what am i doing wrong ????



  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    In addition to the sexypants link above, I suggest taking a look at these:

    1. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets

    2. If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:

    3. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/872212-you-re-probably-eating-more-than-you-think
  • cannlo
    cannlo Posts: 14 Member
    thanks everyone - have bought some ww scales today - lets see if that helps :)
  • cannlo
    cannlo Posts: 14 Member
    i also use a fitbit pedometer so that it accurately measures my steps (and calories burned) it links into MFP so i don't have to work anything out :)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weighing your food will make a big difference.
  • owenmhartley
    owenmhartley Posts: 220 Member
    You're more than likely not eating enough as daft as it sounds, The whole point in my fitness pal is to show you the macronutrients break down not just the calories, if you eat the correct amount of macros you should be golden, eliminating one ie fat will more often than not work against you
  • dalexander82
    dalexander82 Posts: 111 Member
    Hey you lost any inches? Are you drinking a lot of water?
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I agree that you probably need to increase your calorie count. Also remember that plateaus can occur at any time so you may just need to experiment with your diet and exercise to find the edge. Don't give up -- you've made incredible strides so far!
  • buzhik
    buzhik Posts: 5
    @ComradeTovari: Thanks for posting the link. Very interesting an informative.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    You need to exercise. REALLY exercise. Walking is great.

    I walk A LOT and fast. I walk for miles. I walk to wrk (2 miles) every day back and forth but I also to workouts at home and at the gym. Take a look at your exercise regimen and look at your sugar intake too. Remember, fake sugar still makes you crave sweets so if you eat fake sugar and drink diet soda, you're only hindering yourself. Alcohol is also a big calorie filler.

    You are 3 inches shorter than me and only about 6 lbs heavier (I've been working out and my body is changing shape, but the number is not changing much. I don't worry about that because it will catch up).

    Losing weight strictly from dieting can be done but it takes longer and the results are not usually one would get by dieting AND exercising. Remember, you need to move your body fast enough to break a sweat, be out of breath and keep it that way for at least 20-30 minutes. Exercise is uncomfortable, stinky, sweaty, unattractive and messy and it's the best thing on the planet.