Embarrassed to work out?



  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    there is absolutely NO need to be worried about it. AT ALL.


    you cant spend your life worrying about what other people think of you.
    First of all, it's none of your business what other people think of you.

    Just do it.
  • BridgetWolfbear
    BridgetWolfbear Posts: 21 Member
    Working out in public has always been a big fear. One of my goals is to over come that fear some day. You are not alone! Though don't worry about what other people think. Worry about yourself and one day you won't feel embarrassed any more. I wish you well on your journey!
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    I am an obese person but I plan to change that. As part of my journey I was in a discussion group for people who needed to lose weight and there were some people in the group only looking to lose 5-8 lbs and needing to halve my body weight at least to be considered 'healthy' I felt uncomfortable with them at first. But one lady there gave me a gift that I hope I can give to you.

    I assumed that when people would look at me trying to lose weight and workout they would assume it was pathetic or gross but Marjarie told us this story of a rather large women who joined her aquafit class in all her 350 lb glory and my friend said her reaction was 'Good for you' and so while I know that not everyone's inner thoughts will be supportive I now know that supportive strangers exist and I chose to give the strangers around me support voices. I don't know what they really think but I certainly like who I am more when I assume positive things about those around me.
  • Tangosgrandad
    Tangosgrandad Posts: 36 Member
    In a previous life, when I was young and fit, I used the gym 5 times a week for 2 hrs a time. The only thing that I ever noticed about beginners was that they tended to use bad form just the same as I did when I started. I, along with most other gym users, would give them a few hints and tips so that they did't hurt themselves or get discouraged. Thats just about all the thought that went into it. I didn't care whether they were unfit, or overweight or anything else.
    Just do it. You'll most likely find that all you will get is encouragment. Good luck with your workouts and give it all 100% :smile:
  • jyr7749
    jyr7749 Posts: 2
    Everybody is different so try a few different things to find out what you will like and keep you motivated to keep doing it. I used to use my ex as a reason I didnt do it either cause he was always around...The only person that your are doing a disservice to is yourself. I know. I have paid for a gym membership for years and rarely went because I felt like everybody was staring at me which I am sure was not the case but I found I spent more time wandering around looking at how to use the equipmet or waiting for it... I recently joined Orange Theory fitness and it is AWESOME!! it is an intense ( or as intense as you can handle ) 60 minute circuit interval workout. Treadmills, rowers, weights, resistance ropes and so on all with a certified trainer in a small group class and everyone is supportive and at all fitness levels . Not sure where you live but check out www.orangetheoryfitness.com to see if there is one in your area. First class is always free. It is more pricey than a regular gym memebership but less than one on one with a personal trainer. You burn between 600 and a 1000 calories per workout!! I have been going barely 2 weeks at 5x a week and already notice a difference in my stamina, strength and endurance. =) Good Luck!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    I went to a gym for years and like most folks have already told you, they are more concerned with themselves and their workout to worry about you.

    These days though I just workout at home. I plan my own hours and don't have to pay gym fees or drive to a gym. I'm in better shape now then when I went to a gym. If I do go outside for a workout I just ignore other folks and really I think they are far to busy to care about a grandma out for her workout.
  • rachelblackstock52
    rachelblackstock52 Posts: 10 Member
    i found this hard too , so i either went out in the morning before anyone got up or after dark , or get a bike noone cares if your biking
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    I love seeing new people at the gym. Any size. The more I see someone who I think has beaten demons to get in the place, the more I think "Damn, well done. Way to go". I'll occasionally give little tips as well if someone is doing something blatantly wrong, but I ensure its in a constructive way so not to put someone off. They can, but shouldnt be intimidating places. Most people are happy to help as well.
  • I'm afraid to work out at a gym lol. I have the money right now and have been putting it off for 2 weeks in fear people will make fun of me for not going as hardcore as everyone else. You aren't alone haha. :tongue:
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 478 Member
    Go an non-peak hours if you can. I feel more comfortable then opposed to the after work rush and crowded gym.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    when I first started walking out around my neighborhood I thought the same things. I got honks and waves and smiles from everyone. Soon I was getting high fives from my neighbors. WHat I thought was people judging me was actually me inspiring them. From day one, I put my favorite music in my earphones and just walk. I got my arms pumping up and down and act like I don't care. Now I got waking buddies and swimming buddies and everyone says they are so inspired by me. Just do it like nike says. Take those first few walks and the feeling you get afterwards will trump any negative feelings or insecutities you have. Exercise creates happy endorphins you know. Find yourself a walking path or some nice scenery to walk by to make it more interesting. Rome wasn't built in a day so neither will the new you be built. Get you a motivational and rocking playlist and think of it as your theme music when you walk (you know like they have in the movies, lol) that is what I do.
  • dfnewcombe
    dfnewcombe Posts: 94 Member
    About 4 years ago, I started running. I was 45 and had never run in my life. I had lost 30 pounds and had about another 30 pounds to go. It was New Years and running was my resolution. I felt very self conscious; I often could not run from one driveway to the next. I would run when it was getting dark so not so many people would see me. If a car was coming, I would keep running until it passed by no matter how short of breath I was- so the occupants would not see me quit.

