Anyone doing Atkins?

_tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
Please add me. I'm currently in the Induction Phase but all phases are welcome to add me. Thanks!


  • All the power to you but Atkins is not a good answer to losing weight or maintaining. I did Atkins and lost a lot of weight but it didn't end well. It also makes you miserable. Just track your calories, stay in your macro's and eat healthy foods and you will be fine. Eating 1/2 a cup of whole wheat pasta with a cup of ground turkey in some sugar free sauce is waaaay better than just pounds of meat and cheese. Set yourself up for lifelong success and stay away from fads like Mr. Atkins.
  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    All the power to you but Atkins is not a good answer to losing weight or maintaining. I did Atkins and lost a lot of weight but it didn't end well. It also makes you miserable. Just track your calories, stay in your macro's and eat healthy foods and you will be fine. Eating 1/2 a cup of whole wheat pasta with a cup of ground turkey in some sugar free sauce is waaaay better than just pounds of meat and cheese. Set yourself up for lifelong success and stay away from fads like Mr. Atkins.

    Im not quite sure you fully understand Atkins. Its much more than just pounds of meat and cheese. You eat a lot of veggies too. The plan is in phases and is a low carb life style change. If you do it right you wont gain the weight back.
  • I have done Atkins. I lost 34 lbs!!! But then the holidays came and I gave in! As with any diet plan, you need to stick with it in order for it to work. My doctor told me to lower my carb intake due to diabetes so I chose the Atkins way. It is the most beneficial plan for me. I eat tons of veggies....not just meat and cheese like some people believe Atkins to be. There are thousands of websites out there that have awesome recipes for low carb diets. Actually I don't even say "low carb" anymore...I say "better carbs"! Good luck to you on your journey!
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member

    Phase 1:

    Veggies, proteins, healthy fats and cheese.

    Phase 2:

    Berries, cherries, melons, whole milk, yogurt, legumes & tomatoe juice + phase 1.

    Phase 3:

    Additional fruits, starchy vegetables and whole grains + phase 1 & 2

    Phase 4:

    As you can see, it's a VERY well rounded diet and is SUSTAINABLE for life.
  • I've been on and off Atkins for 3 years roughly, There is amazing weight loss associated with this program but unfortunately so many people regain the weight if not more afterwards ( That was me cause when I was off diet I was still eating lot's of protien and not tracking calories ). As delicious as the high protein diet is .. Mmmm Bacon! your body does need the nutrients of fruits and vegetables and even some carbs.

    I found it hard to get thru the whole program and only did induction for weeks at a time cause hello stepping on the scale and seeing 10lb down a week was amazing! Sadly I couldn't make it past that glorious part.

    It's hard to stick to veggies and meat! Plus the first two weeks of induction are hard with headaches, nausea, etc.. left me super cranky. ( Felt bad for my husband ) haha

    My suggestions is instead of doing Atkins I suggest people just eat more low carb meals! It's easy to pick out the bad -- pizza and the good -- portabello pizza's -- So many simple solutions to everyday unhealthy food habits.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I've been doing it for about 4 years. About 60 lbs down in total.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I've been low carb / keto since Sept 2012.
    There are some great low carb and keto support forums here on MFP.

    Keto Forum:
    Reddit Keto Forum:
    Low Carb / High Fat:
    Low Carber Daily Forum:

    For recipes -
    DJ Foodie
    I Breathe I'm Hungry
    All Day I dream About Food
    Caveman Keto

    Please be sure to supplement electrolytes! You can avoid much of the "low-carb flu" by supplementing sodium, potassium and magnesium. From "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" by Phinney / Volek.

    Low carb diets are natriuretic - they make the kidneys dump sodium. Sodium deficiency can cause headache, dizziness and fatigue. With continued low carb intake and sodium restriction, at some point your kidneys start to excrete potassium in order to conserve sodium. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, cardiac dysrythmia. it can also cause the body to lose muscle, even when there's plenty of protein in the diet.

    DRINK BROTH and try for 3-5 g of sodium per day when starting low carb / keto.

    Good luck!
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey ,
    First of all props to you for starting !!!

    I did atkins for a while but you will end up crashing on it without carbs and sugars it is so hard to mantain for the REST of your life.
    If you follow MFP you can have your calories for your weight and still lose !.

    atkins is definetly a good diet if it is just a temporary thing to lose weight, but the minute you start introducing carbs again you will bloat up.. good luck hun

    But you can do anything you set your mind to, just my own experience
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Me! It's not all meat and fat. I eat more vegetables than most people I know. The keto diet is working for me...I would join the keto group here if you want support.
  • STrubacz
    STrubacz Posts: 10
    My doctor has me on 100g/carbs and 100g/protein a day for the next 6 weeks (long background with medical/immune/health issues) and I was looking at modeling my meals after an Atkins-like diet.

