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BED (binge eating disorder) friends


I have been a member on here for a good bit but haven't had much success as I've been intermittent. I have suffered with BED for the last 15 years and have only recently sought help. I am looking for people who suffer with this or who have successfully come out the other side to add as friends. I already have some awesome friends on here but I'd love some new ones.




  • Good luck to you in you quest for healthy eating.

    I don't know if I have an official disorder, but I binge eat after 9 p.m. I try not to, but it is so hard to keep it up day in and day out.

    Maybe we can help each other just by knowing others struggle with this issue?
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Hi. I am suffering from this at the moment. Please add me and hopefully we can help support each other.
  • missvincent23
    missvincent23 Posts: 25 Member
    im exactly the same. im an emotional eater too. xx
  • AstorMiles
    AstorMiles Posts: 88 Member
    Hello there,

    I have not been diagnosed but I think I may have some issues with emotional overeating - would love to connect with you and others who replied to your post. On that note, I also am a sleep-eater. I began eating in my sleep when I was a teenager, and I continue to this day (I am 35 now). Sometimes I don't remember and only realize I did it because of dirty dishes left by my bed; however, most of the time, I am in a state of barely-there consciousness and I can vaguely remember eating the following morning. My doctor sent me to a sleep specialist who was fascinated by this, but nobody has been able to help thus far. Does anyone have a similar story?

    Take care,

  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi I haven't been diagnosed but my family think iv got a problem binge eating then getting rid of so you are not alone
    Feel free to add me
  • pMauzeh
    pMauzeh Posts: 16 Member

    for the past three years or so I binged when I was sad, happy, celebrating, tired, any excuse really. Since I became Vegan i have kicked the addiction and am on my way to losing all the weight I put on and feel happier than i ever did after a binge, feel free to add me up and Ill help support you as best I can :) xxx
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Now this is my sort of post, in for fellow addicts :) I'm happy to be added, just throw me a request and boooooom you're in the crazy gang
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I feel like I could sometimes show the signs of this kind of disorder. I can eat 2,000 calories in a single sitting on my worst days. Even as a child I sometimes alarmed my parents and family with how much I can eat in a single meal.

    When I eat bad foods, I can easily eat beyond 1,300 calories in the space of an hour. I've lost weight overall because most of the time I have healthy lifestyle choices. But on my off days I can blow the program by beyond 2,000 calories.

    Anyone who struggles with binge eating or is simply looking for more MFP friends is welcome to add me.
  • gabbymom2
    gabbymom2 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi....I feel like I have this from time to time. My day is either perfect or if I venture off the whole day is over. Sound like you?
  • Hi there! I've struggled with BED for nearly 20 years. Honestly, I've found anti-anxiety/depression medication to be beneficial (I suffer from a fairly significant anxiety disorder), as well as meeting with a therapist. Writing down what I eat also helps me feel in control.

    I really liken this disorder to an addiction. I binge to numb out feelings and of course that numbness is short lived. However, we can't live without food (unlike an alcoholic abstaining from alcohol) so it really is all about (at least to me) taking back control of my emotions, learning healthier ways of coping and coming to a healthier relationship with food.
  • I'm a BED survivor as well, I was at my worst about 6-7 years ago. I sought help but never fully recovered. I'm currently on my road to recovery. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Meggy9
    Meggy9 Posts: 4
    Hi there,
    I have been attempting to conquer a binge eating habit for several years and continue to work through it every day. While most days I am extremely healthy (eating very clean and pretty intense exercising) there are a couple of days a week that I am tempted by sugar/salt cravings. This mostly happens at night around 8pm and I know myself well enough to know that if I give in to the first craving I am doomed for the night and can consume up to a couple thousand calories. I recently binged over the weekend and every time it happens I am instantly disappointed in myself. I've decided that I will try to set a goal for myself to make it an entire month without giving into a binge and am looking for all the support I can get. While I hope to make it much longer than a month, I figure it's best to stick with a small realistic goal first!

