personal trainer pissed off!



  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member

    I'm an advanced certified personal trainer and can make anyone have the physique they want, if they follow my plan. I spend so much time laying out instructions, customizing and educating that client. Occasionally I get a lame client who doesn't do exactly what the plan is.

    You sound fun. Best of luck in your vocation.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    OP, it doesn't sound like you're so good with the general public. I'm not either, but my job doesn't require me to be good at it either. Yours does. I get the venting, but suck it up and keep pushing the lazy because that is what they pay you to do. That's just life.
  • MammaMouse
    thanks Barb, yeah I'm not there to slap a hand every time a client I'm working with makes a mistake.

    I'm there to motivate, educate, and make sure a client understands exactly how to safely perform an exercise as well as achieve goals for nutrition and fitness. Its not that hard to change your physique, but it sure as hell hard to change lazy, and as in advance certified personal trainer there's no way I could ever change that.

    I don't want to be mean, I'm absolutely not that kind trainer. But those clients who expect me to constantly text message them, post on their Facebook pages, and call them up to make sure that they're following the plan they said they could follow, I can only work with those for about a month. especially when they complain within 2 weeks of how is just not working. Let's be real here, I have to tell them no you are not working.

    so this is a wake up call to all of you people out there who hire a personal trainer. There are trainers like me out there who refuse to do your job. If you cannot follow the paid plan that you purchased, no amount of miracle working is going to occur. Yes it is extremely difficult to diet and to be disciplined enough to exercise. In some cases changing the exercise mindset that you have is the worst and most excruciatingly painful thing you will ever perform in your entire life. But when I advocate my clients in the exercise science and nutrition of why they must change, the logic is there yet they still backslide. it is not the trainers responsibility to work a miracle everytime you backslide.

    For all you lame people out there too refuse to follow logic and exercise science, please do us a favor and just go to the local YMCA and don't ever hire a personal trainer. Cuz you just give personal trainers a tough time and a bad name.

    and yes, if you can't follow a six week plan at 100 percent I guess I'm a very condescending personal trainer. but I sure do give awesome results for those who can follow my plan which is so easy to do....

    That's what I would recommend people do too. Only because I did it, I lost a ton of weight, and I never had to pay anyone to tell me to run, lift, and eat right.

    I can't imagine paying someone for such simple information only to read about them slamming their clients online. The only reason you have a job is because people are willing to pay serious money for your support. If they had the motivation and discipline to do this on their own they wouldn't be paying you.

    Hopefully they wise up, save a bunch of money, and just start eating right and working out on their own.


    You come across as the worst kind of personal trainer, OP. Perhaps you need to realize that just because it works on paper, doesn't mean it works for your clients, and perhaps maybe your supposed "lame" clients don't stick to your plan because it's simply not the right plan for them. I sincerely hope your clients smarten up and realize that there are far better forms of support available to them.
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member

    You come across as the worst kind of personal trainer, OP.

    I agree. A certain amount of frustration when others don't do what we tell them to do is part of almost any job.

    I think you need to get a different job. You're fried.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Yeah...I get this. Try being an Elementary School teacher though...those little turds rarely do what you want them to!

    Wow, I hope you never teach my child. It would break my heart to know that a teacher called my child a "little turd". Maybe you are in the wrong vocation.

    Probably. Mine own kids are turds though...what can I say?

    Best teacher award goes to....
    Someone with real personality!!!! :drinker:

    Kids are little turds...cute little turds...but turds for sure
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    Yeah...I get this. Try being an Elementary School teacher though...those little turds rarely do what you want them to!

  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    As a nursing student I do a lot of patient teaching on taking meds, diet change, weight loss, etc. Many patients comply while others do not.

