What do you order at Mcdonalds? (If you go there)



  • jessicamcfarland165
    jessicamcfarland165 Posts: 17 Member
    I usually get the Chicken Bacon McWrap grilled with no sauce (not a big sauce person). It's about 450 calories I believe. For breakfast I'm always going with the blueberry pomengranate smoothie - 220 calories. I actually like McDonalds, especially compared to other fast food places. Oh, and a tip if you're a fry fan, order them no salt and they always make them fresh for you! :)
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Big Mac, Fries, Coke. And a McFlurry with smarties :)

    I order this, sometimes without the icecream, but never anything else ;)
  • FitspoEm
    FitspoEm Posts: 94 Member
    happy meal! roughly 500 calories with a diet coke
  • Bacon chicken ranch Mcwrap with diet coke. YUM!
  • RockStarlaa
    RockStarlaa Posts: 24 Member
    I like Premium
    McWrap Chicken Sweet Chili (Grilled) 360 calories

  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Side salad, 2 grilled chicken patties and a large unsweet tea.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I don't really like McDonald's on the whole, but the 1/4 pounder is where it's at.

    At Wendy's I get 2 jr. cheeseburger deluxe and a small fry, and I only really go there if I'm splurging/cheating that day.
  • smudgedj
    smudgedj Posts: 4 Member
    They don't exist in my country.

    When I lived in the UK they had one in Plymouth dockyard and they delivered to the ships so it was big mac, fries and beans with a large coke.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I have a major issue with McDopes, because the service is so stinkingly bad. On three separate visits to three separate locations I tried to get a double, just the bun, the two patties, and a little mustard, NOTHING else,which I explained carefully, and each time I got it with cheese, sent it back, got it back without the cheese but with the tasteless tomato and limp lettuce, sent it back... when it takes three times for something that simple, screw it. The staff are apparently robots.. I haven't gone to that chain again, about 12 years now.
    I take that back about robots. Robots can follow instructions.
  • sbterp1
    sbterp1 Posts: 9
  • hoosierxheart
    hoosierxheart Posts: 14 Member
    Breakfast: Fruit & Maple Oatmeal or Egg White Delight.
    Lunch/Dinner: Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken Wrap.
  • karmabear06
    karmabear06 Posts: 62 Member
    IF I go to McD's I get either a side salad or a happy meal and ask for fries with no salt they still have salt just not as much as if they were drowning in a sea of salt. I don't have high blood pressure thankfully but I'm sure I would if I ate there regularly.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I hope I don't insult anyone but I call McDonald's "McSlops". I have not eaten there in about 6 years. Maybe twice in about 8 years and both times were for a breakfast biscuit.

    I'm not a fan of McDonald's or really any fast food. I love the Publix deli, though.

    cheap, low quality, mediocre tasting garbage can food that is wrong 98% of the time. Whats not to love?

    Lol because of the Mcdonald's in your profile pic.

    Notice that it's in the background and we have real food in the to go boxes.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I have a major issue with McDopes, because the service is so stinkingly bad. On three separate visits to three separate locations I tried to get a double, just the bun, the two patties, and a little mustard, NOTHING else,which I explained carefully, and each time I got it with cheese, sent it back, got it back without the cheese but with the tasteless tomato and limp lettuce, sent it back... when it takes three times for something that simple, screw it. The staff are apparently robots.. I haven't gone to that chain again, about 12 years now.
    I take that back about robots. Robots can follow instructions.

    same here, try to get a cheeseburger with only ketchup and bit onto a big pickle with mustard. I HATE pickles and mustard so after about 10 times of this nonsense of not being able to make the simplest burger on earth I just wont eat at that hell hole.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    IF I go to McD's I get either a side salad or a happy meal and ask for fries with no salt they still have salt just not as much as if they were drowning in a sea of salt. I don't have high blood pressure thankfully but I'm sure I would if I ate there regularly.

    They salt the fries as soon as they throw them in that big container they scoop them out of. Do they just shake some of the salt off of yours or something?

    McD's fries, the fries that keep on giving

  • tinglecm16
    tinglecm16 Posts: 6 Member
    Depending on how many calories I have left....in order of calories smallest to largest.

    Honey Mustard Snack Wrap - Grilled or
    Cheeseburger, no pickle or onion or

    I usually get a water with my order, if I really need a boost I'll get a diet coke.

    For breakfast I'll get a sausage mcmuffin, with a coffee with cream. I only get lattes on special occasions like when I'm on vacation.

    I don't typically get salads because I'm usually driving (terrible, I know), and if you do get salads, watch out some are loaded with calories.

    Typically the safest options calorie wise are on the dollar menu, Stay away from the fries and drinks! Just a sandwich and water!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I rarely eat fast food.

    But if I do, I get a yogurt parfait or a smoothie. I never drink all of it though…. I usually don't even drink half. It's very filling.

    I also like the ranch snack wraps.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I hope I don't insult anyone but I call McDonald's "McSlops". I have not eaten there in about 6 years. Maybe twice in about 8 years and both times were for a breakfast biscuit.

    I'm not a fan of McDonald's or really any fast food. I love the Publix deli, though.

    cheap, low quality, mediocre tasting garbage can food that is wrong 98% of the time. Whats not to love?

    Lol because of the Mcdonald's in your profile pic.

    Notice that it's in the background and we have real food in the to go boxes.

    The irony. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    I already gave my answer, but seriously people. I don't care if you insult the food or call it a **** hole...in fact I applaud you for realizing that McDonald's can be a death trap for those who are lazy, don't exercise, and eat it every day. I applaud you for having for have an evolved palate and not being interested in over processed food. Just DON'T call the people that work for them names and say things like "they're worst than robots, because robots can follow orders". I work for McD's and I can tell you first hand that yes, we do have plenty of teenagers who don't really want to be working and only have a job because mommy and daddy made them get one. We also have pot heads with no ambition to be or do anything else. Then there are intelligent college students who need a job with flexible hours, people who lost their job and just need some kind of income, and older adults who never got any education after a high school diploma and are quite happy carving out their own little niche in life. I won't give you my whole life story about why I work there, but some day when I graduate college and I'm handing in my resume I think it's going to look pretty damn good that I'm a manager and I've stuck with a place for so long.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Well, if they get my order repeatedly wrong three times out of three, I'm not inclined to think well of the service.