    Surprisingly though, when a few neighbors saw me going out, I actually got encouragement!! After only a few weeks, I was able to string together a block. I would walk some and then run around another block. I then found another surprise I had no idea about, the park about a mile from my house had a running trail with 1/10th mile markers and the loop was 1.4 miles. I was able to track and see improvement which increased my motivation. By April, I could run 3-4 miles without stopping to rest or walk (albeit, very slow). By May, when I hit 6 miles, I decided to sign up for a half marathon which I completed in July (remember that Jan I couldn't run from driveway to driveway?). I have quit and started running every year since; I have completed 3 half marathons and several 5k runs.

    You need to start slow. You need to have great running shoes that you go in and get fitted for. You need to stretch and use a foam roller. You need to be careful with your knees and listen to your body. Drink plenty of water, make sure you are getting enough calories. Don't worry about beating anyone else's time or even your own. Going too fast will wear you out faster, slower gives you time to enjoy the scenery.

    Runners are very friendly; make eye contact, smile and wave. You can do this!!!!
  • tariksehovic
    tariksehovic Posts: 39 Member
    One very simple answer to your question,

    If you are putting the work in ... who cares what you are doing
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I love seeing new people at the gym. Any size. The more I see someone who I think has beaten demons to get in the place, the more I think "Damn, well done. Way to go". I'll occasionally give little tips as well if someone is doing something blatantly wrong, but I ensure its in a constructive way so not to put someone off. They can, but shouldnt be intimidating places. Most people are happy to help as well.

    Especially if its an overweight guy, because I know how he may be feeling...like crap if he was like me.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I've been married 15 years and I shoo my hubby out of the room when I exercise. I get to self concious and goofy if he is in the room so I'm the same OP.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I totally feel the way you do, and oddly I feel more comfy at the gym! No one is paying attention to you there, everyone is used to it. Maybe try to find a really cheap option (there are a few that are shockingly inexpensive! Look around.)

    If not, though, why can't you talk to your partner about it? D:
    Just be really clear about how you feel. I wouldn't want my boyfriend staring at me while I do my at-home exercises. I think most people would be put off by it.
  • YesJessYes
    YesJessYes Posts: 18 Member
    When I started going to the gym I weighed 258 lbs. But if I hadn't started and counted calories, I would STILL weigh 258 lbs. Losing 70 lbs., feeling a whole lot better generally, and being able to keep up with my friends when we are walking somewhere means a whole lot more to me than what anyone thinks, period.
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    I'm loving all the motivational comments! OP, I'm sure everyone feels some level of discomfort when they first start out and workout in front of others. I know that I did for sure! Try not to worry about what other people think because in the end it really doesn't matter. Focus on your goals and getting that walk/jog/run accomplished. It won't be long before you get to feeling stronger and you won't even notice anyone noticing you. Good luck and have fun with it!! :flowerforyou:
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Lisa, your link just inspired me! Thanks for posting!
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member

    This is lovely! Thanks for posting.