Anyone out there struggling to lose the last 10-15 pounds?



  • huck23
    huck23 Posts: 116 Member
    I share your pain
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I am in line with all of you, as I have about 10-15 pounds to lose. I just joined MFP to help me with my calories, as I never really counted or monitored what I ate. So far I am down 3 lbs but nothing lost this week (had a bad weekend), I find that most of it is not your calories but your workouts. I find you have to change up your workout or push yourself beyond where you currently were to see the results you once had. Your body plateaus on the workout, so you have to change it up slightly and push yourself harder to see changes. Personally, I have been starting to do double workouts (hour at lunch and 30 minutes just before dinner) to keep my body moving to see results. Hopefully, that helps you out. Feel free to add me as a friend so I can help if required.
    Thank you! I did switch up my workouts thinking it may be that. I started doing zumba.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Yep! I have about 7 more pounds I would like to drop and the scale is starting to stall. That's just the way it goes, because the first part of my weight loss was fairly easy and the weight was dropping quickly. I just need to up my calories a tiny bit (which feels so wrong!) and get some exercise. I've been eating really well but not exercising for days due to being sick (and being at home with sick 2 year old instead of being at the gym right now) so I'm going to work out at home tonight.
    It does get rough when you have kids...I have 2 myself. Good luck to you!
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I'm with ya. I've tried playing with my TDEE so much I don't know what to eat anymore. Even my measurements aren't changing.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    It takes hard work and dedication. Props!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    It takes hard work and dedication. Props!
    Congrats on your loss!! I do have that, just not the patience to go with it. :wink:
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    HIyah yes last bit to lose is taking a long time. I calculate by around July if i am strict with my calorie intake. What I have noticed that you need to be more careful with your totals otherwise you do not lose a thing not like before. I am trying to up my exercise levels to at least 30 mins a day so I can eat back some of those calories. Add me as a friend if you like. Good luck. x
  • hayzychick
    hayzychick Posts: 14 Member
    I have 10lbs to go and i know how you feel its so frustrating as you think it would be easy to loose the weight.
    My only tip is not to put a time goal on it, that way you'll be more frustrated if you dont hit that goal.
    I've tried lowering my calorie goal but that didnt help so i am now just exercising more (running 3 times a week and gym) but i am worried i am then going to gain weight due to muscle...

    But i'm happy i've lost over 2.5 stone now and just the annoying 10lbs to go ...

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  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    I've been trying to lose my last 15 for 8 months, it's very frustrating isn't it? Changing it up a bit seemed to help get things moving again, slowly, but at least the trend is downwards. I'm about sick of the "oh you don't need to lose anymore weight" thing I keep getting from friends... especially ones who haven't seen me in my skivvies!! Just don't give up, it will happen with some tweeking! I highly suggest IPOARM. Eating MORE not less! Good luck!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    me too. i got down to my 10lbs to go mark and then had some circumstances bring me back up and now i'm back to needing to lose 12lbs. been trying to lose this last 20 forever
  • gale1089
    gale1089 Posts: 67
    I've been trying to lose the 'last 5 lbs' for forever. It doesn't even really matter anymore i suppose.
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    I have 10lbs to go and i know how you feel its so frustrating as you think it would be easy to loose the weight.
    My only tip is not to put a time goal on it, that way you'll be more frustrated if you dont hit that goal.
    I've tried lowering my calorie goal but that didnt help so i am now just exercising more (running 3 times a week and gym) but i am worried i am then going to gain weight due to muscle...

    But i'm happy i've lost over 2.5 stone now and just the annoying 10lbs to go ...

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    It's physically impossible for you to gain muscle by eating at a deficit and only doing cardio. Trying UPPING your calories and doing more strength training.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    yup i'm on my last 14lbs. a snail crawls faster than my weight loss
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just wondering... do you weigh all your food? With a small deficit, it's very easy to underestimate how much you eat and to end up with no deficit at all. And obviously it depends on how aggressive your goal is. I'm 7 lbs from my goal and I only lost 1 lb this month but I was way over my TDEE 5 times. Still managed to lose a pound because my goal is pretty low I guess (but not too low... 1600, and I try to be active one hour at a day at least). But my goal isn't very aggressive, I'll be happy with 22% body fat or something.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I need to lose these last 10 pounds. It has slowed down considerably right now, but also because i have become too relaxed about it. If i eat at a very small deficit, exercise well and eat back all exercise calories, i lose weight just about right- 2 pounds per month.
    But i have become very relaxed right now and most of the times i end up eating at maintenance- so as long as i am not gaining, i do not get bothered. Just try to get in enough protein(which is a struggle for me) and keep active!
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    8lbs left and struggling
  • 33dimples
    33dimples Posts: 3 Member
    Jagerlewis I feel your pain. I'm struggling to lose the addition 12-15 lbs at age 54. I started in Nov 2013 on my own and an total of 15lbs thus far. I found if you increase your water to 1/2 your body weight, eliminate sodas anything that makes you retain fluid works. I agree with the others to additional cardio and weight training on alternate days will take off more. Sometimes though your body frame just does not allow you to weigh less. At some point you should focus on inches lost and not the pounds. The scale deceiving and mean to us!!! Hang in there as long as you feel and look good.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    me too. i got down to my 10lbs to go mark and then had some circumstances bring me back up and now i'm back to needing to lose 12lbs. been trying to lose this last 20 forever
    Congrats on your awesome loss!!!!!!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Just wondering... do you weigh all your food? With a small deficit, it's very easy to underestimate how much you eat and to end up with no deficit at all. And obviously it depends on how aggressive your goal is. I'm 7 lbs from my goal and I only lost 1 lb this month but I was way over my TDEE 5 times. Still managed to lose a pound because my goal is pretty low I guess (but not too low... 1600, and I try to be active one hour at a day at least). But my goal isn't very aggressive, I'll be happy with 22% body fat or something.
    I don't completely understand the TDEE I eat under that?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hiyah you can use this website to work out your TDEE. Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
    You answer a few questions and it will tell you how much to eat to lose or maintain weight. The last few months where I was not losing a thing was because was eating at maintenance.