Wellbutrin and weight loss



  • Gemmz2014
    I'm fixing to start taking the generic of welbutrin tomorrow along with Topamax any input would help! I am always nervous to start something new. I have never been one to take anything

    I believe one of the reasons people gain weight on antidepressants is because some of them just make you not care!.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I'm fixing to start taking the generic of welbutrin tomorrow along with Topamax any input would help! I am always nervous to start something new. I have never been one to take anything

    Keep an eye on what you are eating.

    The one thing I have noticed is that the medications I take for depression and anxiety make me feel hungrier. However, I simply stick to my calorie goals and have no issues. Hopefully my body will start to level out with it though. I do have to spread out my food a bit more to deal with the hunger better. I find foods high in protein and fat help keep the hunger away longer.
  • lilo201161
    I was on Welbutrin for anxiety which didnt help on that. But I did lose about 30 lbs. I must say though, always jittery and constant headaches. When I first started I was pretty emotional but that wore off within a week. Thinking of starting them again. If you can get through the day with a stress headache, I recommend them and yes it also definitely suppressed my appetite. Its been over a year since I've taken them and I have put on some weight but maybe that's from a good happy life finally? Still need to maintain my weight...
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I was in your same situation. Gained a few pounds on celexa so asked my Dr to switch me to wellbutrin. I easily lost the weight I had gained on celexa but have not lost additional weight. It does suppress appetite for the first couple of weeks (you may also feel jittery) but that goes away after a while. Good luck!
  • sammycee15
    sammycee15 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I've been using wellbutrin for the past week or so to quit smoking and have never been prescribed anti-depressants, used to have 2/150 tablet and upped it to 3/150 tablets, here are the side effects I experienced:

    1) leveled feelings, since I am a pretty perky person and very talkative, always laughing this actually slowed me down a little bit and I wasn't as high on happy energy (not sure if I like this side effect yet)
    2) suppressed appetite, sometimes now I even forget to eat
    3) better energy int he morning and better focus while I am at work
    4) weight loss, I've been losing a good five first week, and then 2 - 3 pounds.
    5) reaction to alcohol not so fun, I say this because the other night I only had one glass of red wine and I had taken my pills four hours earlier and it caused me a headache. Some of my friend who are on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills say that they also get headaches from red wine.
    6) sometimes my legs shake like restless leg syndrome or my hand quiver a little but once I notice them it seems to stop.

    I've only been taking wellbutrin and watching my diet, bringing in more vegetable, restricting the sodium and fat I have, and staying away from carbs. haven't had the time to actually go workout but I will add workouts, probably cardio three to four times a week which in theory should help me lose those extra 15 pounds even quicker. The only thing is that the later in the night you take it, the meds make you very hyper and a little fuzzy. I also noticed that there was this really crappy taste in my mouth (though I had my best friend check if my breath smelled bad haha, it didn't) kind of like drinking nail polish remover. This was very strong the beginning of my second week and now that its almost the end of my second week its subsided somewhat. The taste also curbed my appetite.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I have taken several ADs in the past, including Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin was my least favorite. It did not seem to do much for my depression issues. It did not help me lose any of my Effexor fat, either. Instead I noticed the following problems:

    - almost daily headaches (started after a dose increase)
    - constipation (and I hardly ever have that problem!) (also started after a dose increase)
    - acne (also after dose increase)
    - extreme sensitivity to alcohol-- two glasses of wine would make me drunk and even vomit. I usually have a very high tolerance.
    - overly talkative to the point my jaw would start to hurt! I know I was annoying but could seem to stop myself.
    - unusually angry outbursts

    I took it for about six months before I gave up on it. All of the above went away within a week or two of quitting it.

