cold feet

bynsky Posts: 15,837 Member
No, I'm not scared of something, I literally have COLD FEET! brrrr...

Since losing my weight, I've noticed that I get cold easier. This makes sense, I've lost that fatty layer of insulation on my body. No big deal. However, at night my feet are SO cold it's like they are wrapped in an ice cube! I put ankle socks on, have an extra layer of blankets at the bottom of my bed, but nothing seems to help. Sometimes it's bad enough that it keeps me awake. About the only thing that helps is using my hubby's body heat once he's in bed, but that isn't a good solution as putting my frozen feet on his warm legs doesn't let him stay asleep either....

Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions?


  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Me me me!
    I ALWAYS have cold feet and hands......over the weekend, I had on a pair of sweater tights, socks over that AND doc martens, and my toes still hurt.......
    and my hands......sometimes they are so cold its painful......
    I really don't have any suggestions, when I am at work, I normally have hot tea to keep my hands warm, and I always have my toes in the radiator at home.....
    maybe I just don't have enough blood.....sigh...............
  • juberry
    juberry Posts: 28 Member
    can you get a pair of those fuzzy socks that are in stores around now? they are very nice and soft and warm.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    My best friend's mom adds vinegar into her diet during the winter- says it helps circulation. But I'll be honest with you, I have no idea whether there is anyhting at all to that.

    My feet are always cold at night, its what I keep boyfriend and the cat around for...damn they are useful :laugh: But seriously, maybe kick your feet or do something active with your legs for like a minute before you go to bed?

    One other thing I've noticed (sort of related) is that when I take the subway (ie sit on hard surfaces) my butt hurts, like a lot!

    That's my spazztic morning addition to your question. This is why you shouldn't ask things until after I've had my coffee- I'll answer you in a non-coherent manner (as you can see above).
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I get cold feet all the time! A hot shower actually does wonders, but when that's not possible, tea and other hot drinks seem to help, and I also make sure that I keep warm, insulated socks on from the time I get up to the time I get into bed. Hope some of this helps!
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    I know how you feel! The only thing I have found that really helps is taking a really hot shower before bed. Then I throw on my warmest PJs and some toasty socks and hop in bed. Usually that keeps me warm enough to fall asleep at least! Good luck! :)
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    My daughter, for some reason, probably circulatory, always has cold feet. So she asked for these for Christmas (and I got them for her).

    They look super cool. I might have to order myself some too! Just microwave them for 1 1/2 minutes and slip them on.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    me too!! I'm cold ALL the time now that it's winter... I just bundle up. I find putting socks on my already cold feet just keeps them cold. If I can warm then first and put on THICK socks it'll keep them warm. Just a bit of science... your extremities get cold first because your body is working to keep the more important bits of you warm first. So make sure you're wearing warm stuff on your body too. I know the hubs will think the thick flannel pjs and a sweatshirt are SUPER sexy but hey cold feets are definately not sexy... especially on his warm legs at 3am. :bigsmile: At work I'm constantly freezing so I picked up some really cute fingerless gloves to wear when my hands get so cold it hurts to type. I know mine in part has to do with low blood pressure so if I get up and walk around (run down to the warehouse and back) that will work to keep me warm as well.

    Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I have the same problem, except that the rest of me is cold all day, too! My hands are practically yellow! Then at night, my feet kick in.... I have used a heating pad under the bottom sheet before, on low so it doesn't get too hot. I also keep a wool blanket over the bottom part of the bed to help keep the foot-heat in. (Obviously, you have to watch out for the medical side - diabetes, etc.- when using a heating pad.)
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Okay, I've never tried these but my friend swears by them and she's nagging me to tell you about them. They are battery powered socks that heat your feet.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I've had cold feet since I was a child. My DH says he knows I'm sick when my feet are warm. I also have what he calls a frozen turkey butt. As in it feels like he is cuddling with a frozen turkey when we spoon. We've been together for 10 years now and he's pretty much just had to get use to it. Now he can't sleep without feeling my cold parts sucking off his body heat. But, I have found that Nikken makes a pair of the warmest socks on the planet. I've worn them every winter for about 7 years now and my feet actually stay warm when I'm out and about throughout the day. I bought the ones I have at a gym where I worked back then and have no idea where to get them now, but you might try looking for their website. They are expensive, but good quality as is evidenced by the fact that I haven't had to replace them in 7 years.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The funny thing is - they don't FEEL cold until about a half an hour to an hour after I've been in bed. :grumble:

    That definitely sounds like a circulation issue. If I were you I'd have a doctor check you out since poor circulation in the feet is a symptom of some serious problems like diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, etc.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Make a rice sock!!! Get an old (clean) athletic sock, fill it with rice, and tie a knot on the end. Then just throw it in the microwave for a couple minutes, and it stays warm a long time! When it gets cold, just microwave it again!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Ah, the problems we have once we lose weight!

    You're already doing all the right things to keep heat IN. Maybe you need a way of generating heat. How about trying a hot water bottle (you can even get some cute knitted covers for them so you aren't up against rubber) or a heating pad on your mattress? I personally would prefer the hot water bottle (since I don't need to worry about a fire starting in the middle of the night). Perhaps even an electric blanket would help.
  • audiophile
    I get this too! It got so bad that I couldn't feel my limbs and got painful swellings in my fingers. I went to the doctor and they gave me some pills to take 3 times a day (I have bad circulation, you see. My hands go purple, blue and orange.)

    If I were you, I'd go to the doctors just in case :)
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    EASY CHEAP SOLUTION to cold feet: Make a "corn bag." Take some 100% cotton fabric (I use flannel); make your basic rectangle, stuff it with feed corn (whole feed corn. Not popcorn. Go to a feed store and get a couple pounds of it, should only be a couple bucks). Sew up the last end after filling it. Microwave it for a few minutes (depends on size of bag you make), and it stays hot for hours. I heat up two corn bags every night; one for my feet, one for my upper body. Better than an electric blanket. I've made some for friends and family (they are TERRIFIC Christmas gifts), and they are in high demand!

    If you want to make a bunch of them, buy the large bags of feed corn at WalMart. Those bags tend to have cleaner corn than the bulk corn you generally find at feed stores. Again, whole corn, not cracked corn.