When did you feel 'slim' enough for gym?



  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    Chances are nobody is going to really pay any attention to you unless you are wearing something crazy or making a ton of noise or do something really weird.....nobody will give you a second look. :)
  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone. I do realise a lot of it is in my head. I know most people there will just be getting on with there own thing but my confidence is so low all it would take would be a comment from one idiot and id leave and probably not come back. I need to work on not caring so much what others think of me I guess. I was told for so long that I was too fat to exercise I cant get myself to stop believing it now.

    If you start going in, you will come to believe that you belong there. The self confidence will come as you start going in :)
    on the random off-chance someone says something, brush it off and keep on going. go for it and don't look back. :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Honestly, people are usually listening to music and ignore everyone else. I went back to the gym when I was 220lbs after having my 2nd baby. I felt massive and unfit, but never had any comments. I'm nearly 35 weeks pregnant now and barely even get a glance when I'm in the gym, and I have a huge baby bump!

    Maybe try doing some classes, if your gym offers them. Also, good idea to have a few PT sessions first to gain some confidence with the machines and your workout sessions.
  • CelebrityStatus
    CelebrityStatus Posts: 84 Member
    Just do it :)

    I am that 280lb person at the gym right now. But you know what? I started as the 305lb person at the gym. With the exception of literally ONE person who made comments about how women shouldn't waste everyone's time by trying to lift weights- everyone has been nice. The attendants always give me a big smile and ask how I'm doing, how my workouts are going, etc. People are not necessarily "friendly and chatty" but they are certainly not condescending. I've had lots of people just walk by me and say "great job" ... because I could be sitting at home saying "Oh, I'm too fat, I can never change, etc etc" but I'm not.

    I work out at almost the same time every day, so see some of the same people ... and they are shocked that I have gone from barely being able to walk a mile, to running intervals of 5k with hill work. People are very supportive and the gym is a community. I'm definitely not saying that people won't be jerks... but it's like anything else in your life, people will be nasty! The support far outweigh the nay-sayers though.

    You can't let fear of being embarrassed stop you from getting out there! Maybe you can enlist a friend to join the gym with you, if that helps?

    You can do it!!! I have every faith in you :)
  • Steezburt
    Steezburt Posts: 23
    I say just get in there and join. The longer you hold back, the longer it will take for you to begin your journey to achieving your goal. Yeah a lot of people in there are fit and it may be intimidating, but they all had a starting point just like you. They didn't start at the gym when they felt comfortable. I'm sure some did, but they just dove right in and did it. Trust me, no one is focused on your when you go to the gym, they may look at you for a second, but they're focused on themselves and their goals. Everyone who joins the gym has a purpose, and that is to get fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. If anything, bring a buddy with you and it will take away from the feeling of displacement and you're guaranteed to feel better.
  • bassclef19
    bassclef19 Posts: 53 Member
    I have a lot more respect for not so in shape people at the gym than for fit looking people! It means they are taking control of their life/health and actually doing something about it.

    I know it's not easy, but go for it! It will be easier after a couple time you go and you start seeing familiar faces :)

    I agree with this^
  • MicheleMWolf
    I am the heaviest person in the gym - at the time I go - and in the BodyPump and BodyCombat classes that I take. At first, I was upset by this and was seriously thinking about not going until I lost some weight. I'm still 70 lbs overweight. Now, I'm proud of myself for going to the gym and taking the classes. The way I see it, I'm still the heaviest person there, but I'm there, doing the work and slowly seeing the results.
  • twilightfrog
    I struggled with this for years. One day, after I'd gained the confidence that general facts of adult life like holding a full time job and being responsible for a lot more gave me, I realized that if the gym thought I was fit enough to take my money, I had as much right to be there as anybody. I earned it.

    Do I get judged? Sometimes. But whatever. I just practice good citizenship; comply with the rules, obey the time limits, clean the machines after using them, keep my locker neat, etc. So I know no one has any legit reason to complain about me. If they want to make faces, they're the ones who end up looking ugly.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    I am the heaviest person in the gym - at the time I go - and in the BodyPump and BodyCombat classes that I take.

    I love Body Combat. Did my class this morning and it's great to see the mix of sizes and ages doing it. There's a woman in my class who must be 70+ and I'd love to be still kicking *kitten* when I'm her age :-)
  • Shersuntha
    I know a lot of people on here say that you should join a gym no matter what your size is if thats what you want to do. I cant seem to build up the confidence to take the leap and join. Every time I enter the building its full of fit healthy people and I dont feel like I fit in there quite yet. I keep hoping that once I lose X amount of weight I will look the part as it were and not stick out like a sore thumb.

    I think my reluctance stems from school gym class where I was picked on for not being able to do the exercises as well as the slimmer kids. They made every P.E lesson a misery. I know I am not at school any more (thank god) but cant shake the feeling that Im going to get jeered at for being more jiggly than lean.

    Anyone else felt they had to lose weight before joining the gym?
    To be honest I never felt fit enough for a gym even at my lowest weight. But when I realized just how dangerous and unhealthy my weight is I had to change my thinking. I do not go to the gym for other people, I go for myself. Yes a lot of people in a gym or fit and lean and small, they have also been going to gyms a lot more than I have. They are at different points of their fitness than anyone else in the gym. I suggests finding a gym that offer different classes and start with that. Good luck!!!!!
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    At My gym It doesn't matter. We have people all starting out. It is great to introduce members who have been coming for a few weeks with the new members because the connection aspect is so important.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I popped into the gym today to enquire about prices etc the woman at the desk took my name and number and asked me if I already exercise. After I confirmed yes I do she replied "Oh....really?!"
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    I popped into the gym today to enquire about prices etc the woman at the desk took my name and number and asked me if I already exercise. After I confirmed yes I do she replied "Oh....really?!"

    hmmm, like in a tone of surprise? Eh...could have been she was surprised you wanted to join a gym if you already were exercising...or could be she had poor home-training. Can you do a trial week there and find out if she was just one bad apple or if the whole place is full people like her?
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I popped into the gym today to enquire about prices etc the woman at the desk took my name and number and asked me if I already exercise. After I confirmed yes I do she replied "Oh....really?!"

    hmmm, like in a tone of surprise? Eh...could have been she was surprised you wanted to join a gym if you already were exercising...or could be she had poor home-training. Can you do a trial week there and find out if she was just one bad apple or if the whole place is full people like her?

    I've just got back from a driving lesson and was just discussing this with my instructor. She said she found a lot of people there were like that so she goes to this small private gym at the other end of town which is apparently much quieter and has a friendlier atmosphere. The downside to the other one is that it doesn't have a pool or soft play.

    I am supposed to be having someone ring me later from the big gym so may ask if they allow trial months. At least this way if the atmosphere isn't very friendly at least I haven't financially committed to anything.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    I popped into the gym today to enquire about prices etc the woman at the desk took my name and number and asked me if I already exercise. After I confirmed yes I do she replied "Oh....really?!"
    So it begins.

    Stay focused and stay strong.

    In my opinion, you should pick the gym that's more convenient for you so you'll go more often. If you are out of high school, you're past the age when other people's opinions should rule your life. Instead of thinking of the gym as a place to make friends and hang out, think of it as a place to workout and get your sweat on. People with bad attitudes will have less influence over you.

    If you happen to click and get some new friends, BONUS!. Otherwise, getting healthier and more fit will be your reward.