    Cheers :)
  • resortjeg
    resortjeg Posts: 1 Member
    keep up the good work
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I am a recovered binge eater. It was not only the binging, but the OBSESSION with food. I nearly drove myself insane. It takes work, but it can be overcome! I sent a FR. Keep it up!
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed, but I've definitely noticed that, in the past, I have exhibited actions that could be considered symptomatic of BED. I'll be full but continue to mindlessly eat. I'm not sure why. Part of me would say stop but mechanically I would keep going. this happens much less frequently now, but from time to time it happens. I feel abnormal since I can put away a LOT of calories' worth of food, but my fiance never fails to stop eating when he's full without the mindless snacking. It's like there's some faulty wiring inside me or something
  • Hi, I also have issues with emotional binge eating. I haven't been officially diagnosed but I would love to be friends! The more the merrier!
  • I've been dealing with this recently too. I can do fine counting my calories for a while and then I'll have a few days where I'll just eat everything in site and put on about 8 pounds and then I get back on the diet again. ITs SO frustrating. I would love for some friends to add me so we can support each other!
  • amyrosepurdy
    amyrosepurdy Posts: 2 Member
    I am also a really bad emotional eater, and i am really struggling with it. I try to be as honest as I can on here but sometimes I feel I eat so much that there is no point putting it in because I know im so over !

    I could really do with some support when I get into that mood, and I will do the same.

    :) good luck to you all! stay positive and committed!

  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm really glad you posted this thread. It seems like some people even on MFP don't understand that some of us really struggle with binge eating. Honestly, after I made my MFP diary password protected, some of my friends were commenting on how much I could blow program on some days. The comments were not helpful. I know that on my really bad days I can really blow the program. Commenting on it to me doesn't help. A lot of the time it's emotional eating as well. On a bad day when life kinda sucks, sometimes I reach for those comfort foods and it gives me a slight emotional boost until the guilt sets in over how I chose to eat that day.

    Most of us are already familiar with the process of emotional eating as a "pick me up." Sweet foods give us that little boost until the 2 hour mark where we're just full of regret. Where I live right now, terrible junk foods are available all the time. Brick cheese, endless amounts of sliced bread at 100 calories per slice, saltine crackers and animal crackers. I try to stay out of this food most times through sheer willpower. But unfortunately, the food is always around, and in plenty of quantities. So if I'm having a personally challenging day, going upstairs and making a "cheese" sandwich of caloric slice bread and 1 or 2 slices of cheese is sometimes more like a coping mechanism. I don't define caloric sliced bread and wrapped single slice cheese as "health" food. Neither are saltines or animal crackers. Cookies get made a lot around here and left out. So I struggle with emotional eating and something like binge eating, and generally unsupportive family members who "support" me in the abstract theory realm, but not in the real world where their social habits have real effects on my weightloss goals.

    It took them a while before they accepted me passing on birthday cake and ice cream during the string of birthdays in the family over the summer. They use the string of birthdays as an excuse to eat that stuff. But we have like 5 birthdays to celebrate in the summer. It was a while before they stopped insisting that I "break my rule for just THIS day." Now they will accept me celebrating a birthday without eating the cake and ice cream. But on my birthday, I guess I'm still expected to eat that **** because it's the only way they know how to celebrate birthdays. You'd think that on my actual birthday it would be my privilege to skip the cake and ice cream if I don't want it, just as I'm allowed to on other people's birthdays. But no, when it's my birthday, "it doesn't seem right" if the birthday person doesn't have cake and ice cream. So unfortunately, I'm still expected to indulge in that crap when my birthday roles around.
  • SarBear00b
    SarBear00b Posts: 188 Member
    I'm a terrible emotional eater! I'll do great all week but bam if something goes wrong or I'm upset I can eat over 2000 calories in one meal... I did that last weekend when I saw some family for the first time in almost a year. I used food to make me feel better =/ Anyone can feel free to add me. =) Would love some supportive friends who I can help support in return.