Any Optifast users out there?



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hi everyone, Just started optifast today on optifast 800 so far I'm
    ...because it's a starvation diet.
  • lighterlemur
    Hi I have been doing Optifast for 4.5 weeks but I am in Australia on the program is different with vegetables as part of the program from the start.

    So far I have lost 8.1 kilos (? pounds)

    I know many are critical (I used to be one myself) but this is the only eating plan that has actually worked for me. I am insulin resistant and I want to avoid taking medication or developing diabetes.

    Within a week my blood glucose had dropped into the normal range and I have less pain in my knee. My waist (the area that really worries me) has reduced by 6 cms. I have gone back to the gym and am increasing my walking. People are remarking on how well I look. I feel really energetic.

    The hardest bit is juggling it with my family (two small children)

    I have been reading the recent research on VLCD and it is very interesting.

    I am not concerned about weight gain at the other end. I have been eating well and maintaining for years. I just cant get the weight to shift. No combination of food or exercise resulted in a weight loss more than about 4 kilos. It was very frustrating! My family all look gorgeous on our food except me :o(
  • rickgetfit
    rickgetfit Posts: 5 Member
    I agree it's not for everyone and everyone needs to find what works best for them. There's no one size fits all in weight loss. For me simply limiting calories wasn't working. I found that I failed when I tried to limit servings of high fat, sugar or starchy foods. These had to go away for awhile and I needed help.

    I've been on a supervised Optifast program for 15 weeks and am down 50 lbs. The structure, nutrition and group accountability have freed me from my cravings and kept me motivated to keep going. I battled some sugar 'withdrawl' for the first week, but after that have felt good. Early on I did some experimenting with timing and tried the high protein version and after about 4 weeks found what really worked for me.

    I've just transitioned to 1 meal a day and in another 16 weeks plan to be off the Optifast, but will continue with the medical supervision and group setting. By then I WILL be down 100 lbs and 2/3 to my final goal.

    All the best!
  • binger720
    binger720 Posts: 3 Member
    I have read on here about a lot of people being part of a group program. I am doing mine through my general practitioners office and they haven't offered that to me...I am definetly going to ask sounds like it really helps many of you. I am on day two and feeling ok...think I'm getting a cold so I am sure that will make it harder. I am so glad this forum is available it has been great reading all the success stories and the issues others are going through. I am open to any positive help or advice. I am on optifast 800 and they have me doing 3 shakes a soup and a bar a day. I have 100 lbs to lose and really hope this helps me get a jump on my weight loss. It feels so defeating already knowing I need to lose so much.
  • ChicagoPapaBob
    I am approaching 60 years old and have been working with the Center for Health and Nutrition in Westmont/Oak Brook, IL using the Optifast program since October 28, 2013. To date, 17 plus weeks into the program (plus an additional 7 pound weight loss from September 15 through October 28, 2013 on my own), (1) I have lost a total of 96 pounds, (2) I have cured myself of sleep apnea (and no longer use a CPAP machine), (3) my Lipitor and pulse regulation medication (for a very treatable A-Fib irregular heartbeat issue) have been cut in half, (4) I am no longer classified as pre-diabetic, obese or even overweight based on my new BMI, and my laboratory/bloodwork results are completely within normal limits across the board, (5) my blood pressure is now typically 105-110 over 62-70, (6) I no longer lose my breath or sweat profusively when playing with my four grandchildren, walking the dog or working around the house, (7) exercise is fun and painfree again, (8) I sleep well and wake up early each morning with energy, gratitude and optimism, and (9) I am getting close to my goal of achieving my age 30 weight by age 60 on April 3rd (8 pounds to go). In sum, my medical/nutrtional team and Optifast have provided me with the reset opportunity of a lifetime. And most importantly, I feel fantastic, and am really enjoying restocking my wardrobe. My wife of 40 years as of December 7th and I are going to celebrate this next phase of our lives, and our 60th birthdays, with a two week trip to Ireland in May.
  • binger720
    binger720 Posts: 3 Member
    That is absolutely amazing!!! Congrats!!
  • ChicagoPapaBob
    Believe me - I decided to make the post today because (1) I just discovered the Board, and am inspired by much of what I read, and to let people know that (2) if I can do this, happily and enjoyably, anyone taking the time to read this post can do it as well. I have struggled with weight much of my adult life, and have tried numerous other well known programs that are very successful for some, but just not for me.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Curious if anyone on this diet plans on doing it for the rest of their lives, and if not, what is the plan after?
  • lighterlemur
    Hi dpearson2012 I am speaking from an Australian perspective so not sure how it works in the US.

