2 months progress and no weight loss?

--- I regret posting here.
The amount of disrespect in very little time is amazing.
I expect it to continue after this edit as well.


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I think the main problem is that you are absolutely not burning 700-1000 calories a day in exercise.

    Invest in a chest strap HRM <

    300-500 tops. And that is if you're spending 2-3hours a day working out.

    Anyway, that is why you're maintaining your weight.
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Well, since you shot down the first person - what do YOU think the problem is?
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    uhhhh I do on average in a workout:
    1 Zumba Class (this burns averagely 500-600 calories in one hour. I have a HRM. )
    30 min of Strength Training (Which averages out to about 300+ calories per sesh)
    and 45 minutes of Yoga or Pilates, which is usually between 100-150 cals.

    This equals to about a 1000+ calorie burn workout.
    I don't ALWAYS go so hard, but like i said, I burn about 700-1000 cals when I workout.

    I'm not sure why you think you can make such a statement and be so sure to use words like "absolutely not" when you aren't there doing my workouts with me lol.

    Your HRM is wrong, is it one of those wrist ones?

    You're also not suppose to wear one while lifting weights or during yoga or pilates, 300 calories for lifting weights is really inaccurate in of itself and that is enough for you to maintain your weight, especially combined with any other exercise inaccuracies or logging mistakes.

    It's the truth, sorry you didn't like it.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Regardless of how many specific calories you're burning in your workouts, if you are not losing weight (and not gaining), you're eating at maintenance. If you want to lose, you'll need to eat fewer calories (or burn even more and not eat more).
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I didn't shoot anyone down-- they decided to disregard what I said in my original message and tell me that I only burn 300-400 calories. It was disrespectful and I simply explained what my routine is like and how they shouldn't come to conclusions like that.
    I have no idea what the issue is, that's why I was hoping that someone would help me figure out why. Perhaps this isn't the community for that.

    Of course it's the community for that. Well, here are my suggestions. If I am not losing, it's because I am eating more than I think. So, having said that, do you weigh your food? Do you log everything? If not, then that's your problem.

    ETA: Using the process of elimination is one of the ways people can help you.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Lifting weights burns more calories than cardio, you know that right?

    lol, okay hun. =)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Lifting weights burns more calories than cardio, you know that right?

    Um, no.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Lifting weights burns more calories than cardio, you know that right?

    No, it doesn't.
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You are overestimating the number of calories you burn or underestimating the number of calories you eat. Likely both.
  • LBeth1015
    LBeth1015 Posts: 35 Member
    Try not eating back your exercise calories. I was having the same issue and stopped eating back my exercise calories and the scale really started moving!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Just my opinon, that is a lot of calories to eat back. On the days you burn 1000 calories, you are consuming almost 2500 calories? Maybe try eating back a small portion...good luck!
  • karmasays
    karmasays Posts: 82 Member
    Took a quick look at your diary, you may be over eating and not realizing. I suggest buying a scale and WEIGHING everything that isn't a liquid that way you will be extremely accurate. Digital food scales are pretty cheap.

    How aggressive is your weightloss goal? If you only have a few lbs to lose, I suggest setting MFP to have you lose .5lbs a week. 2lbs a week is more realisitc for ppl with 60+lbs to lose.

    Just my two cents :-) don't give up tho!
  • piejin
    piejin Posts: 41 Member
    Nobody was being disrespectful in their responses to you, and if anything, your replies strike me as being overly aggressive and dismissive! I think you should take a second to calm down and really think about what people are telling you without having a kneejerk reaction.

    I agree with what everyone else has told you so far, and I'd definitely take an assumption of something like 300 calories burned for 30 minutes of strength training as seriously implausible.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Are you netting 1575? Meaning you eat closer to 2275-2575 calories?

    If so, just bump it down a few hundred calories per day and see where that gets you. Don't worry so much about what the heart rate monitor tells you. Like everything else, it's an estimate.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Are you consistently logging everything that goes into your mouth including all beverages, reward meals, and things used to cook with (butter, oil, marinade, etc.)?

    Are you using a digital food scale to accurately weigh everything in grams? Most people drastically underestimate the amount of food they're consuming and measuring cups are deceitful.

    When logging your exercise, compare what your HRM shows (for cardio workouts) to MFP's database and use the lower number. Try eating back only 50-60% of your extra earned calories for a month and see if the weight starts to drop. I know my HRM with chest strap overestimates my calorie burn BIG time.
  • 55romaine
    55romaine Posts: 26
    I also burn a similar amount in 2-3 hours. I wear a chest strap with my hrs and only predominately do cardio. I think a point someone made on the forums about some of these calories coming from just maintaining normal body activitie(like breathing etc) is a valid one. He said he never eats all of his calories bac usually 20 percent less. Maybe this is one reason. Also muscle gain might up the your weight so it is balancing out.