Embarrassed to work out?

Is anyone else embarrassed to work out? I can't afford the Gym and I feel as though I will be judged if I try to learn how to run/jog/bike on the streets, panting and just generally looking like a knob. So I was thinking of doing blogilaties beginners work out calender to try and get in some shape before taking to the streets but I'm petrified of exercising in front of my partner, I don't even want him in the house while I'm doing it, but he just wont leave me be.

How do I overcome my insecurity and just do it? Because this journey is more about losing body fat than weight and that's only going to happen with moving my but.


  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Honestly, no one is going to care but you :)
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Take a leap and just go for it. The confidence will come once you start putting in some gym effort. :) You totally can do this!
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    You aren't working out for other people so who cares what THEY think :)

    If you don't start somewhere, you will be no where.
  • krystal_black
    I feel the same way most days. I am so self concious. I find that because of this i work out better at home. So i took the money for a gym membership and bout workout gear for myself to use at home.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    do it early in the morning - chances are he would rather stay in bed than get up to watch you work out ;)
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I run on the streets. in my mind, I'm like a gazelle. in reality, I'm that rhino at the back of the stampede on Jumangi. ;) but, at 5:30am, there aren't too many people out to judge me, and I just let my inner rhino-gazelle go. :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Nobody will even care. You should not care what people think anyway,as at least your working out and trying to be healthy.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    A few thoughts from an older and wiser person!

    1. Try your best to stop worrying about what other people think about you. Dropping this fear will help you in a lot of ways, trust me.
    2. Most people don't pay nearly as much attention to other people as you think they do.
    3. You probably would not look nearly as bad as you think you will. You might even look good!
    4. Judging from your photo, you look pretty good as it is.
    5. Try to find an area where there a number of other joggers and cyclists. Not being the only one might make you less self conscious. Also, seeing other people can be inspirational-- you might see someone whose level of fitness you could aspire to. And you might even see a few people look up at you.
  • PlayBall5
    PlayBall5 Posts: 125
    I agree with what everyone abve this post said. I was in the exact same boat as you two months ago. I was very embarresed and hated going. I was able to overcome it however and was able to lose 26lbs in two months. Feel free to message me and I can tell you what I did to overcome this fear. Now when I go to the gym and see new people come through the doors, I really think it is cool and am happy for them. I bet people will think the same about you. I had great advice from others on how to overcome this fear and embarrasment and would love to share with others. Feel free to add me as a friend or just send me a message.
  • misswoo999
    You are not alone i am just the same but i go walking on my own even if just 2 the end of the street and back i have a stepper and did a normal day then make sure i double it at least all the time now then i will build up to 3 times etc no one looks twice at some one walking i am now down 2 stone when i have lost more i hope i be brave enough to do more a gym or some thing good luck
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Is anyone else embarrassed to work out? I can't afford the Gym and I feel as though I will be judged if I try to learn how to run/jog/bike on the streets, panting and just generally looking like a knob. So I was thinking of doing blogilaties beginners work out calender to try and get in some shape before taking to the streets but I'm petrified of exercising in front of my partner, I don't even want him in the house while I'm doing it, but he just wont leave me be.

    How do I overcome my insecurity and just do it? Because this journey is more about losing body fat than weight and that's only going to happen with moving my but.

    I understand...oh yes...I do.

    I made a decision though...I am going to do the C25K program. I started today...in the house...my excuse...bitterly cold outside! LOL I made it through day 1 jogging in the house...I wondered however if I could actually make myself do it outside. So...I took the trash out...jogged all the way to the dumpster and back...well...most of the way! You know what...I didn't care if my neighbors saw me or not...so...I think I am good to go as soon as it gets warm enough.

    BTW...I am 61...haven't run in...lets see...years...decades...who knows??? I am sure that I looked ridiculous...I don't care...I just want to be able to say that I can run again.
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    I felt the same when i started doing C25K. I used to wear a cap, that made me feel a little better. Honestly, the only people who ever even looked at me were other runners giving me a nod hello. I understand totally how you feel because I felt the same way but please believe me you can go out and exercise and nobody will give you a second thought.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Speaking from experience chances are he'll enjoy watching you work out
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I just joined a gym after ten years away. It's not the perfect environment that I would have chosen for myself but it's close to home and has great equipment. I thought I would be a basket case there, but I'm much less self conscious than I thought I would be. I know for a fact that if I keep going I'll be confident and feel like I own the place in less than a month.
  • deviant_illusion
    deviant_illusion Posts: 32 Member
    I have always avoided lifting weights because I didn't want to look like an idiot. I have been lifting with a personal trainer twice a week for a month now and feel comfortable doing it on my own now that I know what I'm doing.

    Maybe just learning how to do the exercises will help you feel better about doing them in front of people. Youtube is great for learning
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Who cares what anyone thinks! You are doing it, and thats AMAZING! Always tell yourself that. While most people are drvining in their cars (and probably the most excercise they get is walking in the parking lot) you are busting your *kitten*, and that should be celebrated!!!
  • LisaP0921
    LisaP0921 Posts: 34 Member
    A friend of mine sent me this article the other day and I found the message very powerful!

    "How to Stop Giving a F What People Think" - http://lifehacker.com/how-to-stop-giving-a-f-ck-what-people-think-1530784365
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    yes I feel embarrassed too! I´d like to join an aerobic group but i´m absolutly uncoordinated! so I work out at home in front of fatburn youtube videos!

    I go running on the treadmill at the gym. I do not feel comfy enaugh to go out jogging yet. But I will start doing it in 2 weeks.

    How to overcome it.... just know: you are not alone with your feelings. just go outside and do it and be proud of yourself I guess :flowerforyou:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You just have to do it. I do Wii Fit routines for exercise. My husband is in the room and he doesn't really pay attention unless he's in a cheeky mood and wants to make me mess up a yoga stance(such a jerk lol). Just make the time, do it and get in the habit. Nothing to be embarrassed about!