anti inflammatory diet



  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Omega's are really important to joint health so a salmon or fish oil capsule would be good for you. As well you should increase your vitamin D intake as well as consider a supplement with glucosamine, chondroitin and msm. All of these will help a tremendous amount... I know they have for me. I'm 24 and have arthritis in my hips, knees, hands and wrists.
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, so I've been researching anti-inflammatory diets for a while but haven't jumped fully into it yet. Being a big fan of Dr. Weil's for years now, I gravitated toward his diet. I just haven't had the willpower to give up all the sugar yet, but I'm doing better!

    I do not think I will ever give up sugar, I just love it too much! What I do is 1. eat it in moderation and 2. eat the highest quality that I can. So, I will make cookies with sugar in the raw or get the products from a high end bakery. Now there are times I reach for a processed "whatever" at the store and do end up paying for it later. But I find if I watch how much I consume and what it is exactly I am eating, I do still get to enjoy sugary treats. One thing I am sad about though is I can not eat the fiber one brownies anymore. They are not worth it, so I find 200 calories for a home made brownie when the mood strikes me.

    I like your approach! I can't tolerate sugar substitutes. I do use local honey in my tea and smoothies.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you have a food sensitivity or intolerance, yes, it can cause problems. Most people don't have these however. A diet high in antioxidants is usually all most people need. This whole food/inflammation 'theory' is highly theoretical.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, so I've been researching anti-inflammatory diets for a while but haven't jumped fully into it yet. Being a big fan of Dr. Weil's for years now, I gravitated toward his diet. I just haven't had the willpower to give up all the sugar yet, but I'm doing better!

    I do not think I will ever give up sugar, I just love it too much! What I do is 1. eat it in moderation and 2. eat the highest quality that I can. So, I will make cookies with sugar in the raw or get the products from a high end bakery. Now there are times I reach for a processed "whatever" at the store and do end up paying for it later. But I find if I watch how much I consume and what it is exactly I am eating, I do still get to enjoy sugary treats. One thing I am sad about though is I can not eat the fiber one brownies anymore. They are not worth it, so I find 200 calories for a home made brownie when the mood strikes me.

    I like your approach! I can't tolerate sugar substitutes. I do use local honey in my tea and smoothies.

    I am trying to navigate this thing called life while trying to be as pain free as possible and still enjoy the things I love.

    I do not know how I made it through 2012. My pain levels were so bad I actually understood why people killed themselves due to pain. It was awful. I thought I had a back problem and was trying to eat kale and blueberries and go to the chiro to fix me. It was 18 months, 3 MRIs, 5 sets of Xrays and dozens of viles of blood before they came to realize I had an auto immune problem. They first thought it to be lupus.

    I started my path to clean eating December of that year and by mid January life had taken a wonderful turn. It took a good 30 days before I noticed a difference though. I swear it is worth the time and effort.

    Anyone that believes it is a theory is NOT a rheumatology patient with a great amount of pain whos life has changed through the world of anti inflammatory. People can spout opinions all day long, but if they do not have experience in the matter, I do not listen to them....period. I have no idea why it is important to people to try to convince them that something that would help them is not worth the time.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, so I've been researching anti-inflammatory diets for a while but haven't jumped fully into it yet. Being a big fan of Dr. Weil's for years now, I gravitated toward his diet. I just haven't had the willpower to give up all the sugar yet, but I'm doing better!

    I do not think I will ever give up sugar, I just love it too much! What I do is 1. eat it in moderation and 2. eat the highest quality that I can. So, I will make cookies with sugar in the raw or get the products from a high end bakery. Now there are times I reach for a processed "whatever" at the store and do end up paying for it later. But I find if I watch how much I consume and what it is exactly I am eating, I do still get to enjoy sugary treats. One thing I am sad about though is I can not eat the fiber one brownies anymore. They are not worth it, so I find 200 calories for a home made brownie when the mood strikes me.

    I like your approach! I can't tolerate sugar substitutes. I do use local honey in my tea and smoothies.

    I am trying to navigate this thing called life while trying to be as pain free as possible and still enjoy the things I love.

    I do not know how I made it through 2012. My pain levels were so bad I actually understood why people killed themselves due to pain. It was awful. I thought I had a back problem and was trying to eat kale and blueberries and go to the chiro to fix me. It was 18 months, 3 MRIs, 5 sets of Xrays and dozens of viles of blood before they came to realize I had an auto immune problem. They first thought it to be lupus.

    I started my path to clean eating December of that year and by mid January life had taken a wonderful turn. It took a good 30 days before I noticed a difference though. I swear it is worth the time and effort.

