Who has lost weight without cutting carbs?



  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    Eating what I want but staying within calorie limits, when I work out I eat back those calories too and working out 3 to 5 times a week-lost 32 pounds since 12/27/13

    Wow that's an amazing loss since December!! My loss seems to be so darn slow!! Only 23 lbs since in the last 6 months.. and I follow my TDEE - have researched, changed things up, etc.. I loose a lb then stagnant for another month... very frustrating.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    I'm sort of mid-range.

    I tend to run about 35-45% carbs, with total grams 125-200. I did Atkins about 10 years ago, which worked but I hated - and then the weight came right back on when I went off.

    I don't restrict anything in my diet, but in order to stay within my calorie range I tend to leave out cookies and dessert and things. If I've got cardio calories left at then end of the day, then sometimes I will have something sweet, but during the day I will be too hungry if I have a higher carb load.

    Protein is my friend!

    ETA: 36lbs total, but 25 of that is since early Oct 2013
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I couldn't even tell you how many carbs I eat a day. I only track protein and calories. I have lost 1.87 lbs per week for 8 weeks. Down 15 lbs thus far and haven't ever tracked carbs. I eat what I want as long as it fits or I can make it fit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    77.5 lbs so far, in 13.5 months. I aim for 40% carb 30% protein 30% fat, and I often go above on carbs. I walk a lot (3 miles a day in average) and lift weights 3x a week.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    But I am about to flip it back around and go back to the 1600 calories and lower my carb intake to under 30g a day because I feel so much better when I eat that way.

    I have insulin resistance caused from PCOS and carbs make me feel so sluggish and slow and run down.... I sleep better and need less sleep and have more overall energy when I low carb and I stay fuller longer because my blood sugar doesn't spike all over the place.

    But switching back to low carb is based purely on medical necessity at this point and not just for a weight loss vs. time factor.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    I haven't cut out carbs. However, while trying to work in a calorie deficit, I am sure that I cut down on carbs overall versus my eating habits prior to my renewed fitness regime. All that aside, if you eat at a reasonable caloric deficit, you will lose weight. Best to do it on a balanced diet and exercise IMHO. Best of luck.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I didn't do low carb, but i did have to eat fewer carbs to stay within my calories and macros. And less fat. And more protein.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member

    It took about 16 weeks.

    I just counted my macros and ate at a small deficit :)
  • sarah5893
    sarah5893 Posts: 106 Member
    I have! Carbs are my love, I just switched to wholemeal bread and pasta but to be honest I didn't really cut them down
    some days I'd have 2 toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner!
    eat ALL the carbs, just know your limits. nom.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    <---- watching calories, not carbs. I do try to keep protein in mind though to make sure I get enough. I guess that's the only macro I really watch for.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    You dont have to cut carbs. Just be in a caloric deficit and you'll lose weight. Simple as that.

    The not so simple part is figuring out where you stand with 'what is my caloric deficit?'. Because its not the same for everyone. You must figure this out on your own.

    Example: I'm cutting - my caloric deficit happens when I eat 1500 calories. My maintenance (where I don't gain or lose weight) is right around 1800-1900 calories. I learned this by weeks of trial and error.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    ME! I did not cut any food group.....its all about moderation
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I've lost 58 pounds since May 2013. I just try to stay within my daily calorie goal, eat a bit more if I exercise and I exercise 3-5 times a week. :bigsmile:
  • lunula71
    lunula71 Posts: 13
    I've lost 80 lbs and never even looked at carbs - I just ate healthier and counted calories. I did, however, cut almost all processed foods - so the carbs I ate are healthier carbs. Also added a lot more activity, working out 3-4x per week and walking a lot. I lost the majority of the weight in about 6 months, and the last 10-15 within the next 6 months (though that was because of vacations, business trips, holidays - not because of my eating/fitness plans).
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    I lost 55lbs and over 24inches off my body in 9-10 months. I worked out 5 days a week all I did was run on my elliptical and do yoga for weight loss. I just logged my food and ate my 12000 calories a day. I always had a balanced diet of all food groups lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proper portions is key as well. I also just cut out all fast foods and I stopped eating so much processed foods and stopped drinking beer and pop.

