Embarrassed to work out?



  • JacqueJo
    JacqueJo Posts: 33 Member
    Totally understand your thoughts. But, whenever I see someone running through my neighborhood, especially if they are struggling a bit, I think "you go!". I actually find it very motivating to see people trying to better themselves. It encourages me to get off of my hind end and move too. :) Just go for it! (and I will too)
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    I hated when my husband was around during my workouts. Solution? I made him workout with me. The benefit is two-fold: he gets fit and he can't judge my red face/jiggly bits/panting when he's in the same boat next to me :)
  • didislim
    didislim Posts: 30
    Is anyone else embarrassed to work out? I can't afford the Gym and I feel as though I will be judged if I try to learn how to run/jog/bike on the streets, panting and just generally looking like a knob. So I was thinking of doing blogilaties beginners work out calender to try and get in some shape before taking to the streets but I'm petrified of exercising in front of my partner, I don't even want him in the house while I'm doing it, but he just wont leave me be.

    How do I overcome my insecurity and just do it? Because this journey is more about losing body fat than weight and that's only going to happen with moving my but.

    I find that some people who probably don't understand will probably send you insesnsitive comments like, Oh nobody cares just do it and you have to start somewhere, while, yes in a sense they are right (because you do have to just do it to move forward), please pay them no mind where it comes to their insensitve response and how they have delivered this reponse.

    I understand where you are coming from. I too feel embarrased to workout at times and infact did until two weeks ago. For years I was an avid runner and was 50 pounds lighter nothing could stop me. But with the extra weight, I was so insecure initially because I felt that people would look at me funny while trying to run. I felt that I would be unable to keep up once I got back to running on the streets. But one day, I summoned the courage to run and an amazing thing happened. First, I wans't as out of breath and fatigued as I thought. It was like my body just remembered how I used to run and I just started running like no time was lost even with the extra weight. I was amazed at how much I could accomplish. When I was running, I made sure to wear clothes that didn't make me feel self concious. Big sweatshirts, long leggings hat sunglasses. I am taking advantage of the cold months to wear more clothes. It would probably suck if it was summer time now.
    Also I found that running first thing in the morning helps. Theres barely anyone on the road, of course you gotta be safe, but, when its early, no one really is looking, they are just trying to get to their destination.

    Anyways, the bottom line is, when you feel comfortable, jus do it, more than likely people will be impressed that you are trying to keep fit, you might even encourage someone else to do it as well. I know you can overcome this fear.

    SO whip out those running shoes!!
  • Jess732008
    Jess732008 Posts: 98 Member
    It is interesting that you are embarrassed to work out in front of your significant other. I like for my husband to see me work out. He is usually very complementary. Would your partner be the same way? How overweight are you? I went to the YMCA and a little town gym and no one cared how I looked and I was 240 lbs. They only commented if I lost weight so the feedback was positive. It really was a non-issue. Of course, it is not that way everywhere, but it usually does not matter. I even went to a yoga and water aerobics class and no one cared.
  • vivalasam37
    vivalasam37 Posts: 13 Member
    I guarantee that there are people 300 pounds and 100 pounds that feel the same way. Try just listening to your music and getting into your own groove! I get lost in my workout and don't even notice anybody else. Everybody at the gym is there for the same reason...I really doubt that anybody is there judging you. Try taking a group class! I took Zumba and was soooo nervous but once I got there I realied that everybody else there was just as shy and embarrassed as I was. Once we all realized that nobody cared about what we were doing and they were just worried that they were doing the moves right we all ended up having so much fun! Hope this helps and you can get past your embarrassment <3
  • RAKK80
    RAKK80 Posts: 8
    I joined a gym about a year and half ago. I was terrified to start. I went maybe once a week if even! Then I decided to just get into it and not let it bother me what people thought. If you are in a gym and you take a look around at people you will see that they are only focused on what they are doing, they dont even notice you. Then one of the trainers approached me one evening, they were low on numbers for a class and asked me to join, so I did.... Never looked back. I go every week and get so much out of it, and I laugh a lot!! The same rule applies for out on the street.... other people are out running/cycling, they are not paying attention to anyone else.

    I have slacked lately and I'm trying to get back on track again, which is why i joined this site! So I am finding it a little intimidating with the new gym programme i have, which involves a lot of weight training.... And the only place I can do that in the gym is the weights area where all the serious boldy building types spend all day! But I'm getting my head around the fact that they dont notice me....... :-)

    As for your partner.... if he supports you, he will benefit from the results too :-) :-)
  • Silentfool
    Silentfool Posts: 189 Member
    Never ever be embaressed to work out.

    Be proud of the fact that you seperated your backside from the couch and are doing something great for your health.

    If somebody looks at you whilst you are burning calories, it is not to hudge you harshly.

    I see people burning calories and i think wow they are doing great. Top Job

    check out the success stories too. You will see how so many hot people started out at the smae place we are now

    D :smile:
  • Kargicq
    Kargicq Posts: 72 Member
    I teach high-school. I was mildly worried when I did a local 5k run, since several of my students are (good) runners who compete in every event going... but I only got positive comments from them, and one even asked me why I haven't been at other events!