    Frankly, all those anti-depressants caused more problems than they fixed. Good counseling is what helped me. As I felt better about myself, the extra fat started to come off.
  • Sassykbee
    I've been taking Wellbutrin about three weeks now for smoking cessation. I have not noticed any weight gain or loss. My weight has been the same. ( I DO watch what I eat though ). The problems I have been having are the one someone mentioned about the alcohol. I can only drink 2-3 drinks and I am DONE! Twice has lead to vomiting. It also leaves me with a very dry mouth and I am thirsty all the time. So I drink a lot of water which is not a bad thing. It has also helped tremendously with the cravings after I stopped smoking.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Wellbutrin can help with weight loss however, if you have a major negative change in your life while taking it, I have seen suicidal tendencies; make sure to monitor that carefully and if you have any thoughts along those lines, consult your doctor immediately -- emergency room if after hours. That can be very serious. Also, never stop taking Wellbutrin except under a doctor's supervision. That can be a very dangerous situation including seizures.
  • TrinityParadise
    I have been on Welbutrin since I was 15 (now 28). I have nothing but the highest praise for it. I can give one piece of advice though: DO NOT DRINK on it! You will literally go crazy. At least I did. Other than that, I have always been able to lose weight and stay active. Sometimes it causes migraines. If you have that problem, Topamax worked for me. However, it makes you feel stupid and slow for a couple weeks, then it either goes away and is a miracle drug for you or doesn't and you need to get off it. Welbutrin is the only anti depressant that has worked on me ever and I have tried a lot of different ones.
  • DawnBoyd123
    Okay....so I took Lexapro 10mg a day for 10 years. Over those years, I was peri-menopausal and I gained 20 pounds. I could not drop it no matter what I did. We checked thyroid, etc. Nothing came back. Just eat less. Just exercise more. NOTHING WORKED. When I reached 140, I decided I had HAD it and wanted to try something else. I did my research and thought Wellbutrin MIGHT just be the magic bullet. I had a stressful year. Probably NOT the best time to start a different medication. LOL Sold a house. Built a house. Moved in with another family, WITH my family and 2 dogs and 2 cats. Rented and moved out on the worst possible day of the year - RAIN RAIN RAIN. Awful. Began rehearsals for show in which I had the lead. Had a mini TIA early September without any warning signs. Daughter went into the hospital 4 days after my release due to seasonal allergies and the new house fumes. Watching your 10 year old daughter struggle to breath is very very scary. Opened the show. Held a HUGE 90th birthday party for my father. Came back and started FINALLY working on the house and unpacking. Decorated the new house for Christmas, bought all of my gifts, wrapped them and had just bought all of the food for the Christmas Eve meal at 1:00 on December 19th and 3 hours later was in the emergency room with my 90 year old father who was having what we thought was a sever heart attack (my husband is a doc and called me). Well....he had major surgery and on December 30th, my birthday I moved him out of the hospital and into a rehab facility. Falls, more hospitalizations, moving him out of his apartment and a decline in health is where we now stand on March 31st. WHEW...! So, all of these were going on as my body started to do the following: I cut out alcohol. I started eating on smaller plates. I had a little low grade nausea that made me less hungry. I get cold, but still have hot flashes that make me sweat something awful. I continued to go to Jazzercise 3-4 days a week. Slept well. Have lots of good energy. When people saw the show back in October, they all noticed my weight loss. "You look great!" My clothes have gotten bigger and I have gone from a 10-12 to a 2-4. In January, I went to show and someone was taking photos. I saw them later that night on FB and was shocked. I did not think I looked good. Dark circles and my coloring looked off. I looked too skinny! I had a physical in March. Everything came back good EXCEPT my labs which showed a possible thyroid issue. Hyperthyroid? Who knows. I am going to see a PCP next week and then the next day an endocrinologist. I hope this is nothing or something that is not life threathing. I won't say I am not concerned, but I don't know what it is. All I can say, is getting off the Lexapro and starting the Wellbutrin did make a change in my weight. I will keep you posted. Good luck to all.
  • jogy
    jogy Posts: 77 Member
    I hoped these replies helped and didn't confuse you. I am sorry to say that the symptoms are sooooooooooooo different from one person to another. Like any anti-depressants, it is a "try and error" type of thing. I took Wellbutrin once because my sleepiness (symptom from depression) was still very present. I did nothing to help on the sleepiness or weight gain. I am on Ritalin and it does help with energy (I don't fall asleep while driving anymore) but it does not work as an appetite suppressant...and it should.
  • DawnBoyd123
    Okay....so I took Lexapro 10mg a day for 10 years. Over those years, I was peri-menopausal and I gained 20 pounds. I could not drop it no matter what I did. We checked thyroid, etc. Nothing came back. Just eat less. Just exercise more. NOTHING WORKED. When I reached 140, I decided I had HAD it and wanted to try something else. I did my research and thought Wellbutrin MIGHT just be the magic bullet. I had a stressful year. Probably NOT the best time to start a different medication. LOL Sold a house. Built a house. Moved in with another family, WITH my family and 2 dogs and 2 cats. Rented and moved out on the worst possible day of the year - RAIN RAIN RAIN. Awful. Began rehearsals for show in which I had the lead. Had a mini TIA early September without any warning signs. Daughter went into the hospital 4 days after my release due to seasonal allergies and the new house fumes. Watching your 10 year old daughter struggle to breath is very very scary. Opened the show. Held a HUGE 90th birthday party for my father. Came back and started FINALLY working on the house and unpacking. Decorated the new house for Christmas, bought all of my gifts, wrapped them and had just bought all of the food for the Christmas Eve meal at 1:00 on December 19th and 3 hours later was in the emergency room with my 90 year old father who was having what we thought was a sever heart attack (my husband is a doc and called me). Well....he had major surgery and on December 30th, my birthday I moved him out of the hospital and into a rehab facility. Falls, more hospitalizations, moving him out of his apartment and a decline in health is where we now stand on March 31st. WHEW...! So, all of these were going on as my body started to do the following: I cut out alcohol. I started eating on smaller plates. I had a little low grade nausea that made me less hungry. I get cold, but still have hot flashes that make me sweat something awful. I continued to go to Jazzercise 3-4 days a week. Slept well. Have lots of good energy. When people saw the show back in October, they all noticed my weight loss. "You look great!" My clothes have gotten bigger and I have gone from a 10-12 to a 2-4. In January, I went to show and someone was taking photos. I saw them later that night on FB and was shocked. I did not think I looked good. Dark circles and my coloring looked off. I looked too skinny! I had a physical in March. Everything came back good EXCEPT my labs which showed a possible thyroid issue. Hyperthyroid? Who knows. I am going to see a PCP next week and then the next day an endocrinologist. I hope this is nothing or something that is not life threathing. I won't say I am not concerned, but I don't know what it is. All I can say, is getting off the Lexapro and starting the Wellbutrin did make a change in my weight. I will keep you posted. Good luck to all.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I lost weight on Celexa.
  • mikeanddebi1
    mikeanddebi1 Posts: 5 Member
    A friend of mine gave me two good pieces of advice. One is that in real depression, it's not like we can just work our way out of it. I have been seeing a trauma therapist for two years now--suffering from PTSD.

