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Only lost 1.8 in 2 weeks.

What am I doing wrong?

I only weigh myself every two weeks (so i'm not bent out of shape about the numbers on the scale) I'm also in this for life yet it's hard to get out of the "diet" mode as I have been dieting since i'm 12 years old.
I'm about 120lbs over weight. My goal being a size 10 at 175lbs. Like I was at 19 when I lost 95lbs.
I didn't lose that weight the healthy way. I didn't maintain that weight the healthy way. I did maintain for 5 years until I got pregnant and the food addiction came back and I gained all the weight back with my first pregnancy.
Because I only lost 1.8lbs in the last 4 weeks.. I must be doing something wrong. My diary is open. I log all my veggies, I weigh my dressing, meats or anything that is calorie dense. So, i'm either retaining a lot of water because I started exercising a lot (I was totally in active for months before) or... i'm eating too many calories. But i'm only eating maybe half of what I exercise off back (if that) and am pretty accurate 99% of the time. UGH.
I am back to half and half for my 24oz coffee in the morning. I'm going to see if this makes the difference. I really would like to be losing at least 1.5lbs a week. As, I really have a looooong way to go and a lot of weight to lose.
I'm not giving up on myself.
I should be happy with any loss... but i'm hungry all the time.
The next step in two weeks would be cutting out any diet soda... which I love.
My fear is that i'm restricting too much of the things I really enjoy and then giving up or binging.
Any adive, encouragement... or is this what I should expect.
I'm eating 1500-1700 calories a day. I'm a single mom, with a desk job. I'm doing exercise videos 3-5 times a week.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Do you know your BMR and TDEE? Are you weighing all your foods on a digital scale?
  • Since you said you just started working out again, I'd say that it's a temporary slow down due to muscle recovery. Your muscles are likely storing more water and/or becoming denser.

    I've seen many MFP commenters say the same, and it happened to me when I first started about a month ago: weight _gain_ the first week of intense workouts, and only a very tiny decrease the second week. But now that my muscles have adjusted, I'm showing a loss on the scale and noticing a satisfying difference in the fit of my clothes.

    It sounds like you're doing everything right and just need to be a little bit patient. "In it for life"-- love it! Good luck!!
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    Do you track progress in other ways? I have found that even though the scale hasn't budged, I still have lost inches. Earlier in my journey, I had ZERO loss for 4 weeks, but I went down a pants size during that time. Looking at your diary, I might suggest eating a higher protein breakfast. I used to only eat stuff like granola bars and cereal at breakfast and I was hungry an hour later. I switched to protein shakes and now can go almost 4 hours before I have to eat again. The one I drink is 349 calories but since you said you were switching to 1/2 and 1/2 in your coffee, that should make up the difference. I used to be addicted to coffee creamers but I started drinking it black and after awhile, I got so used to it I didn't even miss the cream. It helps if you invest in really good coffee. That's my take. Don't get too discouraged. It's normal to lose weight in spurts. Keep those spirits up! Keep in mind it takes a lot longer to lose it than to gain it (unfortunately) and you have the rest of your life to complete the journey. You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    WB55 - I am weighing on a digital scale for every meal that I eat at home.. which is about 5-6 dinners a week. Otherwise, I look up the Mcdonalds values which is the grilled chicken sandwich - no mayo. Or Sunday dinner at the inlaws... I try to eat a protein bar... and NOT eat what they make. I basically make have of a kids plate and estimate on Sunday nights.

    I guess I should be happy about the 1.6lb loss in two weeks. As, I could have gained or lost nothing at all if I wasn't trying anything. I am probably being greedy wanting quicker results.

    I'm going to cut out the sugary creamer in my coffee every morning and stick to half and half and pray that the weight melts off. As I know it will be more about my effort than my hopes.
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    You didn't gain it in a few weeks, you won't lose it in a few weeks.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    But do you know your BMR and TDEE? Weight loss isn't magic. It's science and math.

    Edit to add: All things being equal, if all you do differently is change the 40 calories you save by switching your creamer, that will translate to about 4 lbs of loss in a years time.
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    In addition, your sodium intake is way over on most days. Cut back on the salty foods, and drink over 8 glasses of water a day. Stop eating processed/fast foods and eat more lean meats, fish and leafy greens, other vegetables and fruits (although if you want to lose weight, I wouldn't eat a ton of fruit).

    Also, six tablespoons of creamer/half & half in your coffee? That's almost a 1/2 cup! A serving size is ONE tablespoon, so you may want to scale it back.
  • RagingThespian
    RagingThespian Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there - looking at your diary, I don't see you going over too much or often with your calories... so I don't think you are eating too many of those... however I don't know if maybe you want to adjust your goal to give you less calories per day. If you are going for 1 lb loss per week vs 1.5 lbs or 2 lbs per week.