    Anyone that believes it is a theory is NOT a rheumatology patient with a great amount of pain whos life has changed through the world of anti inflammatory. People can spout opinions all day long, but if they do not have experience in the matter, I do not listen to them....period. I have no idea why it is important to people to try to convince them that something that would help them is not worth the time.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    As someone who gave up gluten a few years ago and wouldn't go back: good luck! And don't let any arrogant fool tell you not to try. What do you have to lose except some pain.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I have arthritis and a condition that causes joint issues. I've tried a few of these and some really helped. I can't say that any of the supplements did, but the others did. Ironically, my doctors had been recommending losing weight to take the extra pressure off my joints and I've been in more pain since losing weight. I'm hoping it's my body trying to adjust and it will settle out soon, plus we are having the worst winter in years here.

    I've been cutting back on sugar and wheat products for the last year, and it seemed to help some with pain (but more with my tummy issues).
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I tried eliminating "inflammatory" foods at one point - no improvement.

    I don't judge others though - if it's not harmful - and isn't making anyone else rich at your expense (aka over-hyped snake oil garbage) - by all means try it.

    I can tell that as my weight goes down my knee hurts less - so weight loss might be anti-inflammatory - or it's just less pressure on the joint - but anyway - it's all good.

    I did try hard not to roll my eyes at some folks that came to our health fair recently selling "veggie" gummies that contained a full day of veggies in just 1 gummy drop and claimed it cured everything known to man. No, they don't and no thanks. If it cures all, it's likely a farce.

    Basic supplements you can try - like ginger tea - more power to ya - try it and report back! I work in a little curry powder now and then for anti-inflammatory reasons (and it's tasty too!).

    My husband swears by whiskey soaked cherries - just raw cherries, washed good, fill jar, cover with whiskey. But then he stopped them - maybe addicting? LOL
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    About sugar: eating less of it doesn't make any difference as far as my "serious" pain is concerned. It definitely does make a difference with general achiness.
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    thumbs up!
  • jellyfish1976
    I am not familiar with that diet but I have helped my joint pain by going gluten-free. It is like I got my life back after making the change. I looks like from reading these posts I may want to add fish oil as well. I hope you find the relief that I did! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :)

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Just an FYI, I had blood work done at my Rheumatologist Tuesday and my inflammation levels came back at a normal level.

    I also have cut out pasta (boo) and have been eating Ezekiel bread over the last few months. I cut out the pasta because of the pain I was experiencing after I ate it. After this go round of blood work, I am starting to think it is an issue with me as well.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 461 Member
    Is there a web site with the anti-inflammatory foods. Have arthritis, am very interested. I began taking 2 to 3 fish oil capsules daily, it has helped some. Have done yoga for years to keep my flexibility. Thanks.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    If you check out ORAC, it is the measure of the antioxidant/phytochemical rating of foods. We try to eat on the higher end of those scores, with 20% of our eating coming from foods which aren't listed as being the powerhouses.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Is there a web site with the anti-inflammatory foods. Have arthritis, am very interested. I began taking 2 to 3 fish oil capsules daily, it has helped some. Have done yoga for years to keep my flexibility. Thanks.

    I love this one and this man.
  • blackwidowdancer82
    blackwidowdancer82 Posts: 14 Member
    The Paleo diet, which is an anti-inflammatory diet has helped me immensely. I had digestive and anxiety problems that went away because of this diet and lifestyle change. I also dance pain free now. The book that I recommend is, "Paleo for Dummies." It's really good about explaining the "why" and is easy to read. You can purchase it at Barnes and Nobles. It"s in the Health section. It's been life-changing for me and my fiance.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 461 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • little_firebug
    little_firebug Posts: 22 Member
    Processed foods, sugar and grain = inflammation. It's a bummer and a lot of people will tell you it's a "fad" but don't knock it til you try it. I have had great success with cutting these things out of my diet. Turmeric is great too--I love it in scrambled eggs.
  • sonyapowell
    sonyapowell Posts: 38 Member
    As a FNP I prescribe anti-inflammatory diets frequently for many of my patient's. I have RA, IBS, diabetes and psoriasis, so I too benefit from the anti-inflammatory diet. I started the Daniel fast 2-5-14 and have lost about 14 or so pounds since. I did not expect to lose that much that fast. I had been told many times that when you have food allergies and you continue to eat those foods you will thwart for wt loss. Today I fully believe that that is true. Not only do I feel better I am amazed at my weight loss. After 21 days of fasting pure with my church family I modified it slightly. I have added fish and eggs. You can friend me and see my food logs. I have not had a bout of IBS while on the Daniel fast. I have also had clearer direction in my spiritual walk. I would be happy to share my many blessings with you if you want to know more just ask.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I think many people are starving for nutrients and have pain and depression accordingly. I eat dr Joel fuhrman ' s nutritian gombs diet of bitter green like collards kale turnip tops watercress with onions mushroom beans berries and seeds. I also stopped eating g out and quit SugarSSSS wheat and gluten. If i stop eating for strength for a week I hurt again.