Do you plan it out??

Hi everyone, I just joined MFP in the beginning of February and I am amazed and inspired by the effort and the discipline that some of you have displayed! I really feel as if this is more than just a diet, but I realize that if this is going to last for longer than 3-5 months then it's going to require a bit of planning.

I'd like to plan out my meals a day or two in advance to make sure I reach my caloric goals but, with two small children and a full time job, time has become a precious commodity and I was just wondering if any of you awesome people plan out your meals in advance so to prevent impulse eating?

If you do can you tell me what you do to give me a sort of guideline to use to be more effective???

Thanks in advance.


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I generally plan a day in advance. I use storage containers and ziplock bags to weigh and measure everything the day before if I know it'll be a crazy day. It helps me hit my macro and not have to spend too much time doing it that day, as I'm a stay at home mom, myself. I find it helps keep me in check. Even if things change, I still know what alloted calories I have left.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I plan my day in advance, but I don't plan multiple days in advance as I find it to be unrealistic. You never know what's going to come up in the next few days, what food you'll still have in the house, how you'll feel, etc.

    Of course just because a day is planned doesn't mean that I don't usually have to make adjustments. I don't plan my snacks, and usually leave in wiggle room after planning. Think of it as planning the skeleton of your day, and in fill in the details as you go :D
  • I definitely plan out my meals 24-48 hours in advance and its been very helpful. Usually for dinner I make something low fat with protein and end up making enough to bring to work the next day for lunch. Usually for breakfast and snacks I stick with some of the same things all week long and then change up the next week. Good luck!
  • rclarke840
    rclarke840 Posts: 5 Member
    I actually do my meal planning on Sunday's. I will usually make a bunch of Chicken breasts, and steam some vegetables and actually portion them out for my lunches- I don't really min eating the same thing everyday so it works for me :)
  • I do most of the planning while I'm shopping. I'll make sure I have enough meat, vegetables and rice to last me the week, that way I have a good idea of what I'll be having for lunch and dinner. Breakfast can be a little bit of a crapshoot, but I tend to go with eggs or canned soup with black coffee so that it isn't time/though consuming in the morning.

    Then, when things get bumped off schedule (go out to eat/have a few drinks) I do my best to adjust accordingly and/or ad in an extra workout to make up for whatever calories I've consumed.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I plan out as well.

    As a working women with my husband and man child (aka 19 yo son), other family friends life in general and my workouts yes time can be short...

    I find tho that if I do plan out in advance (ie logging) the guess work is done for my meals..which saves time. It ensures I take out of the freezer for my dinner meal.

    It doesn't always work last night my son ate the leftovers after his workout so there goes my lunch today.

    Preplanning not only saves time but it gives me a realistic view of what I am actually eating and gives me time to tweek what I am eating if I am not hitting my macros...

    As mentioned by SugaryLynx I often pre measure out my food the night before (even if it's not going to be hectic) so it's a grab and go in the morning.

    I know some people here (and i am amazed by them) prepare their weekly meals on the weekend...put it in containers so that they have that time back during the week...takes a couple hours on a weekend but could involve the kids in it for family time and wham you have an extra 45mins every night at dinner time...
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I try to plan a day in advance so I have the ingredients on hand to make what i want BUT I also have stuff in the freezer that I can make in a pinch.

    When I get busy at work and cant get home early enough (or as usually the case, forget to plan dinner), I can grab a fish filet and frozen veggies and cook those up. I often make fish or shrimp tacos because they cook quickly (shrimp defrosts fast under running cold water) and I always keep tortillas on hand. Throw a bit of salsa and lettuce, and there is dinner. And all well under 400 cals.

    I also will pre-cook chicken so I have it in the fridge for salads, sandwiches, and snacks.

