10K – what to eat?



  • I had a nice italian lunch a day before and some chicken & rice with veggies for dinner. On the race morning I woke up at 4:45am and prepared some oatmeal porrige and had lots of water and herbal tea.

    The race started at 7:15am - it was all fine and the weather was perfect. I finished at 1:18 - my goal was do to that under 1:30; had to walk as well since I had some pain in my left knee after 6kms.

    They had plenty of water available and after the race I had also lots of water + nice breakfast. In total burned around 1300 calories.

    Very good experience and looking forward for the next 10K race and really want to improve my time!!!
  • pcawlgrl
    pcawlgrl Posts: 1 Member
    Just wanted to say Congratulations -
    Note to some of the people posting - please don't be so dismissive of 10k runs. Us 'new runners' know that it's not exactly an Iron Man competition but it's a massive challenge to someone who hasn't been running long and should be qualfied as a huge achievement. Please try to be more supportive - I read some comments and thought I'm glad I didn't post here. I've never been fit or a runner and commited to a 10k run. I started going out 8 weeks ago and the first time I ran 3k straight I was so proud of myself - it really meant loads to me that friends that were proper runners (marathon addicts) still recognised that for me that was a good achievement and congratulated and encouraged me - it's because of them I'm ready for my 10k on Sunday - if I'd had friends going 'what - 3k - its nothing' I'm not sure I would've continued!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What I should eat the night before and then in the morning before the race?

    As upthread, stick with what you know. If you're used to running on oatmeal, then that's what to have. What other alternatives do you have for breakfast?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Very good experience and looking forward for the next 10K race and really want to improve my time!!!

    Missed the dates on this, well done
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Second for bananas and natural peanut butter!