When did you feel 'slim' enough for gym?



  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Every gym I've ever been to has a combination of fit & healthy folks and people who are average or heavy and simply trying to get healthier. It isn't like the high school PE classes in there and if it is, join a different gym.

    If you're reluctant: see if you can get a trial membership for a week or two and test the waters. If it doesn't feel right or you're uncomfortable look for a different place. I promise you: you'll find a gym that works for you if you try it out. I've been a member at a couple of different gyms. The first was right next to our local high school and, while the fellow gym clients varied in age and athletic ability... I thought it was a little too loud, busy, and dirty for me.

    The second gym was filled with middle aged to older folks, with trainers constantly available, very tidy, and tons of opportunities (classes, wellness coaching, etc., etc.). It was a perfect fit. Shop around to find a gym that works best for you.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    If those people have enough time to judge what you're doing, then clearly they aren't focusing on themselves anymore. Honestly, nobody goes to the gym to judge others.
  • ejoy77
    ejoy77 Posts: 19 Member
    I totally understand how you feel. I avoiding working out with free weights in my gym for the longest time, mainly because I worried about people looking at me and thinking, "You don't know what you're doing, and you don't belong here." A couple of things helped me get over that hurdle:
    1.) Join a gym that fits you. Different gyms have different atmospheres. Like someone else mentioned, you should tour a few gyms in your area, and find one that seems to have a more welcoming atmosphere, and is populated by people at all different levels of fitness and all different levels of weight. I can tell you, if you look around my gym, you will see people at every step of the journey, and they're all just working it out. No judgment. We're all just there to get healthier and more fit.
    2.) Join a class. If you feel like you don't know what you're doing, or like you don't belong, sometimes being in a supportive group atmosphere can help you feel more comfortable and more able to venture out on your own to other parts of the gym. In my experience, the people in group fitness classes come from all levels of fitness, and are some of the most supportive people in the world.
    3.) Set a deadline for yourself. Ultimately, that's what I had to do with the free weights thing. I just had to decide: by this date, no matter what, I will start working out with free weights in public. If you wait until you feel comfortable doing it, it will just never happen. But if you DO it, you will eventually feel comfortable.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I see people of all shapes and sizes at every gym i've ever gone to! Don't be intimidated- no one will look down on you for going to the gym and working to get fit! Worry about you and you only :smile:
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    I used to feel the same way, afraid of people looking at me and judging me. But really, until you just do it, you very well may never feel that you belong. You'll lose 10 more pounds and think, well, my belly still jiggles, so you'll wait for another 10 pounds, mentally you'll keep making excuses not to just go for it. Don't play that game with yourself, just bite the bullet and dive in. I joined my gym at 210 pounds and horribly out of shape. I was embarrassed and felt out of place. But after walking through that door the first few times I got over it. Now I feel like I belong there, just as much as the skinny chicks and the muscle head young guys. Just do it, you won't regret it!
  • jelkins2000
    jelkins2000 Posts: 38 Member
    I always felt the same way about the gym, but one day I just decided to do it. It's still a little intimidating walking through the doors, but I found that at the gym people just do their own thing and ignore everybody else. This is what I was hoping for. Everyone is so focused on themselves they really won't pay you any attention. Plus while it's easier said than done, you just have to have an "I don't care what people think" approach. It helps me every time I go.

    Oh, and as someone who was the fat kid in PE class, I can tell you gyms aren't anything like that.
  • Hawkrcr285
    Hawkrcr285 Posts: 14 Member
    most people will be nothing but supportive and encouraging, i just saw a quote the other day "Why the $%&^ would you make fun of a fat person at the gym when you have concrete visible proof that they are actively trying to fix the problem". Go, you wont believe how much better you will feel, not just physically but emotionally as well. Start slow, don't be afraid to get to know the staff. and most importantly have a little fun!
  • nikifavorido
    nikifavorido Posts: 41 Member
    If it is any help, I am over 20 stone and I go to the gym. What the others say is true, you are there for YOU.. not anyone else! Get them headphones in, crank up the music and go for it :) good luck x
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I felt a little weird being 260lbs and 5'3" tall joining a gym but I did. I went every day just started by walking on the treadmill ( holding the rails). I realized no one there was paying attention to me so it made it easier. I still use the rails because I have a problem walking sideways so holding forces me to walk straight..
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks everyone. I do realise a lot of it is in my head. I know most people there will just be getting on with there own thing but my confidence is so low all it would take would be a comment from one idiot and id leave and probably not come back. I need to work on not caring so much what others think of me I guess. I was told for so long that I was too fat to exercise I cant get myself to stop believing it now.

