

  • gatecityradio
    Most protein powder containers say right on them not to use as a meal substitute.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    I do make shakes/smoothies with spinach or kale with protein powder but as a snack (some times breakfast), not as a complete diet. I use about 2 cups of greens, 1 serving of frozen fruit (I think bananas or berries work the best) add agave to sweeten if needed, ice to thicken. I know not really answering your question, but it is the basic formula that was given to me.:smile:
  • mymission92
    I'm not doing this diet, it was a short term fix which I thought I would try, and I have learned that it is not a good idea.
    I'm focusing on clean eating now and taking a more balanced approach.
  • chevysue
    chevysue Posts: 2
    Jodiec92 here is my advise. If it works for your to loose weight then go for it!!!!!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    It's not gonna kick start anything. The only thing you may lose is water weight because you are not eating any sodium.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Yes, lots of people have - people like Oprah Winfrey - yippie! Oprah!:drinker:
    But, like FAT_THIN-FAT_THIN-FAT_THIN-FAT_THIN-FAT_THIN-FAT_THIN-Oprah, they fail miserably.
    And so too will you.
    These goofy fad diets don't work.
    Because if your calorie deficit is too great, you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.
    Here's a great group right here on MFP:
    Eat More To Lose Less

    Join up and connect with other for support.
    Good Luck

    Yes. I realise now this doesn't work and is just a fad, I wish I never tried it but I did (silly worrying about my holiday) I've joined that group and i'm working on eating more to lose. I can never seem to get over 1100 when eating clean! I'm definitley taking the slow approach now.
    Wonderful news!
    You'll do fine.
    It's not a race - Good Luck!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I'm not doing this diet, it was a short term fix which I thought I would try, and I have learned that it is not a good idea.
    I'm focusing on clean eating now and taking a more balanced approach.

    I don't think most people answering this post now realize that the original date of the OPs thread started on 5/26/12 so it is not something that you are doing now...I just wanted to clarify that for everyone..

    Also, good for you for now going a better route with your eating....It's great to have you in the EM2WL group as well!!! I wish you the best!! :)

    ETA: Corrected date of original posting from OP...May 26, 2012
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Now I know this it is meant to be a 'lifestyle' and long term thing. But I have 4 weeks until my holiday and honestly want a kick start to lose a bit beforehand! I figured 5 days won't have a huge affect on my health and I think it's the healthiest sort of 'juice diet' as it has protein and veg.

    I'm thinking of doing a 'protein shake diet' which would consist of protein powder and veg like spinach in a blender, have 4 a day for 5 days. Then after the 5 days introduce healthy meals slowly.

    The reason I want to do this is as I've had extremely bad past month with eating and think this kick start may motivate me and help me rid sugar cravings!

    Has anyone ever done anything like this before?

    This might backfire on you since you have a problem with eating bad already, if you had a hard time without being on such a restrictive diet you're not going to magically all of sudden be able to go on a restrictive diet basicly. I'm going to be cliche here but the best way is to change things slowly, tackle little things within your diet at a time. If you notice a certain food that you are overeating, first try to restrict that food a bit and cut on its portion.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm not doing this diet, it was a short term fix which I thought I would try, and I have learned that it is not a good idea.
    I'm focusing on clean eating now and taking a more balanced approach.

    I don't think most people answering this post now realize that the original date of the OPs thread started on 5/26/12 so it is not something that you are doing now...I just wanted to clarify that for everyone..

    Also, good for you for now going a better route with your eating....It's great to have you in the group as well!!! I wish you the best!! :)

    ETA: Corrected date of original posting from OP...

    I didn't read the date either or the responses before replying. Opps
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Me either...I didn't notice the date either until I read where someone else mentioned this post was old....Lol...I just wanted to let others know too before we got a big debate going on here...:laugh:
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    It's not very balanced. Even adding the spinach. I have protein shakes daily or twice a day, but mine have things like avocado, cottage cheese, spinach, berries, and a scoop of this stuff called macro greens with my protein powder. It helps to balance it a little to call it a meal. :) Of course, then it's higher calorie... just the way I like it!

    *I just saw the above post about this being older. lol Nevermind.
  • Dreamerryu27
    Dreamerryu27 Posts: 281 Member
    My two cents. I fad dieted for years for all the wrong reasons.
    Ask yourself: 1. Do I want to do this because I want others to like me? If your answer is yes than stop yourself. No-one is worth getting yourself sick over. Find beauty in who you are right now and whoever doesn't like it can bugger off.

    2. If you are doing this for your own comfort, feel better etc. Than I suggest Shakeology by Beachbody. I sub 1 meal everyday with a shake and berries. Salads with every meal, fresh veggies and 2 servings of fruit, lean protein every day.

    3. Get Moving: Walk everywhere if possible. Not sure where you live but if you don't belong to a gym, get a few dvd's for the home.
    I recommend, 1. Yoga/pilates 2. cardio 3. walk at least 5 days per week.

    4. Don't worry be happy in who you are if you do the above. Look in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU no matter what. Self love trumps being a hungry and sad "skinny" person.
    Good luck :)
  • mymission92
    Thanks everyone for the replies. After trying this (which was over a month ago when I first posted) I have realised it is not a good idea after experiencing horrible effects.
    I was looking for a short cut, and there are none, which I realised the hard way.
    I'm now focusing on eating sensible and exercising, nothing to extreme.
  • tiki1078
    tiki1078 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't think it was such a horrible thing that you did. I just did it last week for a kick start and was just fine. I have done it a couple times with no negative side effects. I lost 8 pounds and it didn't come right back when I started eating regular food again. I still have a shake every morning for breakfast. Everybody is different but I love them! I tried different recipes with fruits, oatmeat and all types of stuff just pay attention to what's going in there.

    Sometimes it depends on the protein powder you use. There are some really good proteins out there that don't make you feel sluggish or crazy. Now I don't think its something you could keep up for the rest of your life or long periods of time but I don't see anything wrong with a couple day kick start or whenever you feel like it. I am no doctor just offering a suggestion of something I tried and worked for me.
  • mymission92
    I don't think it was such a horrible thing that you did. I just did it last week for a kick start and was just fine. I have done it a couple times with no negative side effects. I lost 8 pounds and it didn't come right back when I started eating regular food again. I still have a shake every morning for breakfast. Everybody is different but I love them! I tried different recipes with fruits, oatmeat and all types of stuff just pay attention to what's going in there.

    Sometimes it depends on the protein powder you use. There are some really good proteins out there that don't make you feel sluggish or crazy. Now I don't think its something you could keep up for the rest of your life or long periods of time but I don't see anything wrong with a couple day kick start or whenever you feel like it. I am no doctor just offering a suggestion of something I tried and worked for me.

    Yes, I don't think its really bad but I don't think my mental state was right for it. I planned to have 3 shakes and 1 low carb meal a day but I only would have 1 or 2 at most and tried to restrict, if you done it proberly I do think it'd of been ok.
  • mymission92
    for anyone interested ^^ that was my expeirence with the diet. I blogged about it
  • msrachelled07
    If this diet doesn't work my doctors wouldn't be putting my on it for bariatric surgery. It helps you lose weight and shrinks your liver and helps reduce fatty liver. I have to be on it for two weeks. So if it is unhealthy i don't think doctors would require bariatric patients to do it before surgery