Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!



  • Routerninja
    Routerninja Posts: 201
    First, what you want is not easy, fun, or quick. It will suck some days and you will hate it.

    Start slow with body weight workouts. Go do squats, sit ups, planks, push ups, and then gradually work in lifting to cover multiple muscle groups at one time.

    80-90% of this is food. Burn more than you eat. Simple enough.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    I totally agree that walking or running on a treadmill is boring.

    Why not try some body weight circuits? You can do something like this:

    5 Rounds
    1 Minute per station

    Jump-Rope (or jumping jacks)
    Tricep Dips

    I guarantee in 15 minutes, you'll be dripping in sweat!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    well give up now.

    since you already admit you don't want to do anything "to" hard.

    ... because guess what'- it's hard. There will be more days than not that it's easier to NOT do the thing. If it was easy- we would all look like the fitness models off the Shape and Men's Health Magazines- but that's just no the way it works.

    Successful people are the ones who are not motivated by emotions but the ones that keep doing it day in and day out despite the fact they are no longer having fun. I'ts not about "FUN" i'ts about doing the task- the end goal is more important than doing the more "FUN" thing right here right now.

    So either decide you are going to have to be uncomfortable- and be okay with it... or just don't bother since you aren't committed enough to be uncomfortable to change.

    I agree...if you want to make significant changes then you need to step outside you're comfort zone.
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    You're not going to look like a dummy trying things out at your gym...I can totally relate with that feeling...

    I used to hate walking/running INDOORS on a treadmill -- just something about being in the same place and going nowhere. I love the outdoors. I'm not a runner by any's probably the workout that I hate the most! Well, last year I began training for a triathlon & well...running/walking is the last leg of the race...discovered that if I was actually outdoors it wasn't so bad...I actually feel in love with running. Now, I rely on a treadmill when it is too cold/icy out to jog.

    Cardio is important when you are first starting out with an exercise/weight loss regime.

    you might want to think about asking one of the personal trainers to show you around and work thru some strength training exercises with them to discover what you love/hate.

  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    you've been a member since 2011... you've had time to do it right since then. Why try to rush it now?
  • ngcs
    ngcs Posts: 6
    I don't know what your living situation is, but if you don't want to go to the gym and live in an apartment or have a limited budget for a home gym OR if you travel a lot, get a set of resistance bands and start doing some of these
    No cardio (I'd definitely do some HIIT a couple of times a week though, it's great for fat loss, in part because it builds muscle), and if you use the proper band (some exercises are too easy to do with the light ones) you *will* feel the burn.
    You should also do some bodyweight stuff, I'd reccommend things that work the bigger muscles in your body such as squats, as well as some core exercises like planks. You'll see results pretty quickly if you do this, especially if you hit the amount of protein you need
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Basically you don't want to 'work'. Fair enough least your honest with yourself.

    Just change what you perceive as work. You wont mind doing cardio if your not realising your doing it.

    Get into a fun sport, maybe tennis with some friends, perhaps go for a walk with your family.

    Also change your lifestyle, take the stairs instead of escalator, get off a stop early on the bus etc.

    Not gonna turn you into a lean mean fighting machine but the more exercise your doing the better.

    The exercise your doing without realising throughout the day is equally (arguable more) important to that of planned exercise times (the one your trying to avoid).

    This ^^

    Just move more. Find the least objectionable type of movement and do it often. Once your fitness level improves, you will likely find more options that you find tolerable. Just take that first step (or jump, or lift, or squat or ...).
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    What your wanting is exercise that will keep you motivated, that you wont get bored doing, that is fast to see results, and that is fun and not a workout? Ummmm..... good luck finding it. Ice hockey is fun, expensive, and your burn alot of calories, however even with fun sports it is work and you will become unmotivated. Results are never fast in any weightloss program that is maintainable and long lasting. You might be asking for too much.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!

    Needs to be something that I will want to keep doing - I get un-motivated quickly if things are too difficult.

    well give up now.

    since you already admit you don't want to do anything "to" hard.

