Anyone have a goal to lose at least 100lb?



  • I'm 286... started a week and a half ago at 296. I want to have fun working out so i started zumba...just at home for now until i get the moves down. i'm 5 foot 3 inches so i have around 160 to lose but i'd just be happy to be in one-derland. so my own goal is to be 175.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    Yep! My highest weight was 294 in late 2011. I started with MFP when I was 274, last year. I'm at 247 right now and my goal is 175. It's taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrr lol.
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    yes! I am going from 292 to 182 (ideally less, but that's what I've plugged into my ticker. ;D )

    logging daily, exercising, and interactive with friends.
  • Day 4 on my new diet play. My goal is 100 pounds. I'm single, old, and fat and I REALLY want to change all that. Can't change the numbers on my age but I can change the way that I act! I want to learn to shag dance instead of just watch. I want to learn to kayak instead of just dream about it. I want to hike the hills & trails without becoming short of breath just getting out of the car! I'm 5'4" and 226 pounds. Highly "allergic" to exercise! Haven't found any form that I enjoy yet. Have a treadmill, an exercise trampoline, and a beautiful subdivision to walk in. I just can't seem to get motivated. I know "energy is earned" and the more you do, the more energy you'll have but Lord it's hard to get started!! I could use friends and motivation as well! Would love to be "friends".
  • Need to lose 140lbs...but who's counting? ;)
  • ScifiGirl1986
    ScifiGirl1986 Posts: 104 Member
    My long term goal is 80-100 lbs, but I'm doing it in increments, so it doesn't looks so depressing. Right now my goal is 45 lbs (it started as 40, but when i actually weighed myself I realized I was 5 lbs heavier than i thought--i didn't have a scale until yesterday). I'm at 245 now, so hopefully by June I'll be 200.
  • Susie_1
    Susie_1 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi, I have another 90lbs to lose, been on this weight loss journey since beginning of Jan 2014, I log in every day anyone can add me if they wish, looking forward to helping and motivating each other.
  • Hi, I just joined on MFP 3 days ago. I need to lose 104 pounds. I quit smoking 2 years ago after a 25 year addiction to cigarettes. I guess I turned my addiction around to food instead. My doctor recommended I have a lap band done but i do NOT want to do that. I know I can do this on my own and want to do this on my own. Feel free to add me and we can offer support to each other.
  • Hello :)

    i need to lose a little more then that , i have added you hopefully we can motivate each other.

    Good luck on your journey, stay strong.
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    It's not 100lbs, but I'm trying to lose about 70 and would love more friends on here. Anyone can add me :)
  • I do!

    I have to break it down, though, into 10lb portions or else I feel overwhelmed.

    How are you managing?

    Today is my first day on myfitnesspal: I have, however, been seeing an nutritionist for almost a year and have somehow put all the weight back on that I initially gained.

    Wishing you luck on your journey.

  • Yes girl i have 100 lbs to lose and am highly motivated ...lets get to moving and eating right!

    Ijust found out friday i have hypothyroidism...and have researched all recipes..and see that there is no choice but to exercise 40 minutes every otherday..i have a treadmill and a total gym..well heck a room fulll of gym equipment..but guess this is what i needed to get me in there.

    Hope to hear what ways you have found to start your journey to a better weight...lets get healthy!!!
  • Wow ..looks like your doing great! ...what are your secrets?
  • jbugiel
    jbugiel Posts: 59 Member
    I don't have 100 to lose but I have already lost over 100 and kept it off for over a decade. If you would like to be friends so that you can ask questions or get some motivation from someone who was really been there, feel free to send me a friend request.

    OMG that is awesome, please join me on my quest to lose 90 lbs. :)