    I agree with everyone - just do it! In my experience, no one has ever actually SAID anything to anyone. They may have been thinking something in their head, but I have never had anyone say anything to me nor have witnessed it. Most everyone has earbuds in and is doing their own thing. I mean, I tried to get someone's attention once and it was like they had blinders on. And their music must have been up really loud.

    There are times when I feel like someone *might" be eye-balling me, might be judging me, but I just crank up my tunes and concentrate on what I am there for. Any issues they have with me is THEIR problem. And honestly, I know I am not that special. They could be going over something in their head that happened at work that day and don't realize they have a funny look on their face, and that they happen to be looking my way.

    The only time someone interrupted me turned out to be a guy that works there who was there on his off hours, working out, and wanted to help with my form. I thanked him and continued with my work-out....and corrected my form.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I'm not going to lie, I am scared that some day I'm going to find my pic on some website being made fun of for trying to run on the treadmill or doing some of the weight machines. I know I look weird being this big, but I am trying guys. I made a mistake, and I am attempting to fix it. Bullying, fat shaming... no one should suffer from that. No one is perfect, NO ONE.
  • WellPickles
    WellPickles Posts: 7 Member
    I started at the gym from my first day dieting, at about 210 lbs. I had a bit of anxiety about how fat old me would look next to those tiny college girls and muscled men. To my surprise there were plenty of people like me. Some noticeably larger! It gave me a bit of confidence to keep going. If a 80 year old woman can work out on the weights, or a 300 lb man jog on the treadmill, well I can to. They are inspirational.

    Grab a ipod and take the plunge. Most likely no one will notice you at all. Worse case scenario, they will notice your perseverance and find you inspirational.:)
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I've never really felt "slim enough" and still don't but I went when I was almost 300lbs and I don't regret it one bit. If you're feeling judged at that gym, then find a different gym. There are lots of "no judgement" gyms around! You will be glad that you did.

    Also, maybe the gym isn't your "thing" it took me awhile to find out what my "thing" was. :)
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I never did. I still don't.

    When i joined my first gym as an adult it was a "pretentious" gym. I swear everyone was super fit and looked amazing. I was 289+ lbs. I actually used it as motivation as at that time my only goal was to look good.

    I have now lost a little over 100 pounds and am 5 pounds overweight. I have run a lot of races from 5ks to full marathons with some half times that I'm proud of. I can lift pretty heavy weights.

    I still feel incredibly uncomfortable - but that's because I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. It's a horrible way to feel but it's even worse when you let it get in the way of getting out there. The only way that you will feel comfortable doing it is by going. And even if you don't feel comfortable, at some point you will get out of your discomfort level enough to enjoy it and be proud of yourself for going.

    You have lost over 75 pounds already! That is phenomenal. It doesn't matter what I think or what joe schmo on the treadmill next to you thinks. YOU are the only one that matters in this process. It's all in your hands.

    you may never feel slim enough. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it NOW!

    P.S. - When I see people there who are extremely obese they are the people I never judge. I ALWAYS make a mental note of 'good for them' as sometimes you can see the discomfort ont heir faces. Those are the people that are amazing.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I can tell you this much -- the people at the gym are FAR less likely to judge you than the people at the grocery store. But, you still go buy groceries (presumably), right?

    When I started walking I was 399 pounds. I was walking outside and I was CONVINCED that everyone was staring at me and judging me. Someone said to me, and it hurt my feelings at the time, but it is spot on -- "It is pretty conceited to think everyone out there gives a *kitten* about you. Seriously, no one cares."

    Here's a tip -- they stare when you are skinny, too. :wink:

    Do what you feel comfortable with, but don't let others control your life. By NOT going to the gym because oif what you perceive others may think - you are allowing other people to control your destiny. Just do it.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    A gym is for people who need to get fit or who are maintaining fitness. And even if someone IS rude enough to stare, they don't matter! Go out there and enjoy getting healthy! Ignore everyone else. This is about you and your journey, not anyone else.

    (edited for typo)
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm a slim girl and when I see overweight people in the gym I cheer them on in my head.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    I joined a couple of months after I started trying to lose weight. That was when our corporate gym membership sign-ups renewed.
    Just dive in.
  • Twinmamamarion
    Twinmamamarion Posts: 33 Member
    You've lost 76 POUNDS!!! Just go! You're amazing!
  • Leah_Alexis
    Leah_Alexis Posts: 139 Member
    I have a lot more respect for not so in shape people at the gym than for fit looking people! It means they are taking control of their life/health and actually doing something about it.

