*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!

"Oh, you're working out? Cool. What do you do? Just that? 30DS, running and pilates? That doesn't seem like it's enough for you."

"You should try this _____ diet, it's like really good and you'll lose SOOOOOO quick."

Person: There's something different about you.
You: Really? I didn't think anyone was going to notice.
Person: Yeah you look really different.
You: *waiting to hear it, ready for the moment, smile's about to come out*
Person: You changed your hair. (Nope.)


Have many more, just thought I'd start it off. ;)


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    You hangry today?
    Here.. Have some beef -hands beef-
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    That doesn't fit my macros.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    A lady asked me what it was doing for workouts the other day and I listed off everything I do and I do a minimum of 30 minutes but most times it's closer to an hour....

    And she said... That's cute, that's usually what I do after my workouts when I'm just killing time...

    I always get people telling me what other diet I should be doing... If I ask it's one thing...but I'm never asking....

    Or the just this pizza won't hurt..... Or ice cream or cupcake.. Etc...
  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member
    You're not doing the _________ diet are you? Cause you know that doesn't work. Trust me!

    (Says this while drinking a Pepsi and snacking on a butterfinger while a frozen Cheeseburger is defrosting in the microwave)
  • iVirgo
    iVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    "you dont need to lose any weight, you look fine"

    "*kitten* calorie counting, lets go drinking"
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    You're not doing the _________ diet are you? Cause you know that doesn't work.

    Yes! Especially this! Everyone always has an opinion about diets.
    Back when I was doing Atkins a former co worker told me EVERY day about how I was killing myself because the Atkins diet killed Dr Atkins... Blah... No it didn't!
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    "What are your secrets?!"

    OH AND " Oh come on splurge!" When I simply don't want to.
  • badwolf4
    badwolf4 Posts: 49 Member
    Are you really going to eat that?

    ((for me, that messes me up so bad))
  • Amiwil
    Amiwil Posts: 57 Member
    Lol I almost feel like I don't have to write anything you guys hit it on the head. Don't forget "You're supposed to eat back all of your calories and since you're not you're starving your body of the nutrients it needs." And what about, "Back when I was fat, I had a similar problem, but it'll pass." Ummm....did they just call me fat?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    "It must be sooo easy for you. You've got great genes. I actually have to work for it. It's sooo not fair!" :sick:

    (This from someone sitting on her butt all day drinking Slim Fast shakes and eating chocolate donuts, while I've watched calories and worked my butt off.)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    most common statements after I answer what I am doing (staying within my calories and walking, swimming or going to the gym
    .. "oh, I should do that too but I like food"
    wtf, so do I and I eat all the time.

    I get a little tired of how much I have lost being brought up every single time I see the same people. annoying but I take it in stride.

    can you have that? I love this one - not

    oh you can skip the gym, don't be so obsessed.

    at the store tonight: oh she counts calories on everything. that was my husband to the stocker in the yogurt aisle. yay me.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    My boss had one of her family members (who doesn't even know me) ask her, "What is that Brittany girl doing to lose weight?!", kinda making it sound like I'm doing something other than working my butt off for it.

    "Bet you'd like to have a piece of this, huh? :laugh:" -__-
  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member
    You should plan for Lipo, those fat cells are just waiting to fill back up again.

  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    My former boss who I hadn't seen in a while said ohhhhh you got SO fat!!!!!

    And I said.. Um I actually lost 35 pounds..... But thanks ;)
  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member

    What an *kitten*!
  • My former boss who I hadn't seen in a while said ohhhhh you got SO fat!!!!!

    And I said.. Um I actually lost 35 pounds..... But thanks ;)

    Yeah my former boss said the same thing to me! "Wow, you've gotten a lot fatter since I last saw you" and I'm like B*TCHPLZZZZ
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member

    What an *kitten*!

    Lol yes she is!! This is one of the nicer things she ever said to me... SO glad to not be working there anymore
  • pilatesXOpixie
    pilatesXOpixie Posts: 70 Member
    If I genuinely am not in the mood for a certain treat or whatever is being offered and I politely say no, it automatically becomes an issue with a lot of people. That drives me absolutely crazy and I swear they then make it their mission to make me feel guilty or harass the hell out of me.
  • kezzola
    kezzola Posts: 65 Member
    I get told " don't lose too much more weight - you're looking good". Except I'm still classed as obese. LOL.
  • shanreta
    shanreta Posts: 19 Member
    You should plan for Lipo, those fat cells are just waiting to fill back up again.



    Too bad their brain cells never filled up...