    ... because guess what'- it's hard. There will be more days than not that it's easier to NOT do the thing. If it was easy- we would all look like the fitness models off the Shape and Men's Health Magazines- but that's just no the way it works.

    Successful people are the ones who are not motivated by emotions but the ones that keep doing it day in and day out despite the fact they are no longer having fun. I'ts not about "FUN" i'ts about doing the task- the end goal is more important than doing the more "FUN" thing right here right now.

    So either decide you are going to have to be uncomfortable- and be okay with it... or just don't bother since you aren't committed enough to be uncomfortable to change.

    ^^Lol! Yes, it's harsh, but it's true.

    but then you reply with...
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    No time to take it slow but you don't want anything too hard? I'm confused.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    No cardio? That leaves weight training, which is awesome. Check your local library or Amazon for great programs (books) like New Rules of Lifting or Starting Strength. Websites also have good structured programs like Stronglifts 5x5. Check out

    The most important thing is to go into the weight room with a plan. I wish you the best of luck. You can do this!
  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    Google 'bodyweight exercises' you'll get a boatload of websites with training plans/exercises that you can do anywhere at anytime with no extra equipment. And check out a bunch of them so you're not doing the same thing every day, give yourself a good variety and think about what kind of cardio you might be able to mix into them to up the ante but you're not stuck doing the same thing for too long.

    You don't like to walk? Ok, so walk just once a week, knowing you'll do something else tomorrow. Or park in the farthest parking space from the store or office and make the walk to the door. Make it more interesting than just the same walk around the neighborhood or park.
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    Suggest good beginner weight loss workout (no cardio)?!

    Needs to be something that I will want to keep doing - I get un-motivated quickly if things are too difficult.

    well give up now.

    since you already admit you don't want to do anything "to" hard.

    ... because guess what'- it's hard. There will be more days than not that it's easier to NOT do the thing. If it was easy- we would all look like the fitness models off the Shape and Men's Health Magazines- but that's just no the way it works.

    Successful people are the ones who are not motivated by emotions but the ones that keep doing it day in and day out despite the fact they are no longer having fun. I'ts not about "FUN" i'ts about doing the task- the end goal is more important than doing the more "FUN" thing right here right now.

    So either decide you are going to have to be uncomfortable- and be okay with it... or just don't bother since you aren't committed enough to be uncomfortable to change.

    Well put!
  • pbruce706
    pbruce706 Posts: 15 Member
    I hear ya, I feel ya, I sympathize, and would have summarized my position at the start of this. But, I'm also going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week now and yes, it's cardio.

    A few thoughts for you. I started out in September and to date I'm 74 lbs. down.

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight, as others have said fewer calories in than are being burned is what will lose the weight.

    Exercise will of course increase the calories burned, increasing the amount lost or increasing the amount you can eat and still lose, or a combination of the two.

    Eat only healthy, fresh ingredients, whole grains, limit red meat, weigh and measure everything you eat.

    Avoid refined food, processed food.

    Read labels, know how much fat, the types, how many carbs, how much fibre you're consuming.

    Log every thing you eat and drink into here. You can keep it private, but be honest. There will be good days and bad days.

    Use the tools of MFP to tell you how many calories you can consume in a day. It's not perfect, but in can be mostly accurate over the long run.

    Consider getting an activity monitor like a Fitbit. It's what got me starting to look at increasing my activity. Saw how a few steps more made a difference, then increased that. Eventually it led me into the gym.

    Cardio + Music makes it tolerable for me. Treated myself to a nice pair of headphones after going for a month.

    Start slow, a five minute walk. A little bit of work out in the gym. Make yourself go twice a week, do a half hour upper body and a half hour lower body.

    Edited to add: As mentioned, talk to a trainer at the gym, they can give you some quick pointers to start. Even better, hire them for one, two or three sessions to get you started, it will be an investment that will pay off in the end.

    Remember the mantra, at least doing something is better than doing nothing.

    Challenge yourself each week to do something more, something faster, something further, something harder than you did the week before.

    Accept the fact it will take time.

