Looking for Friends on Ideal Protein diet



  • Hi. I am in the second week of the program. My first week I lost 6 lbs and according to my own scale I lost another 2. I think the protocol makes sense. It can be challenging as I still do get hungy. Some days are better than others. I do find that the water fills me up though. It was determined that I had 61 lbs to lose. So this is going to be a long journey. I hope I can stick it out. So good luck with your continued progress. I hope I will do as well as you have.
  • I have been on IP now for 6 weeks. My cousin got me into it after she lost 36lbs.

    I hated dieting, never done it. I was so against high protein diet (I thought it is so unhealthy).
    I researched it and researched it. I noticed a lot of folks actually fixed a lot of their health issues.
    I had Gallbladder issues, high cholesterol.
    I always worked out. In fact I lost 20 lbs with workout ONLY until I stop loosing. I would have to workout 3 weeks before I can see my weight drop 1 lb.

    I am really SURPRISED how much I love this diet. WHY?
    1. lost 17 lbs already!
    2. It stopped my crazy carb craving. It is so surprising, that even if someone eat a TIRAMISU next to me(which I normally die for), I could care less. I am not sure if my craving will go back when I start eating normal again.
    3. My Gallbladder issues, GONE.
    4. My labs are all amazing.

    This is worth every penny! I am worth more than that.
    One thing I would say, don't look at your weight too much, some weeks I loose 5, some none and some 1lb. Don't be discouraged, especially for women it is hard to track our weight, overall you will be winning.
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    I am starting IP tomorrow and looking for IP friends for support. Add me!
  • I started IP on February 3rd, I am down 19 lbs in 21 days! That is about a pound a day. I am so excited, I can literally see the pounds and inches falling off my body. I tried this diet over four years ago and only stuck with it for one week and lost 5 lbs in one week. I can seriously kick myself for not sticking with it. I have completely followed it this time, I have never cheated at all and it certainly shows. Water I believe is key, I practically have to swim to bed at night. I do not have any cravings except on weekends when I may be sitting around. That's when I have a half a bag of restricted snacks or a pickle from my fridge. My goal weight is 132 lbs. I started at 212, that's 80 lbs. If I would known sooner that I have to loose a "small child" literally, I would of stuck with it before when I only weighed 189. All I can say is it definitely works so stick with it, eat those veggies and add lots of spices.I use garlic on everything, and I love all kinds of veggies which helps 100%. If it keeps going as well as this I will be at my goal weight by summer. Bring on the bikini's! :)
  • See jetscrop67 below, I started exactly 3 weeks ago and am down 19 lbs in 21 days! It works and I am a big believer, my truth is in the mirror!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I started IP on February 3rd, I am down 19 lbs in 21 days! That is about a pound a day. I am so excited, I can literally see the pounds and inches falling off my body. I tried this diet over four years ago and only stuck with it for one week and lost 5 lbs in one week. I can seriously kick myself for not sticking with it. I have completely followed it this time, I have never cheated at all and it certainly shows. Water I believe is key, I practically have to swim to bed at night. I do not have any cravings except on weekends when I may be sitting around. That's when I have a half a bag of restricted snacks or a pickle from my fridge. My goal weight is 132 lbs. I started at 212, that's 80 lbs. If I would known sooner that I have to loose a "small child" literally, I would of stuck with it before when I only weighed 189. All I can say is it definitely works so stick with it, eat those veggies and add lots of spices.I use garlic on everything, and I love all kinds of veggies which helps 100%. If it keeps going as well as this I will be at my goal weight by summer. Bring on the bikini's! :)

    That's great that you are finding success, but understand the first several weeks generally have very large losses. This success will not continue at the current rate. At best you can hope that 6 of those lbs were fat but we would have to understand total caloric intake and associate macornutrient levels, as well as exercise routine.

    The fact is, regardless of diet, it takes 3500 calories less in than out to lose a lb of fat. If we took a greater look at your situation, we can prove/disprove your weight loss and what its attributed to:

    Based on you starting weight, your age (profile) and I assume 64", your estimate basal metabolic rate (or BMR) would be 1662. If you have a sedentary job, your TDEE (pre workout, etc..) would be 1994 (maintenance calories prior to exercise).

    We know that 19 lbs of fat would = a deficit of 66,500 calories. Over 21 days, that means a daily deficit of 3167.

