HALP! My Body Is Diet and Fitness Resistant!



  • vslnrunner
    vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
    So to answer a few questions....
    I am 5'6, 234.5 pounds....
    I measure and weigh everything I eat.
    I've switched out all of my diet pop consumption to water (except for just 1 diet mt dew...it's my coffee haha)
    I cut out carbs because heard that if in fact I have a hormonal imbalance that is an optimal diet to attempt to lose weight.
    Also, I've never tried the low carb option so that's also a reason.

    how many calories per day are you consuming?

    I'm attempting to stay between 1500-1700 looking at that number now I feel it's a bit high maybe I should cut that.

    Yah no don't cut that...I eat that, older than you and weigh less and I lose weight...so you would too.

    If you open your diary it would be easier to really give you personalized advice...

    Even if you do have PCOS you can lose weight with a calorie deficet you just have to be more patient...Jillian Michaels has PCOS...and look at her...that is not an instant "Im gonna be fat forever diagnoses"

    agree with this...

    Maybe you should try to consistently hit 1700 for four weeks, and see what happens...

    are you doing MFP method or TDEE method? if you already said which one, I must of missed it...

    Agreed PCOS is not a sentence of being fat forever. Knowing your BF % would also help in figuring out your TDEE more accurately because the higher your lean muscle mass the higher that number will be.
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I was thinking about zoloft the other day and wondered if anyone here was on it, and voila! I have been on and off it for the past few years. I always found it difficult to lose weight while I was taking it. It was possible, but I had to work just a little harder. I think it does something to your metabolism. Don't give up, stay on your meds so you can be mentally healthy. I know how that anxiety is. I have depression with it as well. Mine is situational however. If something happens then I spiral and need to get back on to get me out. For now I am good. Hang in there and keep at it!!
  • I have always had the worst time losing weight on zoloft. I went off it 6 months ago and im down 40 pounds with little effort now. Hope that helps
  • ashiunia
    ashiunia Posts: 4 Member
    If your sister was diagnosed with PCOS chances are that you might have it, too. I would definitely get it checked out as it might be hindering your weight. People with PCOS tend to be insulin resistant but with proper diet you can lose weight. When hormones are in question, simple calorie restriction isn't always the answer. I know when my hormones were out of balance I could hardly lose weight when eating under deficit and gained it easily. Once they were regulated it all became easier and weight started coming off even with a slight calorie decrease.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I feel the same way, it was easier for me to maintain while not caring, now that I care with diet and workout, I feel like I gain. I have PCOS as well, and just joined yesterday hoping to find some women in the same boat on to where to start diet wise. I dont have any advise, but good luck and hopefully I can follow your journey to see what works for you!
  • ncgingerich
    ncgingerich Posts: 46 Member
    Have you considered asking your doctor for a different medication? I found that Wellbutrin helped tremendously with my anxiety a few years back. Of course exercise also helps! Best of luck...
  • TheFo1dOut
    TheFo1dOut Posts: 49 Member
    I appreciate everyone's kind words and support! I'm hitting this diet/lifestyle change HARD! I'm crazy determined to make that scale move.