totally became a believer once I started to count for myself.
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    Whats great about MFP is you don't have to "count calories". The site does it for you. If you are really against calorie counting, at least log a few days of food, and you can get a general idea of where you stand calorically. You may find you are taking in more than you think. You can adjust accordingly.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    You can't out exercise a poor diet (you can still have a poor diet with healthy foods).
  • Merebelle2014
    I just restarted in the middle of January- haha not from the previous September! :)

    As for inches, I've lost 3 off my waist, and 1 off my hips and thighs... I'm really new to this, so I apologize if I don't know the "norms" for weight loss.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    You need to be counting calories to know and understand your deficit. You may be eating too much or not enough. It also helps to have an accurate calorie count burn on your workouts. This is done with a heart rate monitor which is the most accurate measure of your calories burned, not the machine. You're 5'8 and 225, if you get on a treadmill and run for 10 minutes you may burn 125 calories I'm 5'9 159, I may do the exact same workout and burn 100 calories but the machine is going to say we both burned the same amount. Also, not knowing your regular calorie intake does not give you the ability to properly gauge indulgences. Counting Calories is not fun, it is tedious and no one wants to do it but just about everyone who has come to this site to count calories has experienced some success. So even if you aren't of the mindset to count down to the very last one, it might help to just log your daily intake for the sake of seeing just how much food you are actually consuming in comparison to how much you are actually burning. Without even looking at the calories you may be surprised. Weight loss is about balance and a healthy lifestyle and while one day you may get to a point where you no longer need to count the calories, for right now to determine what you are doing wrong, you have to lay it out on paper. After all, not counting calories might be how you winded up at this site to begin with.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    If you dont want to count but want to see results, kick up your work outs (i would say double the time and or intesity) - 6 days a week without fail. Drink plenty of water too. Also make sure that at least 50% of the work outs you do is focused on strength training. Muscle burns calories faster than the other tissues....FACT!
  • ClaudiaTheNice
    If I made an educated guess, I'd say I eat approx.1300 calories a day. Is there such thing as an average calorie goal for generic weight loss? I guess I will have to start counting, and see what happens.

    Thanks all, any other advice is welcomed!

    Find TDEE and eat about 500 calories less a day.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I just restarted in the middle of January- haha not from the previous September! :)

    As for inches, I've lost 3 off my waist, and 1 off my hips and thighs... I'm really new to this, so I apologize if I don't know the "norms" for weight loss.

    when you signed up for myfitnesspal, it made you create a profile and gave you a caloric goal. You put the information in. Actually, if you're logged in to the forums, just click "My Home" up there. It'll show you a number in green. Says Calories Remaining under it. The app/website told gave you the information you needed to get started. For whatever reason, you chose to just do it your way.

    try actually using MFP.

    1. don't trust the initial setup that MFP provides. If you put in the wrong/inaccurate information, it'll tell you to eat an amount that may not be applicable.
    2. Make sure you eat enough.
    3. Figure out what works for you and is sustainable/healthy/long term.
    4. avoid fads. don't buy in to any "Hey, try the twinkie and vodka diet"
    5. Don't cut out anything now that you don't plan on literally giving up forever.
    6. GET A FOOD SCALE. Weigh everything. No, seriously.
    7. Get an HRM with a chest strap. You'll at least have a better idea of what you're burning. It'll be more accurate than the generic info in the exercise database.. and even more than the cardio machines. This is great for steady state cardio (run/walk/etc)
    8. Don't go balls out. You'll burn out. I see 300 lb people show up here, instantly start working out and cutting their intake SEVERELY... trying to cut out all of their carbs at once.. whatever. Take it slow. Figure out how much you need to eat FIRST in order to lose.. then incorporate exercise.
    9. Don't cardio yourself to death.
    10. Take the information on the forums with a grain of salt. A lot of people that have been here for a while.. and have been successful, may seem jaded. They give out GREAT advice day after day, only to be met with people that refuse to listen.
    11. Eat real food. Not diet food. Not "low fat, sugar free, now without X." It's easier to get/find/count.
    12. don't set time restrictions.
    13. measure yourself weekly. Don't just weigh. Measure and take pictures.
    14 BE PATIENT.
    15. Avoid forum topics that have "1200" in the title. It's just full of butthurt. Lots of it.
    16. If you ask a question on the forum, give as much information as you can ("yes, I have a food scale and weigh my food" is worlds better than "I eat a palm full of miscellaneous boiled chicken parts..sometimes.")
    17. Be honest with yourself and honest with us.
    18. This isn't a game, it's about changing your lifestyle. Do that.

    pretty much that.