    I did notice that you are eating (usually) more than double your sugar allotment. I don't know how that affects weight loss per se, but you might want to take a look at that. 6 tablespoons of creamer! :-O I am reading that right? tbsp is tablespoon.. I don't see what you are putting that into. It's good that you are cutting down to half and half, but I would still look into the amount you are using. I used to be a double cream in my coffee but now I use 1 oz 2% milk with a splash of cream. Cream in the coffee can be soooo hard to give up. :-)

    I agree that your muscles are now adjusting to the increase in activity. Muscle is more dense than fat.. and it will eventually start burning away the calories, so keep moving! :o)

    Don't be discouraged. It is a journey for sure. Keep trying - ALWAYS. Some days will be a struggle, but keep logging EVERYTHING. Keep yourself accountable. You will get there as long as you persevere!

    Happy journey!
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    .9 pounds a week sounds healthy to me, and it's moving in the right direction, so what's the problem?

  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    You didn't gain it in a few weeks, you won't lose it in a few weeks.

    I'd be friggin' ecstatic if I lost 1.8lbs in 2 weeks. Hell, I'd be happy if I had that loss over the course of a month. A loss is a loss. It's not going to happen overnight. Slowly isn't bad.

    Do what the other people are suggesting - find out your BMR and TDEE (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/). Figure out how much you should be eating. Use a food scale.
  • ceciliaruns
    ceciliaruns Posts: 41 Member
    My advise based on your diary...

    1) Eat more calories for breakfast and less at dinner. I would suggest 350, 250, 350, 250, 300 for each meal.
    2) Cut out the processed foods, and fake foods. Check the label, if you can't recognize what is in the ingredients, it's not good for you and may be causing inflammation.
    3) Add an afternoon snack
    4) Add more walking to your routine, like a 10,000 steps a day pedometer program. Pedometers are cheap and you can get them any sports store.
    5) Cut the bread carbs at dinner, example would be baked chicken, steamed mixed vegetables, and an apple and herb tea.

    Good luck!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I don't know that you're doing anything wrong. 1.8 in two weeks is great... our metabolisms change as we grow up and things are different for everyone. If you're seeing the scale go down, you're doing it right. At least it didn't go up. Just keep on your nutrition and make sure you're accounting for every little bite, lick and taste that you have.

    I did notice that your food diary shows a diet very heavy in processed foods, sodium, and sugar. You can still lose weight with all of that, it might just take a little longer? Try cutting the sodium OR the sugar (or both) and see how you do. Sometimes changing up your routine tricks your body into being a little more cooperative.
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    I used the scooby calculator for BMR and it was at 2000 calories. It said TDEE was 2500

    SO - eating 1500-1700 I believe is a healthy weight loss range.

    I agree - Way too much sodium on my part... I also need to drink more water.

    I may make the investment and get a fitbit one and keep it in my bra or clipped onto my pants. I don't want the wrist one.. bc I work in sales and don't want everyone knowing.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Wear that fit bit loud and proud, girl!! :) EVERYONE in my office (corporate) has theirs on. You actually might find it is a great conversation starter/sale maker. :)
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    It was 1.8lb loss in 4 weeks. :/
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    Relax just a little. You will be OK. This is a long and sometimes unpredictable journey. Do your best to fuel your body with the amount of food it needs. Be patient. Your idea of giving up diet soda is a wise one. I too am addicted to food and know how easy it is to give in to temptations. Just make it from moment to moment. Every time you don't put that chip or donut in your mouth is a victory :) I would be happy to be your friend and figure this out together. I am not qualified to give you nutritional or medical advice but maybe sharing food diaries can help in a subtle way :) I am close to my goal and have finally learned that the patience I lacked was a road block along the way. Hang in there!!
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    .9 pounds a week sounds healthy to me, and it's moving in the right direction, so what's the problem?


    Agree. It's going to take some time.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I used the scooby calculator for BMR and it was at 2000 calories. It said TDEE was 2500

    Definitely get the FitBit. It really can help you track your daily calorie expenditure.

    But honestly, most people on here would tell you to eat at least your BMR every day. If you put all the numbers in accurately, that should be your target for now, in my opinion. I know it sounds high, but that is the amount of calories your body needs if you laid in bed all day. It's what your body needs to pump blood and perform maintenance. If you were my sister or someone I cared about, I would URGE you to eat 2000 every day for now.

    But also, I'd run the numbers on a couple different calculators, just to be sure. Maybe try this one to see if gives you the same BMR: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I used the scooby calculator for BMR and it was at 2000 calories. It said TDEE was 2500

    SO - eating 1500-1700 I believe is a healthy weight loss range.

    I agree - Way too much sodium on my part... I also need to drink more water.

    I may make the investment and get a fitbit one and keep it in my bra or clipped onto my pants. I don't want the wrist one.. bc I work in sales and don't want everyone knowing.

    If your BMR is at 2000 calories, then THAT'S what you should be eating every day. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of calories that it takes to allow your body to function on a day by day basis if you were not moving at all. So, say you were in a coma and kept in a hospital bed, that's the number of calories your body still needs. You are cutting an additional 500 calories PER DAY from what your body needs to function. Up your calories.

    Actually, just read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
    Do what that guy says and you'll be gold.

    Also, I wear my wrist fitbit... Hardly anyone knows what it is, but when I do tell them, they think it's awesome.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    " Only lost 1.8 in 2 weeks. "

    Isnt that like complaining that you have only won a couple of hundred on the lottery?