    I know it's not easy, but go for it! It will be easier after a couple time you go and you start seeing familiar faces :)

    Exactly this. I just went for it. I was 5'7 and 285lbs when I joined. I've lost almost 60lbs joing that gym. I jump, I run, I do weights and everything jiggles. I'm there to do this for me not to be concerned with anyone elses business. If I notice anyone looking my way I just smile and continue on.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I was 340 lbs when I started going to the gym - No one pointed and stared at the fat woman sweating and usually cursing.

    I understand that it is a confidence issue... but you have a right to be anywhere and do anything no matter what size you are

    You've lost quite a bit of weight already - I would tell you that if you want to go to the gym, just go. I never had any issues

    good luck
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I would be highly surprised if anyone made any comments, so I wouldn't let that stop you. I literally never talk to anyone at the gym, except maybe to ask someone if they are waiting for a machine or something. Headphones and a magazine are great for keeping to yourself, and also block out the maddening sound of yourself huffing away on the tredmill (that might just be me but I go crazy listening to the sound of my heavy breathing when I work out) :-)

    I have never seen anyone poking fun of someone at the gym or anything of that nature. It's not a grade school playground. People are there to focus on themselves and generally keep to themselves, and if that's what you want to do then guess what? You do belong there. You fit right it.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have never felt ridiculed or uncomfortable at the gym. You join when you want to get healthy. if anyone says something, just reply "we all have to start somewhere." and move on to the next exercise. If you're really uncomfortable there is an app that links with MFP, Sworkit that's free. I recommend the pro version ($ .99)as it has videos to show you how to do the exercises.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have a lot more respect for not so in shape people at the gym than for fit looking people! It means they are taking control of their life/health and actually doing something about it.

    I know it's not easy, but go for it! It will be easier after a couple time you go and you start seeing familiar faces :)

    Exactly this. I just went for it. I was 5'7 and 285lbs when I joined. I've lost almost 60lbs joing that gym. I jump, I run, I do weights and everything jiggles. I'm there to do this for me not to be concerned with anyone elses business. If I notice anyone looking my way I just smile and continue on.

  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I too started on day 1, where I saw my HR skyrocket to 150 bpm after 15 minutes of walking 2.5 mph on the treadmill.

    There are 2 options:
    1) No one cares what you're doing (most likely)
    2) Someone cares. In this case, why should you?

    Let me flip this around, if you are concerned about what others think, then you can look forward to the day that people walk up to you out of the blue and compliment you on your progress. This happens to me occasionally now. #notsohumblebrag
  • tinklemar
    tinklemar Posts: 71 Member
    You've lost 76 POUNDS!!! Just go! You're amazing!

    Agree!! Quit doubting yourself, no matter what anyone might think about you, you have achieved great loss so far! Don't let others get in the way of your continued success. Its not about them, its about you and your journey.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I've never really felt "slim" enough for much of anything, but that hasn't stopped me from going to the gym. I actually enjoy it! It isn't full of only fit healthy people - there are also lots of overweight, unhealthy people who are there for the same reason as you. I just usually use it as motivation - if I see a woman in the gym with a physique that I admire, I just use that as motivation to work hard and get to that point myself! In my experience, most people there aren't too judgmental and a lot of them are helpful or supportive. Give people a little credit - they aren't as bad as all that. Hope you join a gym soon - I think once you just go, you will love it! Good luck to you.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    making fun of fat people at the gym is like going to a hospital to make fun of sick people.
  • vypressme
    vypressme Posts: 228 Member
    If you're afraid of how people perceive you, as I was, no amount of pep talk or motivational speeches can get you to disregard that feeling.

    I felt slim enough to go to the gym when I realized that an overweight person not working out would have a far bigger "jury" than the one who does something for him/herself. (might not be the best way of reasoning, but it worked for me)

    ...and that the fit persons at the gym got in that great shape by going there, because this is what the gym is: a place to get in shape. I felt slim enough when I realized that losing weight to go to the gym would be just as eating at home to feel full before going to a restaurant :smile:
  • I'm a pretty self conscious person and was really nervous about joining the gym, but once I took the first step it really wasn't that bad. People of all sizes, levels of fitness and attitudes join the gym.

    The weights area was full of intimidating looking guys with huge arms, but when I looked a bit lost there some of the guys were really helpful and gave me some newbie advice. Most people are just there to do their workout and get out. They don't care what others are doing as long as you aren't hogging lots of equipment or not returning your weight etc. Just make sure you do an induction and learn the etiquette.

    If people are going to judge you they are the sort of losers who would judge you wherever you are not just because you're at the gym. Life is full of these people unfortunately you can't let them stop you doing what you want to do.