How do you do it???????????



  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Calorie deficit
    quit eating crap
    stay away from most restaurants and, if I do go, make good decisions
    lifestyle change - from chicken wings to chicken breast (etc.)

    I lost 75 pounds in 18 months and kept it off for 2 years. Decided to go 10 more about 2 weeks ago.

    basically diet and exercise...not sure if it will ever catch on.
  • JMel86
    JMel86 Posts: 124 Member
    basically diet and exercise...not sure if it will ever catch on.

    ^^ That's just crazy talk! There has to be a magic pill or shake or something!
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I lost 100 lbs in 1 year, and have maintained that loss for approximately 5 years with the exception of recent 25 lb weight gain due to a medication that I quit right away due to that side effect.

    I lost approximately 8 lbs per month/2 lbs per week.

    I'm vegetarian now, BUT when I lost the initial weight I wasn't so this is what I did:

    -In college I started getting up every morning at 5:30am to be at my campus gym from 6am-7:30am. I'd do that every day Monday to Friday BEFORE classes. By having ti done first thing, I had it overwith for the day and no excuses could take away my chances to workout at a later time if unexpected things came up in the afternoon. I worked evenings, so this HAD to be a priority and took a ton of dedication. After a while I grew to LOVE that "me" time early in the morning. To this day, it's my favorite time to workout, despite doing shift work.

    In addition to this, I ate 1500-1800 calories per day, depending on my body's natural hunger cues. I made sure that was mainly fruits, veggies, lean protein (protein shakes, chicken breast, egg whites), and small amounts of brown rice, quinoa, and other whole grains but with more focus on the vegetables. I also ate a lot of cottage cheese with fruit back then.

    It's a long journey but it's very possible if you're dedicated. Dedication and self discipline is key. I say this because we aren't motivated every day, but self discipline teaches us to do what we KNOW needs to be done, even when we don't feel like doing it.

    The reward in return is SO worth it. You begin to feel amazing physically and emotionally. It becomes a way of life. 5 years later and I still workout, and I FEEL the difference when I skip a few workouts. I just feel so much better overall when I stick to it! It's a true lifestyle change that needs to happen. I wish you the best of luck on your own journey! ♥
  • dieter1200
    dieter1200 Posts: 56 Member
    I have lost 47 lbs in 8.5 months. I like to net between 1200 to 1500 calories. 1 thing I noticed on your food diary u have 6 oz. of chicken fried with skin on at 160 calories that seems 2 low unless u r taking the skin off.
  • jao2205
    jao2205 Posts: 2