    When I do cook a planned dinner, there is always enough for leftovers so that gets packaged up for lunch with the evening cleanup.
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    to save time I find myself planning one day and repeating it the next (easy and fast to copy meal to next day) and then plan out the following day again etc. I find that I need variety but I can do two days in a row of the same thing, its been working for me.
  • shenica1
    shenica1 Posts: 89 Member
    I plan my meals in advance, usually the night before. I have two babies and I work so that helps.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I plan a day ahead to avoid impulse eating (doesn't always work though) also I guess I plan a week ahead for the grocery shop too. After a few months of tracking your calories you get a feel of groceries to buy and what will go with what when shopping to stay within your goals. When planning a day ahead if I go over I will also think about popping to gym to burn a few calories. Last night I knew I was going for pizza so I logged the starter, pizza and dessert and had a quick workout after work to counter act what I knew I was about to stuff my face with (I went to a well known restaurant and MFP already had the food in the database which makes things easier). Good luck in ur plight!!
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    I'm a working mom of 4, and I do all the grocery shopping and cooking for my family. For a long time I have shopped on Sunday afternoons, and I plan ahead all of our dinners based on what is fresh and/or on sale. This saves me money, ensures that we will eat well and saves a heck of a lot of stress when I get home at 6. My husband and I both bring our lunch to work. This also saves money and is healthier. I've been planning out my day in full including snacks either in the morning or the night before. This ensures that I have enough good food to eat to keep me from making bad choices in hunger, and it really helps me work on hitting my macros. Experimenting with new things has helped me do this without getting bored, but IMO planning ahead is everything. My diary is open, and I've had a really good week if you're interested in taking a peak for ideas.
  • jessicamcfarland165
    jessicamcfarland165 Posts: 17 Member
    My biggest problem with food is getting lazy and putting in something frozen or going out when it comes to dinner time. I plan dinners for the week on Sundays, so I can know what groceries to buy. I have the week planned out, but am free to switch day to day if I feel like something else that particular night. I find it helps not only with avoiding convenience foods, but also with watching spending. I've gotten it down to where I can plan the whole week and make a grocery list in approx. 30 minutes. I JUST had a baby, though, so we'll see how I can work it now that she's here! :)
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    Been doing this for 1 year and now trying to maintain the loss. I always find having a good idea of what I am eating the day before or that morning gives me the best advantage to stay on track. I can always change things around later as the needs fits. I love small baggies and when I am repackaging something grab the shears and cut off the nutrition label and stick it in the bag, no questions later. When I work, I package everything up the day before and have it already logged in my diary. I keep a day planner with my daily weight and calorie numbers in each daily block, good reference for quick looking back. It is trial and error for most people and finding what works for you is 1/2 the battle. I also have a fitbit zip that I love and I can quickly see how my exercise and calories work together giving me more of an accurate picture of my journey.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I grocery shop for the week every Sunday and plan out the week's evening meals. I also buy pretty much the same stuff for breakfast and lunch (eggs and sandwich stuff) so my week of food is very predictable. I stock up on bananas and baby carrots for snacks, along with whatever fruit/vegetables are on sale.
    I don't get tired of the same things over and over (aside from dinner) so this really helps me stay on track. It's also had a very nice effect on my budget.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I plan my meals out every weekend for the following week. I try to eat clean and healthy and do a lot of preparation on Sunday evenings. Taking the time before the work week will help you with loss of time during the week.
  • vslnrunner
    vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
    I do plan mine out ahead of time. I usually alternate between a couple different breakfasts. I put in the recipes for dinners and stuff so I just select it from the list. I add my meals first and then fill in with snacks to meet my calorie needs.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    I somewhat do. My situation is different as in I live alone, so I choose 3 or 4 healthy meals to make, divide into servings and freeze a bunch for future lunches and dinners. This way I'm not running out of healthy food and tempted to get takeout. When I go grocery shopping for the next week or two, I make sure to buy a wide variety of food, including healthy snacks and fresh food I absolutely have to eat so it doesn't go bad. I lost weight in my first couple of weeks without even working out because I cut back on eating out. I was still eating filling things I love, like stews and lasagna, but I was controlling the portions. For a busy dad, slow cookers are awesome!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Yes, I pre-plan and pre-log. You always know exactly where you stand.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    When I am on task and really dedicated I do plan out meals for the week. I usually take sometime on Saturday or Sunday to look at recipes, go grocery shopping and cook a few meals. I portion them out and freeze them for lunches/supper and just the times I do not feel like coming home. I utilize a slow cooker for some of the meals so I can prep it the night before and let it cook while at work. Hope this helps you!
  • jazzcatastrophe
    jazzcatastrophe Posts: 54 Member
    I don't necessarily plan for specifics days ahead, but my meals are generally in the same range of calories/macros everyday. When I know I'm going to be having a splurge meal or something out of the ordinary, I do plan more rigidly in the morning. Most of the time though, I just log my food right before I eat it