    Assuming you ate 1200 calories, that means you would have to burn a total of 4367 calories (3167 + 1200). This means you would have to burn on average 2373 a day in exercise.

    Now, i understand its very easy to get excited when you have initial weight loss. And I hope your weight loss continues and you continue to succeed. Realistically, if this diet helps you sustain a healthy lifestyle, then great because diet adherence is the key to success. The issue that many of us have is we have yet to see a person with long term success on these boards. It's not to say they don't have any, but if so, it's rare.
  • I started Ideal Protein last year, on Halloween night (kind of stupid). I made it through the holidays and into April. When I started on IP, I was 330 pounds and by the end of April I had dropped to 210 pounds. That was 120 pounds lost. So I know Ideal Protein works, if you can stick to your guns and stay motivated you can do it. There would be weeks were I only lost one pound and would be devastating, but I hung in there. As a fat kid at heart and food addict, I gained almost all of my weight back in 9 months. I really don't know what I was thinking. Ideal isn’t cheap and I just wasted all that time, money, and confidence in it. Well I guess I got back on my horse and as of today I am back on the IP program and will go through the process again. I will keep you posted on my progress and how I’m doing. I weighed in last week and I was 325 pounds. After a week of Ideal, I’m down to 315. IF I CAN DO IT, WE ALL CAN DO IT! FIND THAT PLACE IN YOUR HEART AND DIG DEEP< CAUSE IT WILL PAY OFF
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I started Ideal Protein last year, on Halloween night (kind of stupid). I made it through the holidays and into April. When I started on IP, I was 330 pounds and by the end of April I had dropped to 210 pounds. That was 120 pounds lost. So I know Ideal Protein works, if you can stick to your guns and stay motivated you can do it. There would be weeks were I only lost one pound and would be devastating, but I hung in there. As a fat kid at heart and food addict, I gained almost all of my weight back in 9 months. I really don't know what I was thinking. Ideal isn’t cheap and I just wasted all that time, money, and confidence in it. Well I guess I got back on my horse and as of today I am back on the IP program and will go through the process again. I will keep you posted on my progress and how I’m doing. I weighed in last week and I was 325 pounds. After a week of Ideal, I’m down to 315. IF I CAN DO IT, WE ALL CAN DO IT! FIND THAT PLACE IN YOUR HEART AND DIG DEEP< CAUSE IT WILL PAY OFF

    If the program is expensive, why not consider an alternate approach. Obviously the program failed because it never taught you how to sustain post leaving the program. Instead of following a diet, learn about portion control and making smarter food choices. That is what calorie counting is about. Yes you can still have protein shakes or bars, but those are for quick snacks or supplements, not as a meal. While it takes more work up front, educating yourself how to be successful as opposed to a diet will pay off dividends in the long run.
  • Me too :)
  • Amaria08
    Amaria08 Posts: 2
    Its approx. $30/box. Each box contains 7 packets. 6 if you chose already prepared. You'll need 21 packets or 3 boxes/wk.
    You'll also need to take a multi-vitamin, potassium calcium & cal-mag. Some people take omegas as well. Olive oil & coconut oil are recommended to help with hunger.
  • Amaria08
    Amaria08 Posts: 2
    You can not have sugar while on IP. The goal is to stay under a certain amount of carbs. Usually 20 gr as well as maintain a low caloric diet. Once you've lost the majority of weight you can slowly start adding natural sugars such as berries and still only a handful.
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    Ideal Protein results in greater weight loss because it is a ketogenic diet that burns your own fat for energy. The first week of any low carb diet will produce greater weight loss related to water, however the weight loss subsequently on IP blows any other diet out of the water. Good luck with IP, keep on it and worry about maintaining your loss after you lose.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    I love this thread, I really do, it gives me incentive to push forward and count on the Barnum Effect to work in tandem with sales and income........what a wonderful world. :bigsmile:
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Very low carb with no fat......not good also very low calorie......wonder why it works. Plus why buy a supplement, when actual whole protein sources are not only cheaper, tastier, but also have the other matrix's attached to them. like micronutreints.........waste of money imo.