    Hope this helps, Cheers :drinker:

    12,000 ???!!!!! I'm switching to YOUR diet ;-)
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't pay attention to my carbs very much but they aren't over 120g a day and I eat 1400 calories a day and 100g of protein. I started in November 2012 and I am still continuing to lose weight today. I also work out/play sports competitively 5-6 days a week and I don't generally eat back my calories burned.
  • triskaidekaphile13
    triskaidekaphile13 Posts: 92 Member
    I haven't cut the percentage of carbs I eat but I have overall cut the volume of food I eat. Portion control was always my problem. Nothing is off limits so long as I stay within my calorie goal. I lost 80lbs over a 24 month period, maintained for five years and then lost 84lbs between July 2012 and December 2013. I've been on maintenance since. I now weigh less than half my highest weight.
  • sumthnncredible
    sumthnncredible Posts: 22 Member
    What is your exercise regimen and caloric intake?
  • cromulus
    cromulus Posts: 17 Member
    I've lost 18lbs in about 2 months without cutting carbohydrates. I do it strictly by not eating more than My Fitness Pal allows for. When I want to eat more I just make sure I exercise so that I can have the extra calories.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I tend to consume a lot of carbs, mainly in the form of fruit. Lost 50 lbs. in ten months - that's a bit more than a pound a week.

    Edit: For context:

    I'm 5'1''
    Starting weight: 180
    Ending weight: 130
    Currently losing some safety pounds, so right now I stand at 126 lbs.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I did reduce carbs, but no low carb. Carbs are my flexor...I try to make sure I get around 1 gram of protein per Lb of LBM and between 0.35-0.4 grams of fat per Lb of body weight...so carbs flex with my calorie intake. less calories (dieting) = less carbs....maintenance = more carbs, etc due to my protein and fat intake remaining fairly constant.

    Also, when I first started out and not knowing a damned thing about nutrition, my carb intake was very high...like 65-70% of my diet...completely unnecessary, particularly given my level of activity (or lack thereof). I was basically SAD all the way and most people in that boat could stand to reduce carbs...but that doesn't mean you have to low carb...that isn't necessary to lose weight. While I was losing I was still eating around 200 - 220 grams of carbs daily...about 40% of my calories.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I cut simple carbs (sugar, white flour, etc) but ate plenty of veggies, fruit, brown rice and whole grains.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I've lost almost 70 lb in a year using MFP but haven't made a point of cutting carbs. In fact I do not even track carbs. I don't eat potato chips, pretzels, corn chips or a lot of bread or cake. But I do eat chocolate, pasta, pizza, and rice weekly at least. And potatoes almost as often.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    When you say "cut carbs" do you mean super low carb? I don't do that...

    "How fast" depends totally on your calorie deficit, not what you eat. The reason low carb is a big deal is because most people have trouble having enough energy if they don't substitute some of their carbs for protein and fat. In theory, you could lose weight eating just donuts. As long as you were burning more calories than you consume. But for me, a donut is 300 calories. Five donuts in a day would be my entire calorie allotment. So that's no more sustainable for me than it would be if I cut carbs completely. We cut the carbs down so we're not starving all the time. :)

    The key to sustainable weight loss is finding the balance that works for you. I love my carbs...but I try to limit them to afternoon/dinner for the most part. I get pasta and rice and bread and whatever I want for dinner, and my afternoon snack is usually chips or popcorn or something similar. Early in the day, I try to have higher protein foods so that I can have the carby stuff I crave in the afternoon/evening.

    Look at the percentages on your food diary...don't be afraid to play with them a bit and customize them to something that works for you...all you can do is try it. If you have a lot of carbs and you're hungry all the time, cut that percentage by 5% until you find a number that you can live with. :)
  • sumthnncredible
    sumthnncredible Posts: 22 Member
    I eat anything I want and that includes mostly carbs. I started in December 15th 2013 and I've lost a total of 24 pounds so far, so 24 pounds in three months. As long as you meet your calorie goal you can eat anything you want.

    What is your exercise regimen and daily caloric intake?
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Me me me! I eats all the foods! (as long as its within my calorie goal for the day)
    10kgs lost, got 7 more to go :smile:
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I like carbs. Eating them hasn't slowed me down.
  • Tee_geee
    Tee_geee Posts: 47 Member
    I have cut my carbs but I didnt notice, it just became a part of my diet naturally! because most of those things arent good for you...
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I tried going low carb for a little while but it didn't work out for me - I found the very fact that I wasn't allowed something made me want it even more! I do now eat fewer carbs, but only because I have reduced my portion size overall and am making healthier meal choices. I still eat bread, for example, but I will only have a couple of slices for a sandwich or toast instead of chowing down half a loaf spread thickly with butter....!!
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    I've lost about 50lbs since last spring, and whole grains are my friend. I try not to eat too much refined sugar anymore though.

    My mom cut out carbs for her diet and went into ketosis and ended up gaining some weight back (even though it supposedly slowly cut carbs back in in different phases). So yeah, I wouldn't advise cutting out carbs, lol.