Anybody sick of the winter, the cold and the snow?



  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Over done with it! And we are supposed to get more snow this weekend - YUCK (Nebraska)
  • Brelynn
    Brelynn Posts: 105 Member's -40 with the wind chill today.....UGH!
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    We are supposed to get another foot this weekend and I'm already sick over it. I can't take this anymore!!!!!! I feel like I haven't seen grass in MONTHS and I'm over winter. I need to move to California.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Nah, I think it's just you. Everyone else is having a grand old time.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    The other day I put three kids in and out of snow suits 5 times each, and that was my winter breaking point.
    That and frozen dog walks , killing me.

    Lol that just reminded me of "A Christmas Story". Poor randy and that winter suit! Would not be able to deal. Taking the dog out is the worst. I wish he used a litter box lol
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I just saw that in Duluth, Minnesota, they have had 64 consecutive days with a temperature below zero. Poor guys.
    Me? I am in California. We had a few 70 degree F days this past week. Course, we are thirsty. REAL thirsty.

    Boooooo You Suck!!!! LOL Just kidding! I am hatin! :laugh:
  • I love snow. Get some cross country skis and have a ball! If you really want to get crazy put some 5 pound ankle weights on your wrists. Beats running.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    I love snow. Get some cross country skis and have a ball! If you really want to get crazy put some 5 pound ankle weights on your wrists. Beats running.

    I would if it wasn't -25, windy, and icy.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I just saw that in Duluth, Minnesota, they have had 64 consecutive days with a temperature below zero. Poor guys.
    Me? I am in California. We had a few 70 degree F days this past week. Course, we are thirsty. REAL thirsty.

    yep....this is me. Second coldest winter since 1874...I read it in the news today. The cold hit just as I was finally starting to get into an outdoor running groove. Time for some warm(er) weather.

    I normally love winter. I love to downhill ski, winter hike...but not when there is a wind chill and negative degrees.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm sick of being cold since I lost most of my insulation.

    This winter has been brutal and record breaking. And another round of snow and ice coming this weekend. I've think I've lost over 3 lbs shoveling snow this winter. So maybe there is a small plus side. Nah, bring on some spring.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Sweet jesus yes. Even worse my heat went out a few days ago in my apartment and no one's fixed it yet. 12 degrees outside and no heat? SMFH

    It was 60 a week ago! I'm really pissed at that groundhog...
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 81 Member

    Would love to see a bit of snow but just very, very wet and windy here in the UK - worst rainfall on record.
    Spring around the corner so hoping for a day (just one) without rain!:laugh:
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I generally hate hot weather, especially humidity. Right now I am dreaming of an August day. That's how bad it is.

    My area is expecting another 6-12 inches on Sunday night into Monday and we've had 5+ storms that resulted in accumulation in the past 5 weeks. Stop, stop the madness.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I'm from Indiana and absolutely despise everything to do with snow and cold weather, which is why I moved to Florida (and Texas for 15 years before that). I realize not everybody can pack up and move or may not want to but I don't miss typical Winter weather at all.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    I love snow...
    I love Ice...
    For some strange reason I love inclement weather...


    I run at 4:30 in the morning, obviously in the dark. I am getting a tad worn out.

    I have run probably 15 times below 10 degrees (sucks).
    And I have run 3 times below 0 degrees (really sucks!-Ralphie!!!)
    I have wiped out at least 4 times where was running along totally fine and then all of a sudden I am on my back looking at the stars. Though lovely, I prefer the ability to "choose" when I look at them.

    The muscles and joints don't want to warm up, and even if they do they don't stay that way for long. Any breeze when it is below 0 wipes all thoughts of insulation clean out of memory.

    So why continue with this crap?

    Guess I just made a choice:)
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member

    Would love to see a bit of snow but just very, very wet and windy here in the UK - worst rainfall on record.
    Spring around the corner so hoping for a day (just one) without rain!:laugh:
    I've been following this there has been some insanely nasty weather in the south just crazy, and I here from friends in the north the winds have been nuts. sounds a lot worse than the 1 winter i spent in London (which was dreary and damp enough thanks)
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    YES!!!! well.. no snow here.. but sick of the cold:)
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    -21 here in ontarioland. Im so over it.
  • I took a break from the winter and just got back from more tropical weather a week ago (don't hate) feels like a year already with all the below zero days we've had since here in Toronto, ON. Today's high is -29. My tan is fading quickly...................:sad:
  • CrystalQ222
    CrystalQ222 Posts: 63 Member
    No snow here but I'm hating this heat already. It's been up to 91 degrees already and it's not even summer yet. We get up to 120 here. Bleh....I hate the heat