    Change is often met with resistance and that's just part of the job. I don't judge. I just help educate them to the best of my ability.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    The first part of your post with the Gene Wilder meme is inaccurate. Yes, I have regularly driven to the gym this winter to run on the treadmill - I can't safely run outside when it is well below zero degrees, dark, icy and the sidewalks are covered in snow. There are sometimes very good reasons for doing something that seems silly when put into meme form (what doesn't, really?). Perhaps the person walking on the treadmill at the gym lives where the sidewalks aren't safe, neighborhood isn't safe, weather doesn't permit outdoor exercise or perhaps that person just wants a level, even surface to walk on without having to worry about any regular road hazards. Who cares? If the person is going to the gym and working out, isn't that the point?
  • jodatoad
    jodatoad Posts: 9
    Here's a thought: Since they PAY YOU not the other way around, why don't you come up with a different plan that works best for YOUR client? Being condescending and rude doesn't help matters. I'd be pissed if I was paying you and found out you came on a site airing dirty laundry and acting a fool. You would be fired. Just sayin
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hmm, well after reading some of the things PT's have said to their clients on these forums I'm glad some of them don't listen
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    there are great clients- there are okay clients- and there are crappy clients.

    it is what it is.

    Accept the fact that some people want to pay you to feel better- take their money do the best you can but don't lose your passion over people who don't really care.

    Spend the energy on people who really care or you think are going to do it. I won't say I ever really did a bad job with a client- but the clients I knew cared and really worked- I put a LOT of energy into. focus on those positives- and just do what you need with the others.

    It's seriously not worth getting bent about- it's part of the nature of the buisness- it hurts for a lot of reasons- but just be ethical- and do your job and move on.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Wow, the compassion and empathy you demonstrate toward your clients absolutely inspiring. It makes me want to run out and pay someone massive amounts of money so they can berate me and my personal struggles behind my back on a public forum. Kudos.

    Yeah she's great eh and not taking this personally at all!

    Some of us 'lame' people don't need PT's and can do it ourselves.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    good thing you get paid for them to do what they want?
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Ooooh, I just love snarky posts! Let me go get my popcorn....
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    In my profession, I would have less than half the work (and corresponding pay) if my clients always did what I instructed them to do. Reap the rewards, my friend, reap the rewards!
  • keyer23
    keyer23 Posts: 114 Member
    The people I know who use PTs are fat and lazy and never improve because they think spending money means they don't have to put the work in.

    I take offense at that. I hired on a personal trainer about 7 weeks ago. He (AND I) are working our butts off on my behalf. My PT has put together a kick-*kitten* program for me. I'm giving it my all because I want to be SUCCESSFUL. So far I'm down 13 pounds and 4% body fat. I don't think that's too bad for 7 weeks of work. Doesn't it usually take 8-12 weeks to get noticeable results? I'm already hearing from others at the gym that I'm getting definition where I didn't use to have that much. Granted, I am fairly lean at 120 #, but it has taken a lot of effort to get these results. Please don't lump everyone into one big bucket. We're not all fat and lazy!
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I've had two trainers and two COACHES. The COACHES, far and away, were much, much better than the "Certified Personal Trainers" at motivating. They were better at guiding me through lifestyle changes and had a much more relaxed approach about "following the rules". It truly sounds as though you should approach this client in a different manner. When I had a slip-up (and I've had plenty) my coaches try to help me maneuver it so that I have a better approach the next time. You need to give this client tools to use on their own as opposed to being a diet/exercise dictator. They will only seek to rebel against you.

    I don't think that your "motivation" style would make me connect with you as a client. I would soon be looking for a new "trainer".

    Honestly, if it weren't for the two coaches who came into my life, I would have never taken up sports because the "personal trainers" were terrible at motivating me as a client. They thought they "knew better than me" instead of taking my own opinions and putting it into a plan that worked FOR ME. Maybe take a step off of your high horse and try to level with your client.

    If it weren't for my coaches I would have never competed in SEVERAL triathlons, several running races, and now participate on a competitive rowing team that is going to nationals.

    The more I type, the more aggravated I get at your post. Empathy. Compassion. Learn it. Get better results from your problem clients....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Yeah she's great eh and not taking this personally at all!

    Some of us 'lame' people don't need PT's and can do it ourselves.

    have you ever been in professional services/customer service type jobs? it's hard.

    People treat you like **** and especially fitness- it's last on their to do list.