    I am not sure if you have actually looked at the plan at all?

    It has a number of phases.

    1. 3 meal replacements plus heaps of water plus 2-4 cups of non starch vegetables and oil. Plus exercise.
    2. Gradually replace each meal replacement with meals largely consisting of protein, low starch vegetables, fruit and some dairy.
    3. Find new equilibrium in terms of what your new sized body needs in terms of calories and what carbs it can tolerate without gaining weight.

    Most people are doing it under the guidance of a doctor plus dietician plus psychologist. It is designed for people who are obese.

    The plan is not to stay on Optifast products for life.

  • wings707
    wings707 Posts: 5
    I am starting optifast today. I did it way back when Oprah did. I lost 40 pounds and kept it off for a long time. I am doing this again. It works well. I am new to this board so I have no clue if you can email me or not. If you can feel free to do so.
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    I have just finished my 6th week of Optifast (on 7 products/day) and am down 24 lbs! For a 52 year old sedentary woman I think that's pretty good :) I've started exercising (walking or stationary bike) a few times a week and will work up to 6 times/week. Our doctors say that if you exercise 30 minutes/day during the weight loss phase your metabolism will not be shot -- they can help us tweek it to get it revving again within a few months -- otherwise there is a 6 year lag -- this is why so many people gain the weight back. It's very interesting --- they are looking at all the most recent, cutting edge research. It is definitely motivating me to do the walking!
  • ChicagoPapaBob
    The beauty about a medically supervised Optifast plan is that while Optifast does the work, and the physician makes sure that you are not hurting yourself while you lose a substantial amount of weight, your job is to attend weekly meetings, receive and digest a significant amount of information about living a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life. This involves a well rounded look at what is necessary to be healthy and succeed in terms of nutrtion, portion control, exercise and mindfulness about the choices you make on a daily basis. In addition, quite frankly, as with any "ism"...whether your demon is over- or poor-eating habits and weight issues, alcoholism, drug, gambling or other addition, chronic illness or some form of mental disorder, you are well served, I believe, by engaging in some self-reflection and personal care, whether that involves yoga or meditation, a course in mindfulness study, addiction treatment, or personal therapy/counseling. After all, after you peel away the layers of the onion and "feel" better (symptomatically), wouldn't it be great to attack the root of our problems and truly "get" better. Good luck to you, and all of us as we try to be the best we can be for ourselves, and for others.
  • taylorcomiskey5
    just started optifast today. if anyone could message me and help me with goal setting/motivation, it would be greatly appreciated!
  • wings707
    wings707 Posts: 5
    I read people saying they are on optifast 800, some say 60 or 70. What do these numbers mean? My optifast packets do not have a number on them. I intend to take 4 a day to have 640 calories.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I read people saying they are on optifast 800, some say 60 or 70. What do these numbers mean? My optifast packets do not have a number on them. I intend to take 4 a day to have 640 calories.
    it all stands for VLCD.
  • PHF58
    PHF58 Posts: 23 Member
    VLCD? Could you translate that acronym?

    I am only aware of Optifast 800 which refers to 800 cal/day....not sure where you see the 60, 70 references- maybe those are the pounds people want to lose?

    also I thank poster -llghterlemur- for summarizing the program so succinctly :) The post was on 2/27/14
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    VLCD? Could you translate that acronym?

    I am only aware of Optifast 800 which refers to 800 cal/day....not sure where you see the 60, 70 references- maybe those are the pounds people want to lose?

    also I thank poster -llghterlemur- for summarizing the program so succinctly :) The post was on 2/27/14
    vlcd = very low calorie diet. Something that is generally frowned upon.
  • lauriebeakley1
    I'm sure that Optifast & Medifast are 2 diffferent things but Medifast sent me to the emergency room. It was not safe or healthy for me. Just sharing my experience. This was how I found out that I had an intolerance to soy & Medifast is soy based. I can take soy in small doses but this is ALL soy. Be careful when dealing with things like this. You are better off eating real food & learning how to eat instead of doing this type of "diet". I found out the hard way & would never want anyone else. to.
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    You are my hero, Bob!!!!! Awesome!
  • tracy2beme
    tracy2beme Posts: 7 Member
    Out of curiosity, would any of those original supporters/posters in this thread from a year ago or six months ago come back and say how they are doing today? It seems a lot of them just kind of disappeared. It's hard to compare long term results and sustainability between the ones who lost 20 or 30 pounds rapidly and then disappeared to someone who's lost over 150 pounds through real lifestyle changes.