    The second thing he said is to keep a journal when you start a med, so you pay attention to cue's and what it tells you. Good advice as I started. Because I notice I can't drink caffeine on this. Why I thought today, when I stepped up the full dose it would be ok to drink two cups of regular coffee is beyond me! Super jittery episode! But because I had been paying attention...I took steps to bring it back....10 minutes of calming/meditation and some sleepy time tea...in the morning but it helped.

    As far as weight loss....7.40 pounds in a week! And I'm the type that I can do almost anything and will not lose weight! I've run 5 1/2 marathons but I work out/eat healthy and lose maybe .30 of a pound. I'm sure some of it has to do with the chemical imbalance and stress from what created the PTSD but it sure was demoralizing...

    Now I will see if it works for depression.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Hi folks,

    I've been on wellbutrin for about nine months now. Only within the past week did my dose increase from 150 xl to 300 xl. Surprisingly, like a few other people said, it helps a lot with my anxiety. And I have lost a bunch of weight on it. I love it! It's a shame that not everyone has a good response to it.
  • RobinLynx
    RobinLynx Posts: 60
    It works very well for me, no problems, it's been a lifesaver. It didn't take too long to work, less than 2 weeks in my case. You can get the generic form (which I use) at Kroger's pharmacy 3 months worth of 150 mg twice a day for around $65!! It was far less expensive than anywhere around here anyway & that's the price without insurance. I shopped around. I hear if there's a Harvey's grocery store nearby with a pharmacy it is even less--friend of mine says it's one of their $4/month prescriptions.
    Edit: I did find that taking a good Vitamin D3 supplement helps the medication work especially if you can't get outside in the sunshine very often.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I gained weight on Celexa and Lexapro. Tried Wellbutrin in between those two and couldn't sleep for crap. Made me super anxiety ridden and jittery. I only take a super high dose of Vit D3 and Fish Oil now for the past 10 years and I am just fine with that. No panic attacks and minimal depression.
  • deezo16
    deezo16 Posts: 7
    Hey guy's I just joined so here is some of my story, I've been depressed for many years guess since my late teen's I am 42 now never wanted help as in meds or therapy two months ago I went to my first appointment and one month ago today I started taking wellbutrin.. like many of you I am dealing with mental illness issues that have controlled my life for many, many years and am trying to take control of my life. For the first time yesterday I laughed I was listening to the radio and the d j said something funny I haven't laughed or even smiled, I don't even remember when. Anyway some of you have been asking about the weight loss and lack of appetite it as amazing I no longer want to eat I went from eating 24/7 to just one meal a day. I haven't checked my weight yet be cause I gained a lot of weight over the last year after losing about 180lbs I know you guys will say it is not healthy to only eat 1 meal a day but who cares lol , I'm happy that there might be weight loss with/due to these meds I've been taking 150mg and was just put on 300mg today. Anyway thanks for your time and listening to me ramble sorry if there are any errors in my spelling but its late and I took a sleeping pill before I found this blog...
  • deezo16
    deezo16 Posts: 7
    did u lose more weight when u switched to 300mg? thanks for your time
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I was on Wellbutrin for approximately 3 months. I lost about 18 pounds on it. I didn't have much of an appetite. I am not sure though if it was the drug or not. It seems like most people I know on it either lose or maintain their weight. So at least for those I know it didn't cause weight gain.