    I had a client scheduled for THANKSGIVING MORNING. One of my few days off from my regular job- and a day where it magically overlapped with my bf- so we could have spent it together- but I drug myself out of bed and off to the gym to train- and the pair of them not only didn't show up- they didn't call or text me to tell me they weren't coming.

    People are rude- constantly. they are late- they complain- they don't call. They treat you like a doormat- because "we are paying them- they can wait- whatever"

    really? We are people who do other stuff to- and I have had people ruin my whole weekend by not putting in a simple phone call to tell me they were cancelling- I take pride in being there for my clients and I jump through hoops to be there when I'm supposed to be.

    Trust me- it's hard to take it on a constant basis- unless you've done it- you have no idea. Yeah- this isn't extremely professional- but the reality is it hurts and it sucks as a professional. People do this because they love it- and want to help people- and instead of helping people they wind up hating their passion because most of the people don't care enough to try.

    The good ones- they are what keep you coming back- and they keep your soul in your body- but the rest of them- they make it hard to love what you do- they can make you jaded and bitter.

    I suggest walking a mile in the shoes before you start judging.
  • Kreepie11
    Kreepie11 Posts: 76
    Ooooh, I just love snarky posts! Let me go get my popcorn....

    ^^^ Right? ^^^

    So, I just popped on here to say that I think all of you are over-reacting.

    I don't think this post was about someone who slips up. I believe it was more about one of those jerks who pesters you to find out information (because it's sooooo important that they know *right now*), but if you give them the means to do it for themselves, it suddenly doesn't matter so much and holds no interest.

    I can't really think of another comparison than that, so hopefully you can relate. The point is, there are people that can do it on their own, people who can't, and people who won't. This sounds like a case of the "won'ts".

    I mean, really. If someone asked for my help to (let's say...) paint a picture, and they have an image in mind, I would tell them to go get the supplies. Paint, brushes, a canvas... But they didn't. Because it was too far away. So they say screw me, and go ask someone else how to paint. They tell them to go find crayons, which are closer, but don't work when you want to paint. They then come back to me and whine about how their picture is not turning out. Like, REALLY? It's not so much that they didn't know what a brush looked like, it's that they're being an idiot. ....huh, guess I can come up with another comparison.

    Anyway, everyone needs to calm down, take deep breaths, and stop being such jerks to each other. This is supposed to be a safe environment where people can vent about things about health.

    Also, to the people hating on that poor teacher: all kids are "turds" (to put it very nicely) at some point. At that age, they're testing the boundaries of what they can and can't do. They're also harassing teachers, throwing other kid's recorders in toilets, and learning how to forge signatures for that test they failed. It happens. Get over it.
  • Kreepie11
    Kreepie11 Posts: 76
    Yeah she's great eh and not taking this personally at all!

    Some of us 'lame' people don't need PT's and can do it ourselves.

    have you ever been in professional services/customer service type jobs? it's hard.

    People treat you like **** and especially fitness- it's last on their to do list.

    I had a client scheduled for THANKSGIVING MORNING. One of my few days off from my regular job- and a day where it magically overlapped with my bf- so we could have spent it together- but I drug myself out of bed and off to the gym to train- and the pair of them not only didn't show up- they didn't call or text me to tell me they weren't coming.

    People are rude- constantly. they are late- they complain- they don't call. They treat you like a doormat- because "we are paying them- they can wait- whatever"

    really? We are people who do other stuff to- and I have had people ruin my whole weekend by not putting in a simple phone call to tell me they were cancelling- I take pride in being there for my clients and I jump through hoops to be there when I'm supposed to be.

    Trust me- it's hard to take it on a constant basis- unless you've done it- you have no idea. Yeah- this isn't extremely professional- but the reality is it hurts and it sucks as a professional. People do this because they love it- and want to help people- and instead of helping people they wind up hating their passion because most of the people don't care enough to try.

    The good ones- they are what keep you coming back- and they keep your soul in your body- but the rest of them- they make it hard to love what you do- they can make you jaded and bitter.

    I suggest walking a mile in the shoes before you start judging.

    ^^^ Also this ^^^ you are amazing and I respect you so much.