*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • lookinggoodkel
    lookinggoodkel Posts: 1,235 Member
    fruit isn't bad it doesn't have loads of calories/sugar etc
  • ckasap
    ckasap Posts: 60 Member
    A woman in my office keeps a plastic storage tub of candy on her desk for everyone to have and EVERY DAMN DAY when I got for my afternoon snack (fruit, yogurt, whatever) she goes, "Don't you want some chocolate?". *****, I have had enough chocolate - that is why my *kitten* is so big. And when I smile and say, "No sorry, not within my calories for the day" she goes, "One piece won't hurt".


    But whatever she knows best, clearly. She smokes, drinks 3-4 Pepsi's a day, and her lunch 3-4 times a week is cheese fries. *thumbs up*
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    "You can't eat that!"

    My office mate at work is currently trying to lose weight as well so we talk about it quite a bit. She lives on salad and diet soda and says she's "being bad" when she eats anything else. I'm just focusing on calories so I eat whatever as long as it fits that goal, but she criticizes my food choices quite frequently. Annoys the crap out of me.

    Especially since we're getting basically the same results.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    What you REALLY need to do is X

    where X = "eat 6 meals per day", or "cut out carbs", or "not eat after 6 PM", etc.

    This one baffles me. I think I've already figured out what I need to do, you know, having done it.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    1. It's okay to over-indulge! It's the weekend! (no, it's not ok)
    2. One ________ (cookie, donut, etc.)_______ won't hurt your calorie count. (sorry but it can destroy my count for the day)
    3. You have to try the __________ diet. It works better than anything else. (mhm and i see it's not doing a dang thing for u)

    and my favorite:

    4. Why is there a treadmill in your living room? Who's is it?
    (ummm probably mine :noway: cuz it's in my freaking house?)

  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    "You're going to be SO HOT when you lose weight!"

    ... THANKS! :grumble:
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    "I thought you were dieting?!?" (When you are observed drinking anything other than water or eating anything other than salad...)


    Or the similar phrases "are you sure you should be eating that?" and "be careful you dont put it all back on" when you are eating anything other than the aforementioned salad.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    "you don't need to lose anything, you look fine" Um, Thanks..but you're not me, so back it up.

    "you lift man weights??" What are 'man weights', what does that even mean?

    "if you use the barbell you're gonna get too muscular and look like a man" >.>
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Ok ladies....it has to be...oh girl, you look good for having 4 kids!!! If I hear that one more time I'm seriously gonna blow! :mad:

    I get that all.the.time I know it's a compliment of sorts.... But why "for having for kids?" why not "you look good."

    I hate that people think that because I am smaller than them, I don't need to lose weight or I am healthy... Truth is we could both lose a little weight ;)

    I think people add the "for having kids" because our society basically tells women they need to be ashamed of what their bodies look like after giving birth. I think it make them think it's some kind of added compliment if they specify that.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    "What are your secrets?!"

    1. I bathe in the blood of virgins right after a juice cleanse. Really clears out the pores, I'm tellin' you.
    2. Sacrificing a 2-year-old white rooster on the third full moon of an even-numbered year helped me shed 50lbs in one week! It was amazing.
    3. I ate less and worked out more.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    If someone notices, particularly in a group of people, others will start saying how they should start exercising and then making excuses for not doing so. Happens so bloody often. The presence of my slightly reduced *kitten* is not a comment on their phsyical state.

    I also think there's an element of not being the 'worst' person in the office/group anymore. I think some people used to think 'I'm packin' a few pounds. but I ain't as big as spacebean' or 'I enjoy a beer now and then [read: 6 times a week], but I don't drink as much as her' or 'I'd never let myself go like her'.

    Now I'm merely overweight and eat fruit instead of doughnuts, some people seem to take affront to me being around with my decreased mass. For reasons other than my ghastly personality and inappriopriateness, of course :wink:
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member
    Me: I've lost some weight, I'm really excited.
    Them: You really need to exercise, drink lots of water, and stop drinking soda. And on and on with diet advice.

    Different convo, different folks:
    Me: I think whatever it is I'm doing seems to be working.
    Them: Check back with us (mfp experts) in two weeks, as it might just be water weight.
  • lablueluna
    "If you lose 20 lbs, I'll buy you new clothes." Said to me at age 14 and size 14 by my mom.

    "You are fatter than the last time I saw you." Said to me by (much bigger than me) aunt after 5 years of not seeing me.

    "You need to lose weight. You need to run like your niece does. Here, have some french fries and butter sautéed shrimp I made." Said to me by heavyset dad who has really messed up view about how women should look despite what he eats and looks like.

    "Those dresses are not made for you. They are made for thin people, like your niece." Sait to me by quite overweight sister and agreeing father.

    All of these said during periods of my life when I was trying hard to lose weight and get more fit.
    UGH. I wonder why I have a screwed up body image and relationship with food.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    "You can't eat that!"

    My office mate at work is currently trying to lose weight as well so we talk about it quite a bit. She lives on salad and diet soda and says she's "being bad" when she eats anything else. I'm just focusing on calories so I eat whatever as long as it fits that goal, but she criticizes my food choices quite frequently. Annoys the crap out of me.

    Especially since we're getting basically the same results.

    ha.. i'd look at her salad and say "that's all your eating? I'd starve"

    Actually i have a co worker who eats a huge amount of green vegetables. for lunch he gets one of those big containers of power greens, put green chili sauce on it and eats. He drinks green smoothies and has a banana and almonds for snacks. I have no idea how he survives without meat during the day. He's lost about the same as me, but he's stalled out and wont' change anything else. i'm still losing..
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,407 Member
    I just get the typical ..... " you have lost to much weight"
    and THEN if I gain like 10lbs.... " are you still going to the gym.. think it would be good for you"

    :indifferent: :indifferent: make up your mind

    Wow. That...was...funny.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    "You can't eat that!"

    My office mate at work is currently trying to lose weight as well so we talk about it quite a bit. She lives on salad and diet soda and says she's "being bad" when she eats anything else. I'm just focusing on calories so I eat whatever as long as it fits that goal, but she criticizes my food choices quite frequently. Annoys the crap out of me.

    Especially since we're getting basically the same results.

    Oh man I remember the days of working in an office with a bunch of dieting ladies. HELL!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I just get the typical ..... " you have lost to much weight"
    and THEN if I gain like 10lbs.... " are you still going to the gym.. think it would be good for you"

    :indifferent: :indifferent: make up your mind

    Wow. That...was...funny.

    Guess if that is what you find funny..... I find it hurtful that my mom does that to me.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    "You should do the military diet with us. You'll get great results." hhmmm canned tuna, limited condiments, and a couple other things? No Ty! Plus you gals smell ????

    "You really don't want to lift heavy weights like the guys do you?" Yes, I do and I want to lift heavy and I can deadlift you if you want me to show you.

    "How much weight do you want to lose? When do you think you'll get there?" well I wasn't aware that a goal weight was a destination. Let me go check my crystal ball and btw its none of your stinkin business!

    and the list can go on and on. I get a bit bent when people say stupid things about women lifting weights. Lifting weights has kept my MS at bay for 2.5yrs now. I feel better and I am in better shape than I was in my 20s.
  • erickbrian
    erickbrian Posts: 53 Member
    "But you're starving yourself! You need to eat more! You probably need more protein too."