    This is all new to me and I'd love any ideas or suggestions for meals! I've been okay with finding protein (meat, cheese, dairy products, eggs) but so many foods I want also have tons of carbs--even "good" foods! I'm a week down, and with 5 more still to go, I've gotta say, I really admire people who are on the Atkins diet long term. It's a big change for me at least!
  • HappyHungryHealthy
    HappyHungryHealthy Posts: 121 Member
    I do keto which I hear is similar to Atkins, and I love it. It's not just about meat and cheese, I'm a pescatarian who eats fish once in a blue moon and I manage just fine. I started doing keto for the weightloss but then quickly became obsessed with the energy levels I had and eating foods as close to their natural state as possible, and I feel it's sustainable as I know how awful I felt while eating a higher carb diet with all the starches, etc. I was a really miserable, snappy person before keto haha.

    For anyone following Atkins, or Keto feel free to add me, I can always do with some new ideas myself! ????
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    All the power to you but Atkins is not a good answer to losing weight or maintaining. I did Atkins and lost a lot of weight but it didn't end well. It also makes you miserable. Just track your calories, stay in your macro's and eat healthy foods and you will be fine. Eating 1/2 a cup of whole wheat pasta with a cup of ground turkey in some sugar free sauce is waaaay better than just pounds of meat and cheese. Set yourself up for lifelong success and stay away from fads like Mr. Atkins.
    Agreed with most of this. Most people who try Atkins don't find it to be a sustainable way to lose weight, and it's certainly not a health promoting diet, in fact it's quite health compromising.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I've done Atkins but I find it too restrictive because there's SO MANY healthy veggies and fruits you can't have because they contain carbs. In fact, you can't have ANY fruit at all in the induction phase.

    I just don't find omitting fruits and vegetables healthy but I do wish you luck!
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    All the power to you but Atkins is not a good answer to losing weight or maintaining. I did Atkins and lost a lot of weight but it didn't end well. It also makes you miserable. Just track your calories, stay in your macro's and eat healthy foods and you will be fine. Eating 1/2 a cup of whole wheat pasta with a cup of ground turkey in some sugar free sauce is waaaay better than just pounds of meat and cheese. Set yourself up for lifelong success and stay away from fads like Mr. Atkins.
    Agreed with most of this. Most people who try Atkins don't find it to be a sustainable way to lose weight, and it's certainly not a health promoting diet, in fact it's quite health compromising.

    People on Aitkins eat fruit and veg> Its healthy.

    Our bodies have evolved to eat both meat and plants - sorry to break it to you Rocbola (you're an omnivore).

    I know you feel like a herbivore trapped in the body of a carnivore, but most other people are happy with the omnivore existent = because that's whats natural.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I've tried Atkins and failed.

    This is the thread that changed my life to something sustainable for LIFE:
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member

    Phase 1:

    Veggies, proteins, healthy fats and cheese.

    Phase 2:

    Berries, cherries, melons, whole milk, yogurt, legumes & tomatoe juice + phase 1.

    Phase 3:

    Additional fruits, starchy vegetables and whole grains + phase 1 & 2

    Phase 4:

    As you can see, it's a VERY well rounded diet and is SUSTAINABLE for life.

    I never got out of the induction phase, I was losing so good I was afraid the losing would stop. I did lose good at first but I got caught up in the "you can eat all the bacon and pork chops you want when really that isn't the way it is.
    I eat low carb but make sure I eat fruit and veggies every day but still stay within calorie range.
    this way I am not taking a such a chance of going into a carb crazed nose dive into the sugar bowl.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Good luck, I absolutely hated Atkins and only managed a week!
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    I had someone just this morning tell me that Dr. Atkins died from to much fat. LOL LOL
    that is what other Dr's would want ya to believe but I remember the news and what really happened
    So I let people think what the want to think. If you are" losing weight" some will find fault with what ever diet your are using.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    If you stay away from the processed low carb stuff, it's a great diet. Induction is only supposed to last for a couple of weeks at most. And if you count calories, then induction is a breeze with very little side effects unless you're sugar addicted.
  • I do Atkins for weight loss as well as what I now consider an Atkins Mod to adjust to what I can and can't tolerate. I have PCOS and extremely insulin resistant so Atkins and extremely low carb is the only way I can lose weight. I also attribute 3 of my 4 pregnancies to doing Atkins. Every time I did it hard core it brought my hormone levels in check and made it possible to conceive. I personally am a huge carb addict. Anything with high carbs will throw me into non stop cravings and never being able to feel full. So I personally love it. I recently on the advise of others here, and massive reading on this sight bumped up my calorie intake along with my carb count to see if it will still work for me.

    Congrats on doing Atkins and I sent you a friend request. :)