Need help figuring out your TDEE? Get a Fitbit.



  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I use a body media core armband and its amazing :)
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Bump to read later
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I love my Fitbit One.
    I use it together with Endomondo on my phone (they sync) when I go out on a run, cycling or a low walk). It adds the data to your Fitbit profile and makes it more accurate.
    Strength training I add manually with the activity log.
    My goal is to get 30 active minutes per day, and at least 5000 steps, 10000 if I can.
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    I have been wearing my Fitbit Zip for 3 months, and my BodyMedia Fit arm band for 6 weeks. I am still collecting data comparing them to each other as well as to my actual TDEE (based on weight loss).

    I love my Zip because it's discreet, easy to use and motivating. I can check the display at any time and having step, calorie and distance goals all push me to move more during the day. I chose the Zip because I don't have room on my wrist for another device, couldn't give up my watch for the Flex (no display), and didn't like the Force colors. I chose the Zip over the One because I don't really care about counting floors (they count as steps anyway) and the sleep feature wasn't worth the extra money to me. I also love that the Zip doesn't need to be charged, just change the battery every 4 months. So easy!

    After having the Zip for a couple of months, and loving it, I got picky. I knew the Zip had to be missing some of my non-step related burn, that I burn a lot of calories cooking and doing dishes etc. without taking many steps, and decided to get the BodyMedia band, since it should track all of my activities more accurately.

    I don't have enough data on the BodyMedia to make a definitive decision between the devices yet, but here are my personal observations so far:

    The BodyMedia does appear to be more sensitive/precise in measuring activity than the Fitibit, which is to be expected, since they work differently. It can tell if I am lying down, sitting, standing or moving, and it is nice to see these variations in my data. Due to the increased sensitivity, the BodyMedia is more likely to read bumpy road travel as activity than the Fitibit, but nothing too significant. However, this more precise activity measurement is only useful if the formula they use to calculate my calorie burn is accurate for my body. Fitbit's estimate of my BMR is very close to accurate, while BodyMedia's is about 150 calories higher.

    Since neither device allows you to input your own BMR or body fat percentage for more precise personalization, the accuracy of either device is completely dependent upon how close your individual metabolism is to the average person of your gender/age/weight.

    In practice, I must admit that the Fitbit has been more useful. While I thought I wanted credit for all my activity through the BodyMedia band, this increases the possibility of getting credit for more calories than actually burned (if your BMR is lower than their calculation). If you eat all the calories given, this could seriously affect your weight loss. Fitbit isn't giving me credit for all my activity, but that's OK, because calories not recorded aren't eaten :)

    I also like the free emailed weekly Fitbit reports and the many forms of data and charts on the website, all free. The BodyMedia site is good, but I don't feel like it offers enough additional info.or any additional personalization to be worth $7 a month.

    The Fitbit may not be super accurate at recording all forms of activity, but the important thing is motivation toward your goals. Over a few weeks you will find which calorie goal gives you the weight loss you are striving for, and just keep trying to hit that every day. Simple.
  • Yetta729
    Yetta729 Posts: 68 Member
    bumped for further reading and thanks for all the info

  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    Can I ask for advice?

    I set my FB to sedentary, and running a 700cal deficit, Im a 22 YO female looking to loser 15lbs-20lbs. I have an office job but I run/walk/work out most morning before work, walk 20 minutes to and from work and go for a walk at lunch time and in the evenings with my dog. However my FB flex gives me so many calories, it said I burned 2900 yesterday - I thought this couldnt be accurate and maybe my settings are wrong

    I ate 1700 that day as I wasn't sure...

    Are there any settings in particular that I should check to ensure accuracy?

    Sorry if this has already been addressed..
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Everybody's different, and it will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Your Fitbit burn is your TDEE. If your burn is accurate and you eat at a deficit, you will lose weight. The only way to verify the accuracy is to trust the data for two weeks, then reevaluate. If you lose, then the Fitbit is accurate.

    PS. I think your deficit is way too aggressive if you only have 15–20 lb. to lose.
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    Yeah I know you're right.. just seems such a high burn. I do try to move as much as I can... but trial and error
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm loving this thread & all the info in it! I bought a Flex about two weeks ago & have been enjoying it ever since. I'm still a little bit confused about how syncing between MFP & Fitbit works, but have just been trying to go with it & see what happens. I was totally skeptical of the accuracy of the burn Fitbit was giving me, & my biggest concern was the extra exercise calories I get from it everyday, because I don't normally do extra exercise & am currently losing only by deficit, but so far it seems to be just fine. & I'm totally learning to LOVE those extra calories - they mean a glass of wine or some hershey kisses at the end of a long day.
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
  • bhsishtla
    bhsishtla Posts: 151 Member
    Bump it for future reference.
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    You might need to adjust your stride length. I played around with mine, comparing it to known distances, and changed it a couple of times before it gave me a pretty accurate distance (which ought to play a role in the movement sensed/ calories burned).
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    I agree totally. My fitbit was one of the best investments I ever made. It makes it easy to set and reach goals. I work for the badges and feel so proud of myself. In 25 days of using it I have lost 12.5 lbs...I can feel the missing inches. It is a wonderful tool!
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    I tried to adjust stride length but theres no option to on the website do I need to use the app?!?

    Also I read here that stride length only affects distance walked not calories :(
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    found the stride length my bad! wil it affect calories thoguh?
  • mistyblu13
    mistyblu13 Posts: 71 Member
    One thing i've noticed with my fitbit, is i'm not sure of how accurate of a calorie count it can give for things like riding a bike. It doesn't have anything to do with my heart rate, doesn't pick up "steps" because there isn't enough of the walking motion, so how can i rely on that for how much i should be eating in a day? Right now, mine says i've burned 1000 calories from midnight until now.

    There is a trick for this one... put the fitbit in your sock :)

    It does pick up some of the "steps" but it wont be the miles that you tick along on your bike- the revolutions are too small for it to pick up each one-but like it has been said by prior posters- less cals showing to eat means you wont eat as much :)
  • betweenthebirds
    betweenthebirds Posts: 27 Member
    Question about the accuracy of a FitBit. I own a FBOne, but I'm constantly questioning how accurate it is with the calories it projects? I do work on my feet 40 hours/week (I work as a vet tech so I average 7000 steps in one work day... on my long days it's 10,000), and then I'm pretty active on top of that, but I feel like on the days I work and then go to the gym or go for a 4-6 mile run it calculates so many more calories that I just don't really feel like I should eat or want to eat. Anyone else have an issue with questioning accuracy?
    Today for example, my goal is 1520/day I worked an 8 hour shift on my feet, got about 6000 steps at work, and then had a dog class in the evening. Otherwise I was sedentary and watched TV. No extra exercise today... and it's telling me I should be eating nearly 2000 calories. I just feel like that's WAYYY overestimated. I know as the evening progresses the amount can go down because I'll be sleeping and such but I just don't know how much I trust it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I tried to adjust stride length but theres no option to on the website do I need to use the app?!?

    Also I read here that stride length only affects distance walked not calories :(

    It's in your personal profile stats.

    And yes, pace is based on distance and time.
    Pace and weight determine calories burned by some very accurate formula's.

    But if distance is wrong, pace is wrong, calories is wrong.

    The amount off determines the inaccuracy.