I HATE exercise!



  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    You really have to find something you like which probably means trying a bunch of different things. I love Cycling and I do it have days a week. There are a lot of different videos on cable as well as on You tube. Do you belong to a gym they always have a variety of classes. Good Luck!!! Once you find what you like you will learn to love exercise!!
  • michellespark
    michellespark Posts: 5 Member
    I hate exercise as well....A lot but sex is a good on'e as long as you have a partner,,,,kinda hard when you are single and don't want to sleep around. But yeah that would be my favorite....lol
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    I used to find exercise boring, too. I was determined, though. Over time, I changed my attitude. I found HIIT and Strength Training and haven't looked back. It's not boring at all because it takes some mental toughness to get through sometimes.

    I still can't do Zumba...I don't like it. The key is finding what you do like.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Becoming a couch cushion is more fun?
  • LucindaBass85
    I agree!

    I'm totally knackered when i come in from a really long day at work and so far there's only two forms of exercise I find fun - dancing on a night out and the second is the obvious other! One is easy to do, the other is not if you're single like me!!! I'm 30 next year and would love to find another form of exercise I actually enjoy but i've tried lots and have been unsuccessful! :o/
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    Variety is the spice of life. I don't just do one thing, I do lots of active things and there is a double benefit. I get the exercise and I'm not sitting on the couch where I'm tempted to eat out of boredom. I hate lifting weights and I only run because it's convenient and I know I can do it. The trick is finding things that you love to do that are also active.

    I like to go to a climbing gym with friends, mountain biking, kayaking and hiking. I'm handy and there are plenty of home-improvement projects and yard work around my house. I also just started Tae Kwon Do and I love it. I'm self conscious and I feel out of place but it's awesome and it's amazing how much progress I've made in a very short time. I can actually tell a difference in my balance, coordination and flexibility after only a few weeks!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    i hate exercise too, that's why Zumba, and walking/hiking with music are my only only exercise. I find outside walking relaxing and enjoyable, it doesn't feel like exercise as long as my music is playing in my ears.
  • I hate it too, I just do it anyway. I always feel better afterward, and as I'm busting my butt I just keep reminding myself that at least I'm not sitting at home on the couch... It helps me to know that I'm doing something to change my body in a positive way instead of being lazy
  • S3r3knitty
    S3r3knitty Posts: 159 Member
    Ok truth be said exercise is not my favourite past time and when I started it was a chore. After half a year I am still not madly in love with it but strangely enough I also don't hate it anymore and I love the benefits from it. For me it is a little bit like cleaning. I don't like to clean but I like to live in a clean house hence I clean ;). I don't always like to go exercising but I love my new endurance and strength. I like that I am able to work in the garden half the day then build together some cupboards and clean the house and not feel exhausted at the end of the day hence I work out.
  • nicolebrice2
    nicolebrice2 Posts: 3 Member
    My thing is that I am constantly doing a million things at once at home and especially at work. Multi-tasking is my middle name! Over the last week I have ridden an exercise bike a couple times, only for 15-20 minutes and felt like I was going crazy because I was just "sitting there" peddling away. Listening to music didn't help either, which is weird because that usually is just the thing to pump me up to get moving. I feel the same way with elliptical machines, the treadmill, etc... A lot of people have a sport or exercise they love. What would you suggest for an uncoordinated 30 something who is not exactly athletic?
  • nicolebrice2
    nicolebrice2 Posts: 3 Member
    I've never heard of toneitup.com and will try it. I tried Zumba once, but felt silly and uncoordinated. Now that there are videos perhaps I will try it in the privacy of my own home!
  • EreborsPrincess
    I hated it too but then I realized that I hate being overweight even more.


    And my husband told me my legs look amazing since I've been walking, so there's some incentive :glasses:
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    If your not a fan of exercising then maybe try some recreational sports or activities that would keep you motivated. Like actgually yesterday I cancelled my gym membership because I wasn't going and I couldnt get motivated to go every single time. Whereas right now I am walking during my lunch breaks, playing guitar while standing, and playing soccer with my GF on the weekends. I lost 7 ibs and 4 inches just by doing that. So I would suggest finding something you enjoy doing and can do all the time. if your moving your losing =D
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Take a class, find a rec sports team, put your ego and your attitude aside and try things until you find something you like. Also, the long term benefits outweigh short term discomfort, well, by a lot.

    You will lose weight by counting calories over time, but you probably won't be crazy about what you see in the mirror.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I hate it all too. Team sports, group classes, solo cardio, lifting, videos, running outside, swimming, yoga,dance...you name it.

    I like kicking a soccer ball around or going for a dip in a lake or taking a walk or skiing or dancing at the bar with my friends, but the second it becomes something I have to do regularly for the purpose of exercise, it becomes such a chore and so tiresome and boring.

    I listen to audiobooks now while I do it and just...deal with it. But I hate it. Every single time, pretty much. Hahaha.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Get a dog, or walk the neighbours dog, or dog shelter might need walkers.

    Taking a break from multi-tasking is hard at first. We need the quietness to just be-but sometimes lack of busyness is scary. Keep at it, and it will get easier.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You have to give Zumba at least 3 classes.. but don't worry we are all uncoordinated I've been going for a year and I still go the wrong direction and land on the wrong foot or completely mess up the steps and make my own up. Zumba is about *fun*. If your instructors main focus isn't fun then you need to go to a different instructor. Oh and they all teach differently. There are 2 I love at my gym and 2 I do not like at all, so i don't go to their classes.

    I like kickboxing a lot too.. same thing though, I don't like the sub we have when the regular instructor i out.

    I also hate treadmills! I will do them if it's freezing out and I need to run, but it's a last resort. I'd rather grab a basketball and run around the court for a bit.

    I love ultimate frisbee! So I do that weather permitting as well :)

    Basically, don't give up. Just keep trying things until you find what you enjoy.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    I have found that I much prefer isometric exercises that I can just do here & there throughout my day. Laying on the couch playing on my phone? Do some leg lifts. Waiting for something? Pace or do lunges. Bored w/ my toddler? Go for a walk! There are a million little changes you can make that impact your activity level over the course of the whole day.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Run outside. Bike. Join a gym to get out of the house. Try out strength training. Swim. Do circuit style work outs. Join a softball/kickball/flag football/insert any sport league in your town. It sounds like you just haven't round the right exercise you like. You're not alone in hating staring at a wall while you elliptical for an hour. Yawn. If you find you hate EVERY form of exercise it's time to own up to just being lazy.

    EDIT: Yoga, pilates, ultimate frisbee, golf (walk, no golf cart)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've never heard of toneitup.com and will try it. I tried Zumba once, but felt silly and uncoordinated. Now that there are videos perhaps I will try it in the privacy of my own home!
    Check out fitnessblender.com and if you've got a smart phone, download the Nike Training Club app - free workouts you can do at home, and great variety in both places.