*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • Wow... just wow...

    I have a "friend" of mine that has really said a few hurtful things to me recently, as I have been dieting. We had our January/February birthday luncheon, and all the birthday girls, and guys go to go first to make thier plates. So I made mine, nothing outlandish, and he comes in and goes "God, did you leave enough for the rest of us?" in a joking manner - so everyone turns around, and I tried to act not hurt by that, Im extremly sensative anyways. :( Then in the elevator the other day I was with a few customers, and he gets on with a newly hired person he had been given a tour to. I asked her how it had been going, and she was like oh I think I know the basics by now, and I said I do to that's all we really need to know, and the mean guy goes "She knows the importants like the cafeteria" and then like he caught himself I think because I didnt laugh, and then he goes, and the "pharmacy" and stuff... not sure but it's not funny, and it's hurtful.
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    Man, some of you have pretty crappy people in your life... I have plenty of people that say how well I've done, but instead of taking it as a compliment or becoming satisfied with it, I use it as motivation because I'm only halfway there! I feel bad for some of the women in this post because other people try to put a value on you or determine your worth by saying those things. Most people claim they meant nothing by it, but then why say anything? Don't listen to the haters, keep shooting for your goals (healthy goals, not dropping weight as fast as possible) and make sure to lift!!! Most people that I see lose tons of weight fast do look sick because they had no muscle before and even less after that weight loss!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    Husband says "Where is my dinner you fat *kitten* b*tch?" Or let's go out to eat tonight. But I love you. He's a drunk who drinks mostly his liquid diet and has lost tons of weight. Always, complains about my cooking but if I allow him to help me in the kitchen then it's according to him the best meal ever. Taste buds must change when you drink a fifth a rum a day with your diet coke.
    How is this guy still breathing?!?!?!
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Husband says "Where is my dinner you fat *kitten* b*tch?" Or let's go out to eat tonight. But I love you. He's a drunk who drinks mostly his liquid diet and has lost tons of weight. Always, complains about my cooking but if I allow him to help me in the kitchen then it's according to him the best meal ever. Taste buds must change when you drink a fifth a rum a day with your diet coke.


    so how's the relationship working out for you?
  • purplemurfy
    purplemurfy Posts: 95 Member
    Oh, good! Maybe now you can find a boyfriend.

    Umm, really?

    This from the same person who when I broke up with a previous bf said, "Don't let him make you feel bad, you're beautiful on the inside". . . . . Mom, the weight wasn't the problem. I met him on a BBW website!
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Ugh, for a class once we all went out to Cracker Barrel, and while everyone got pancakes and stuff i got 2 fillets of trout, and thats it. Some girls sat by me and said, are you Vegan or something? -Seriously, Vegan? Lol.

    People tell me stuff I'm doing wrong, or I should eat so much. Once someone said, I don't see how you can lose weight, with you eating so much. - I was netting less than 1000 calories at the time ( I know, bad! )

    People try to constantly sabatoge me too! I mean goodness, yes, a slice of pizza won't kill me, but I don't eat stuff like that, so it's going to end up makign me sick. Just let me be... xD
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Someone told me this morning that I didn't need to lose any weight. I probably have another 25-30 pounds of fat to lose. It was nice to hear, but not exactly helpful.
  • Bahbz
    Bahbz Posts: 8 Member
    Not well at all but he won't leave and it's my house. Just obtained a eviction notice waiting for him to piss me off again. Last Sat nite almost called police.
  • Bahbz
    Bahbz Posts: 8 Member
    It's terrible being an alcoholic and he functions pretty well goes to work almost everyday. Being a widow I don't want to be by myself but living like this is killing me more then it's killing him. I really haven't done well on my diet mostly because of the stress in my life. But I am still a very happy person and try to do good in life. I already told him he is not invited to move with me when I retire.
  • It's terrible being an alcoholic and he functions pretty well goes to work almost everyday. Being a widow I don't want to be by myself but living like this is killing me more then it's killing him. I really haven't done well on my diet mostly because of the stress in my life. But I am still a very happy person and try to do good in life. I already told him he is not invited to move with me when I retire.

    I am so sorry you have to go through this! You don't deserve it at all and it's amazing that you're distracting yourself with the good things in life! If only I could teleport and punch him in the face... :)
  • TatianaSoe
    TatianaSoe Posts: 38 Member
    When I told my sister in law I was counting calories to lose weight, she looked at me like I had 3 heads and said "you're COUNTING calories?!" like I was a crazy person.