    Good luck!
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    No time to take it slow = no time to keep the weight off. Trust me i learned this the hard way.

    Taking it slow doesn't mean you can't start tonight. But you absolutely MUST adhere to the slow and steady rule, IMHO. I lost 20 lbs real fast.. then i gained 30 back, even faster.
  • dullestknife
    perhaps a beginning strength training program such as 5x5 stronglifts? it's a 3 day a week weightlifting program where you only work out 3 days a week, so 5 sets of 5 reps on 3 exercises each session

    I found it motivating because you're seeing beginners gains and setting new personal records virtually every workout, to a point. there's also something very primal and satisfying about lifting heavy weights that you never imagined you could lift.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Was not looking for "well then give up now answers" and other negative feedback.

    Was hoping for an example workout that I could follow tonight!

    No time to take it slow.

    Well read your post and then ask yourself how would you answer that- it sounds very defeatist and just nonchalant to begin with already. I'm not being negative- that's a come to jesus thing I said at the bottom.

    Either decide you are okay being uncomfortable.. and move forward. Or decide you are not okay being uncomfortable and stay where you are.

    but you don't want to do anything to hard? so why bother? I don't understand. I have had people actually ask me "why do you ALWAYS go ham when you come to the gym?" And to be honest I have no idea how they could ask that question- because for me the question is how can you not? what's the point of doing a thing and only doing it half *kitten*? It just makes no sense- it's a why bother at that point.

    if you are just trying to lose weight and that's it- just eat at a calorie deficit.

    "not being fat" is an acceptable goal- many people have it. And for that- working out is a none issue- it is absolutely 100% not required. and if working hard isn't your thing- perhaps that's the better route.

    You don't work out to lose weight- you work out because it's good for you.

    Calorie deficit = weight loss
    Working out = fitness-wellnes/health bennies.

    Past that you can always take up a hobby that's a little more challenging- rock climbing- fencing- swimming- hiking- dog walking- whatever- all things are do able that get you moving.

    As for something to do tonight
    do 10 of these- do it once- do it twice- whatever- it's a thing- you can do it at home inside where it's warm.
    push ups
    squat jumps
    tricep dips
    walking lunges
    bridge lift
    toe touches
    high knees
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Go get yourself the shake weight......
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I hate walking (inside or inside), jogging, elypticals, etc - it's sooo boring and I can't stick with it. I like to hike but can only do that when it's warm (not right now). No swimming near me.

    I have a gym membership which I never use. I know circuit training is great since it's high intensity (better than cardio I heard).

    But not sure routine or exercises I should be doing. Don't want to wander around gym trying things out and looking like a dummy.

    OMG so many comments, so little time...really dude?! I'm not gonna sugar coat or what have're overweight and ANY form of exercise will be work!! You might as well just not do anything, get fatter and die of a massive heart attack with such a "woe is me" attitude!! That's the reality!! If you don't put forth the effort, then eat the damn donuts!!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Here's a workout:

    As to whether or not you'll keep doing it, that's up to you.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    a lot of people have given you the answer - it's tough to lose without a cardio component -that burns the most calories
    How far do you live from work? If you drive in why not park a mile away and get 2 miles a day of exercise just going to and from the car. If you take transit to work why no walk a portion of the distance home (I walk 4 miles a day just walking home from work I vary the route, I listen to music or an audio book while doing it, If a shop catches my eye on the way I stop and investigate. And some days it's a bugger there have been days this winter it's been -30c or less (-20F) - wweahter is not an excuse I will be doing it in a snowstorm today
    Get a dog and walk it - I walk mine daily but on the weekends I walk my 7km plus with the dog - wears him out and makes my life easier
    If you don't want to walk, Ride a Bike to work a couple of days a week and build up to it

    Sorry but there really is no such thing as easy exercise, but it does get easier as you progress (when I started this I was beat when I got home, in May I will be walking a half marathon,
    By Fall I want to be able to Run the distance home (yep the walk is boring but running it takes less time for the same benefit)

    And last maybe get an exercise partner who also needs to lose and do it with them