Anyone lose 100lbs without hitting any plateau?



  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    Every single body and metabolism is different. I hit plateaus constantly. I did not have any where near 100lbs to lose, only 40 max, but I still stall out all the time. The thing is, I also maintain effortlessly. Once I reach a goal weight, I don't have to count calories or watch what I eat and I can take exercise breaks and I don't gain weight. I've never been 100lbs over weight or any where near. So, I'll take the slow, highly adaptive metabolism if it means that once I lose, I'm done stressing about it.
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    I have been doing this for 3 mo now and was doing really good and losing weight. but the last couple of weeks it just stopped and plateaued . any ideas?????

    track EVERYTHING. weigh and measure your food and don't overestimate how many calories you are burning. Plateaus are simply periods of weight maintenance, no caloric deficit. Cut calories 250-300 and see what happens after a couple of weeks

    Hmmmm.... that's not always true. Calories in/out is definitely important but it's not the only thing that determines weight loss. If you eat more/exercise less for an extended period of time, your metabolism will adjust to burn less calories, and not just because you weigh less. Keep your deficit very small, take refeed breaks, don't over do it. Go slowly!
  • ND_Figgzie
    ND_Figgzie Posts: 1,480
    I have been doing this for 3 mo now and was doing really good and losing weight. but the last couple of weeks it just stopped and plateaued . any ideas?????

    track EVERYTHING. weigh and measure your food and don't overestimate how many calories you are burning. Plateaus are simply periods of weight maintenance, no caloric deficit. Cut calories 250-300 and see what happens after a couple of weeks

    Hmmmm.... that's not always true. Calories in/out is definitely important but it's not the only thing that determines weight loss. If you eat more/exercise less for an extended period of time, your metabolism will adjust to burn less calories, and not just because you weigh less. Keep your deficit very small, take refeed breaks, don't over do it. Go slowly!

    Calories in/out IS THE ONLY THING that determines weight loss. period.
  • ND_Figgzie
    ND_Figgzie Posts: 1,480
    The Big Point… Just In Case You Missed It
    If you’re not losing weight, there’s likely a thousand different possible aspects of your diet and workout you might consider as the culprit. And of those thousand, you’d be wasting your time and energy giving a crap about 999 of them.

    Instead, the true culprit is calories and the fact that you’re either eating too many of them or not burning enough of them. Even if you think you are… you’re just not.

    If you were, you’d be losing weight.

    So before you start focusing on the hilarious garbage, meaningless nonsense, and countless myth-based excuses that most people tend to focus on as possible reasons for why they’re not losing weight, step back for a second and take a closer look at exactly how many calories you’re eating and exactly how many calories you’re burning.

    100% of the time, that’s where your problem (and solution) will be found.
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    75 pounds in 18 months...with one weight loss plateau.

    HOWEVER...during the plateau, I still lost fat inches so I was down with it. I figured I was just gaining muscle faster than I was losing weight for about 5 weeks.

    Same here. Mine was with Boxing 101. Once I entered Intermediate Boxing, the weight started dropping off again.
  • ND_Figgzie
    ND_Figgzie Posts: 1,480
    OK, what do you consider a plateau and how is it different from a "stall." We may be looking at an exercise in semantics. :tongue:

    a plateau to me is nothing more than eating at maintenance, no caloric deficit present. Stalling can and does happen but if you are eating a deficit you should see a loss within a week or two.......when people say they have "plateau-ed" or have not lost weight for a month or two, I always wonder why they didn't try to cut more calories or exercise more.......doesn't that make sense?
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    I found that all my "Plateaus" were of my own making. Meaning under estimating how strong I was getting and what I could do. When I hit those stall outs I just changed up my workouts/ stepped up the weight/reps/time etc...
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I am not down 100+ lbs, but down 50ish pounds. I started last Junish - and I do believe that I cut a plateau off before it could start.

    We had some personal issues with our family, and I kinda fell off the horse from Thanksgiving until 3 weeks ago. Strange enough - I only gained 3 pounds back in that time period (I fluxuated the entire time, but that was the actual amount from Thanksgiving to 3 weeks ago).

    I have seen that is when a plateau can hit folks - that time period and with the weight I lost. I feel I cut it off because my life was in such an upheavel - I wasn't exercising, but was going non-stop. I wasn't logging or eating as well, but I was still keeping in mind portion control. I think my body was doing the "What the Hell" thing?

    And now that I am back at it - it is going along for the ride again!
  • thylordclifford
    thylordclifford Posts: 17 Member
    I dumped 26lbs and stuck on current weight for a week. But metabolic syndrome runs in family so.. trying to work around it. A year ago I was determined and was burning 3,000 cal. a day with intense exercise and 2,500 cal intake. I couldn't get below 238 for months of trying
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    I've lost a total of 95 pounds and only hitting a plateau (weight) twice. But, during this "plateau", the number on the scale remained constant and I was losing INCHES. So, I was making good progress -- it just wasn't reflected with a number. Either way, both times only lasted about 3 weeks.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Inspiring for those of us still on the journey of losing. In.