    ...and don't fall into the "1200 calorie" vertigo of suck because of:

    the typical MFP users does this:
    1. I wanna lose weight, let's try MFP.
    2. OH! Wow, it tells me I can lose 2 lbs a WEEK? AWESOME!
    3. I just sit at a desk when I'm not working out, I guess I'm sedentary.
    4. MFP tells them 1200 calories, and they don't even eat that.. then they work out on top of it.. creating an even bigger deficit.
    5. Lose a lot, fast, brag about 1200 calorie success.
    6. Come back in a few months trying to figure out why they're dizzy, tired, not losing weight.
    7. Get on the forums, ask why they aren't losing.
    8. Get two responses (I eat 1200 and lose) (I eat 2200 and lose)
    9. Argument ensues about who is right.

    Now. That being said. These threads happen hundreds of times per day. Most times, and I mean really.. seriously.. 95% of the time.. people get the 1200 number because they don't put the right information in when they set up the account. There are a great number of people that are trying to help. I'm one of 'em.

    I'm a hardcore advocate of actually finding out what works for the individual.. by means of other calculators, averages, time, practice, and patience.

    Blanket prescriptions of 1200 calories "because it worked for me" is more harmful to the generic new user than the "figure out what you need to eat." Unfortunately, one is a LOT easier to type.

    Find out what you need: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    and make sure to read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    I may be clueless because I don't count calories, but I believe it IS still possible without doing so. My portions aren't big, and my exercise is consistent...Perhaps I'm looking for advice about exercise more so than food intake.

    Well, let's see it from another perspective (which still has to do with the calories). Do you know what your daily intake regarding macros is? The amount of grams you consume of carbs, proteins and fats? In the past I used to do a diet and exercise plan where my nutritionist was only focused on macros, and I was losing weight - but this was because I was creating a calorie deficit. I had a balanced diet of 45% protein, 30% carbs and 25% fats but with the portions that I was eating I was probably eating 1,800 calories a day, and with every day exercise (and not eating back those calories) I was probably at 1,500 net every day.

    If you are not counting calories you are either not eating enough or eating at maintenance. You are probably eating at maintenance.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member

    try actually using MFP.

    ^^This. :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If I made an educated guess, I'd say I eat approx.1300 calories a day. Is there such thing as an average calorie goal for generic weight loss? I guess I will have to start counting, and see what happens.

    Thanks all, any other advice is welcomed!
    Unless you are weighing and measuring everything you consume, there is no "educated guess."
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    If you dont want to count but want to see results, kick up your work outs (i would say double the time and or intesity) - 6 days a week without fail. Drink plenty of water too. Also make sure that at least 50% of the work outs you do is focused on strength training. Muscle burns calories faster than the other tissues....FACT!

    This is one of the times I am NOT going to say you can't build muscle at a deficet cause she isn't at a deficet...

    and your first line is what I was thinking too...

    OP if you don't want to count calories then don't but don't ask what you are doing wrong, because that's it.

    Yes you said you would start..which is a good thing but in order to be accurate you have to weigh solids and measure liquids because I can guarantee you are not at 1300 calories a day..I weigh less and I am older and I lose on 1700 a day.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I don't count calories (sorry! My view is that if it's all good for you, as long as the portions aren't huge-- its generally okay)

    I'm 24, 5'8 and 225.

    That's why you aren't losing
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I may be clueless because I don't count calories, but I believe it IS still possible without doing so. My portions aren't big, and my exercise is consistent...Perhaps I'm looking for advice about exercise more so than food intake.

    Then how did you gain weight?
  • dq_14
    dq_14 Posts: 8
    I may be clueless because I don't count calories, but I believe it IS still possible without doing so. My portions aren't big, and my exercise is consistent...Perhaps I'm looking for advice about exercise more so than food intake.

    I just posted about that in the "maintaining weight" forum. I should have posted it here. The nutritionist I talked to says never ever ever count calories because that won't help you, but rather be harmful for you in the long term. I want to believe there's another way, too. I'm confused...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If I made an educated guess, I'd say I eat approx.1300 calories a day. Is there such thing as an average calorie goal for generic weight loss? I guess I will have to start counting, and see what happens.

    Thanks all, any other advice is welcomed!

    If you aren't losing, you are eating more than 1300... Sorry
    Exercise won't help much, weight loss happens in the kitchen
  • Dusti65
    Dusti65 Posts: 3 Member
    Did you know if you do not eat enough your body will go into something like survival mode and turn things into fat for later. A primitive thing from when food was not as plentiful. Also if you are menopausal (like me) it can stall your weight loss. Lastly if you are doing any type of muscle building exercise you may be losing inches but muscle weighs ore than fat so it will reflect an increase in pounds but a decrease in inches.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Did you know if you do not eat enough your body will go into something like survival mode and turn things into fat for later. A primitive thing from when food was not as plentiful. Also if you are menopausal (like me) it can stall your weight gain. Lastly if you are doing any type of muscle building exercise you may be losing inches but muscle weighs ore than fat so it will reflect an increase in pounds but a decrease in inches.