    I love reading posts like this one. Just like any eating plan, there will always be people who are against it (sometimes without even knowing anything about it). I for one find WW to be a waste of money because you can do it yourself with free apps, however I have total respect for people who are losing weight through that program (or any other program they choose).
    It is not a diet for everyone. It is not no fat (I just ate 30 g of fat yesterday). If anyone is looking into this diet please research it thoroughly first and decide if it is worth it to you. www.3fatchicks.com has an ideal protein sub-forum and there is a lot of great information in there. I have been on it since last November. I had full blood panels done recently and everything came back very healthy (nutrient levels, kidney/liver function etc..) It has also completely changed my relationship with food. Most clinics that offer the diet have open house nights where they talk about it and let you sample some of the food. There is a lot more to this diet than people realize. So again, it is not for everyone and please do your research first! For me, it has been worth it and I will end the program unbelievably healthy and with 0.0 regret.

    30 grams of fat is still "low" fat.
    You haven't changed your relationship with food because you barely have one. You just eat pre-made packets of who knows what.
    I agree that this is a short-term solution to a long-term problem, and that it isn't the healthiest way to lose weight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Ideal Protein results in greater weight loss because it is a ketogenic diet that burns your own fat for energy. The first week of any low carb diet will produce greater weight loss related to water, however the weight loss subsequently on IP blows any other diet out of the water. Good luck with IP, keep on it and worry about maintaining your loss after you lose.

    May I ask where you get this information from? Keto diets are not any better than a normal deficit... holding protein calories and protein equivalent, it still takes 3500 calories less in than out to lose a lb of fat. And each diet will produce the same amount of weight loss.
  • I started IP on 2/20 and have lost 11 lbs so far. I know it works and am looking for friends who are also on IP for motivation and support. Feel free to add me as a friend if you can relate!! Good luck to everyone else on this weight loss journey :)
  • I have been on IP for 2 weeks now and I am down 8 pounds. Trying a variety of recipes and using Fitness pal is really helping. Always looking for new friends and new recipe ideas.
  • You can't say that the relationship with food hasn't changed. I have had a terrible relationship with food all my life and I have been around for awhile.

    I have been on this program since Jan 27. For the length of time I have been on this diet without deviation, my weight loss has not been any different than the many other diets I have been on. Food preparation has always been a menace to me and the culprit of my bad eating habits. Especially, now in the last few years since I now have an empty nest. So for some people, like myself, this works.

    These prepackaged food are actually pretty good for starters. Then it gives me the opportunity to be on a weight loss program that is a no-brainer. Add water and eat. For me that was a great alternative The cost and the weigh-ins, keep me accountable. Not to mentions, I spent at least $10 a day on lunch and coffee. Some people who have struggled all their life with weight, being held by the hand may be exactly what is needed. At first.

    However, your dinner you have to prepare yourself. You have to buy your own protein and veggies. You need to get your own veggies for lunch too. So for those of you like myself who are not big on making your lunches and dinner. It is actually a gradual forming habit of preparing your own food. It is working great for me. For each phase you introduce more and more of your own preparations. In addition, now that I am eating my packages and my own veggies and proteins, I am definitely eating satisfying meals of healthy food and I get to enjoy a small snack at the end of the day.

    Provided that you stick to the program until the end (when you are preparing your own meals), I think you would have developed a pretty good relationship with food.

    And to the MFP Moderator who keeps knocking this program. Yes there are other effective diets and less expensive diets that work. I know, I done them all with the same success rate. This is working for me for other reasons as I indicated. It might be the same for others. I wish it was just as simple as losing the weight. It is a journey. A journey of weight loss, processing emotions, and changing habits and beliefs. I believe as well as others that IP is helps in this journey.

    One more thing, I am, as well as other, are aware of how the weight loss industry feeds on the weakness of overweight consumers. As consumers we can make informed decisions based on our own needs.
  • mad2101
    mad2101 Posts: 4
    :flowerforyou: I started the IP program 3/24/14 and so far so good. I am so glad I found these comments, this will encourage me to go forward. Have enjoyed learning a variety of recipes and using Fitness pal is really helping. Always looking for new friends and new recipe ideas.
  • hope2781
    hope2781 Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,
    This is Donna and today is my Day 1 on IP Diet. Hoping to get some wonderful results like you. I have 22 pounds to lose.
    I was so excited and enthusiastic about starting this but I am reading many forums that many on this diet when they stopped this gained it back. So I am already worried on how I can maintain this weight after I complete this program.

    Anyone maintaining the same weight even after stopping the program please respond. Looking for your encouraging words.