    To echo what everyone else is saying: most people don't even notice runners. The ones most likely to are other runners, and they will simply exchange a friendly nod or wave with you as they know what it takes to get started.
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Same as many others have said do not worry what others think. I found that once I started running outside I felt supported by the other runners who wave to me. Runners tend to support each other. As for the gym I just joined 1 a month or so ago after several years of not going to gyms. I find myself learning from others at the gym and it has helped out tremendously to ensure I am using correct form and not hurting myself. Either way you go you are doing this for you and that is the most important part.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I do understand how you feel.

    When I started consciously trying to change my lifestyle and lose weight 5 years ago, I was slightly over 300 lb. I started by walking on public (not very busy) streets at twilight or dark, iPod on and often with my hood up or sunglasses on. I invested in some "cute" yoga pants & matching jackets and quality sneakers and just went for it. I felt nervous and always worried that someone would make a comment, moo at me, or honk their horn rudely. Never happened.

    Now I actually ride my bike on semi busy streets sometimes, go to trails where there are lots of people of all fitness levels walking, hiking or biking. I don't feel nervous. I feel worthy of being there, and in control. Because my exercise has become a habit and I have confidence in that.

    Even after losing over 100 lb, I am still too self conscious to tackle indoor stuff like going to a gym or classes like Zumba etc. It makes me really nervous!

    For me I think 95% of it is just social anxiety about getting there and having to interact with too many people whilst feeling like I don't know the ropes and will be the worst etc. I am generally very comfortable in social situations, even giving speeches or going to job interviews. It's exercise amongst others that freaks me out!! Only a very small percentage of it is anxiety about my (still overweight) body to be honest.
  • jamoore94
    jamoore94 Posts: 46 Member
    I felt like this when I first started, but after a while of working out you just start to feel better about yourself overall. And I always think to myself at least I am trying, at least I am getting out there and doing something. Truthfully most people won't think anything of it, and if they do, so what, you will probably never see them again, or if you do, they will remember you as the person who was out exercising. Not a bad way to be remembered in my opinion. Good luck!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i did some jog/walk sessions in the park last summer. you get a smile from other joggers and thats it. everyone else is going about there business. i tried to teach myself to ride a bike in a busy park in London. got some rude comments as i was in the way but mostly i got smiles from strangers. i actually couldnt care less as i wanted to learn. i have since had a private lesson and will be having one more. i am 42 years old and people thought it was amusing i cant ride a bike. who cares.

    take the plunge you will be fine after your first session of whatever u want to do. good luck
  • kbru64
    kbru64 Posts: 16 Member
    When I see people who appear as if they are new to working out in the neighborhood or at the gym I give them a mental high five.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm 62 years old and weigh over 200 pounds. I don't jog, but I walk. I go to the gym with all the young, thin people and I don't care. I'm going to be old and thin and when I am, they will all be impressed by my commitment!

    Do you have to run? What if you just go for a fast, long walk until you feel comfortable. No one pays attention to someone out for a stroll! Frankly, no one pays attention anyway. The vast majority of people are too busy think about how they look! Better yet, get your OH to walk with you.
  • Coltsatc
    Coltsatc Posts: 36
    Throw on some headphones and stop worrying about what random strangers think of you. Worry about you and your plan.
  • runrogerrun
    runrogerrun Posts: 122 Member
    As a runner on roads myself, I always think to myself when I see someone running on the road, there's another one like me running on the road and say YES, YES, YES. I don't look down on anyone running on the road at any time of the year. So like someone else said YOU GO!!:smile:
  • Iuswoodrum
    Iuswoodrum Posts: 2 Member
    You may not read this due to having LOTS of posts to read, but I will chime in anyways. You know what I would think if I drove past someone who I could tell was just starting out the workout process? I would think, "wow, good for her! If she can do it, so can I!" I understand the judgement, but after your workout when you are all sweaty, you can say that you did it for YOU! Take a day at a time. You got this!
  • Moira945
    Moira945 Posts: 14 Member
    Runner here.

    I love seeing newbies on the streets and trails. It reminds me of when I was first starting out (I could barely run 1/4 of a mile my first time out and felt like I was going to DIE walking home afterwards. Now I run 10 miles at a time FOR FUN).)

    You just gotta remember that most of the cars/cyclists/other runners who you see are only seeing you for a moment. They don't know if you are on mile 1 or mile 10 and most of them don't care. They've got their own problems.

    My one recommendation: wear clothes you feel comfortable in. There is nothing worse (for me) than feeling like my gut is hanging out of my workout clothes for the world to see. I wear loose tops (my problem area is the tummy) and tight pants (I got a great bum and I know it) and that helps give me the confidence to go out there.

    Good luck! :)
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    That is the main reason why I never went to a gym. But I realized that most people are focused more on themselves rather than me and really, I don't care what others think.
    I am sure I look like Pheobe (from Friends) when I run, but again ask me if I care, at least I am doing it!

    And I like seeing new people trying, it reminds me of when and why I started and I feel proud of myself and the new person, because they are way ahead of the person sitting on the couch at home!