Evening self-sabotage



  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Something that has helped me with this recently is having a few hard mint candies in the evenings. It gives me something sweet, occupies my mouth and taste buds, and has helped me avoid binges. The calories you'll get from a few pieces are worth it when you consider the amount you're saving by having them.
  • thatfitgeek
    thatfitgeek Posts: 54 Member
    I am so awful at this! It is why I have gained so much weight! My strategy is, whenever I feel the need to snack (usually starting about 8:30 PM), I drink (more like chug) a 16 oz bottle of water, then do some laundry, look at some fitspo (always helpful!), take a bubble bath, study (I am a student but I doubt that applies to you, maybe you could do some office work or something?), do some sit ups or stretches, doodle, watch TV (normally Netflix because when it is regular TV the commercials always have the best looking food ever!), or just hit the sack extra early (which leaves me feeling revived and rejuvenated in the morning!)

    Best of luck!
  • You really hit a common problem right on the nose! Everyone does something different so it's hard to give advice on things like this. I just try to leave a little extra every day and when I go to eat it. I make sure I measure. Give yourself the correct portion that doesn't go over your calories and don't do anything else. pick up a book, clean something, or just go to bed. Denying yourself completely won't help you. It'll make you binge, but control it.
  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    I do this alllllllllll the time!!! A few days ago, I saved an extra 250 calories in the evening and planned a little "mini-meal". Instead of my usual bowl of cereal, followed by fruit, followed by yogurt, followed by cheese, I grabbed a Jimmy Dean D-Lights sandwich for my snack. The warmth and the protein really did it for me, and I wasn't hungry the rest of the night.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I do this too which is why I always save about 300 calories or sometimes more at the end of the night. Its my reward for a job well done.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I used to do the same exact thing. DH and I could demolish an entire pan of brownies!!

    Basically just have to stop doing it. Stop keeping junk in the house, plan a healthy snack. Go to bed. etc.
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    My biggest success has been when I log my entire day - including evening snacks - before I eat anything in the morning (or even the night before). If I get hungry or just decide to change something, I know I have to play with the whole day to make it work and that might mean giving up an evening snack, or trading it for something with fewer calories.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Help! I do really well with eating all day but go for "just one little snack" and end up destroying my progress for the day, usually after the kiddo (4) is finally in bed around 9. Does anyone else have strategies they use to combat late night munchies??? Thanks!

    I do the SAME thing!! After I get my 4 kiddos to bed, I just want to sit and relax. And eat. Being aware of how many calories I'm mindlessly consuming has helped a little bit. But honestly, the only help I have found for myself is to go to bed earlier. Good luck!
  • PHDork16
    PHDork16 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks again everyone! And for the record, I went to bed under my calorie goal last night ;-)
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I also plan to have a snack before bed or to have something to munch on when I watch a tv show at night if I have time to. Have something light - popcorn, a piece of fruit, I just got some fiber one 90 calorie snack things...I have the lemon bar one last night and I couldn't believe how good it was! Just enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I work on my hobbies that keep me from using my hands to eat. I have several pieces of furniture I am refinishing/prepping for paint, seed starting begins soon, digital scrapbooking, etc.

    I also try to allow about 100 to 150 cals for a snack (my current fav is hot air popped popcorn sprayed with a bit of I can't Believe Its Not Butter)
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Don't keep sweets in the house. No matter how intense your cravings get, you can't eat what's not in the fridge, freezer, cupboard, etc. Also, I find that drinking Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Vanilla tea takes the edge off.
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    Tea works for me :smile:
  • This is my problem as well! I try not to keep "yummy" things in the house, but then I get so hungry about an hour and a half after dinner that I raid the fridge and pantry. I'll eat a couple small bags of microwave popcorn, 3 string cheese sticks… it doesn't have to taste good for me to eat it. I've begun crafting lately, which keeps my hands busy, but maybe I'll make myself some tea and see if that works, too. Thanks for the idea!
  • briskioh
    briskioh Posts: 9 Member
    I work a late evening desk job so this is tough for me, too! I've found the key for me is eating low cal snacks like Skinny Pop popcorn or dried seaweed.