    Some other good ones:

    "Well you're getting older so of coarse you are going to start gaining weight, that's normal". I was 24 at the time and no it's not normal to have a BMI of 25, that's why it's called OVERweight and not normal weight. Age-related weight gain is a thing but it is not the reason why I am overweight.

    "You're young, you can eat whatever you want". What???

    "Why are you losing weight, you look fine, it's not like you are super fat or anything". Umm, well thanks but how I think and feel about my body and health is more important than your opinion, as nice as it is.

    "You've been trying to lose weight for 6 months but you don't look any different". I fell off the wagon due to a medical condition and because I temporary lost my willpower, but thanks for the confidence boost!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You look great now. Maybe you are just meant to be that size.

    Yea.. a friend of mine says that "Maybe this is the size your body is comfortable at" Uhh.. no.. my body will be comfortable when it is a healthy size. Not the size I decide to stop at because I am lazy/give up/or find it difficult. lol
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Most people just ask how I did it - and when I tell them count calories/macros - their eyes just glaze over and conversation is over.

    ^^ So much this... as soon as they hear that its 'Oh I couldn't do that' or just oh... with great disappointment that I didn't say something much more hip or sexy, like this or that magic pill or shake or program by someone they have never heard of....
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    I NEVER told anybody I was trying to lose weight. I wanted to avoid other people telling me what to do or watching my every move and having unrealistic expectations. It was fun to see their faces after I lost all the weight though. Stunned. lol

    My mom on the other hand doesn't want me to reach my goals because that would mean I look better than her. Pfft. She says every day: "You're too thin. What are you a zero?" and makes fun of me for dieting and exercising in public. The fuhh!?

    It also drives me crazy as can be when I take one day off or pig out one day and then my mom will say "You can just start over tomorrow." Beetch, I've been working on this for years! I am not starting over!
  • FinallyDoingMe
    FinallyDoingMe Posts: 84 Member
    oh hunny, not wanting to be alone does not justify being treated like *kitten*! :frown:

    eta: in response to Bahbz's post
    the quote function eluded my noggin
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 235 Member
    You could be telling my story of my first marriage. When I finally got out, it took awhile to find myself again because I didn't realize how badly he had damaged my self-esteem. I got through it though and was determined to be happy on my own. Being alone is much, much better than being with someone who hurts you on a daily basis. I went back to school, started exercising and made some new friends at school. I started socializing, volunteering and realized one day that I had a great life with lots of friends, all on my own. When I began to feel good about myself, this great guy came along and we ended up getting married. We've been together for 10 years now and are still in love. Thing is, I never would have met him if I had stayed with the first bum. Kick him to the curb and get on with your life.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    This thread is awesome. I never really thought about how obnoxious people are when it comes to diet advice. Most of it falls in the category of "well-meaning" but ill-advised and unasked for... But geez... And people to do it about EVERYTHING.... you can find "what not to say" lists about mothering boys, mothering girls, mothering premies, being single, losing weight, grieving,... you name it, and people have almost always felt entitled to give "well-meaning" advice, especially family members...

    I remember once, when I was pregnant with my daughter, my granddfather said to me, "Think you're gonna hang onto this one?" because I had previously miscarried... He meant nothing by it, but people do not realize sometimes the impact of their words... and I am to the point in my life now where my BS meter is about full, so I'mma start TELLING THEM!

    But how do you know when your being hurtful? Like someone here was talking about a comment made, I had experienced something like that before and the relatability made me laugh. I mentioned it and I think they thought I was being hurtful too.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I will go back to the gym one of these days. I need to work on my comeback lines though so I can shut people up when they make stupid comments. Any suggestions?

    Just tell them to mind their own business.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I guess I just don't get what gives people especially strangers a free license to make any comments to someone that they don't know. Blows me away at the ignorance in our society.

    I blame it on facebook and twitter. People are so busy posting what they had for dinner, or how big of a dump they took that morning, that now everyone believes everyone else's private business is public domain.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Not well at all but he won't leave and it's my house. Just obtained a eviction notice waiting for him to piss me off again. Last Sat nite almost called police.

    Evict him. You deserve better.