Loosing weight = Loosing friends



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Am I the only person who lost without a huge lifestyle shift? I just ate fewer calories and work out when I have free time. I still went out with my friends and take the same stuff -- just less of it OR planned the rest of my day around indulging. I didn't cut off social activities to work out -- either getting up early or pulling a double a day I had nothing else to do.

    I just.... I don't get how you lose friends unless you are being jerky about it.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    There really should be grammar police around here.


    Technically spelling police.

    But seriously.

  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    It can happen. I had one insecure friend in the past who would always make comments about me being thin. ( I did have an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, for a time, but I did happen to gain weight and get myself to 110-115 lbs, a slim yet healthy weight for my frame ). She would make comments about how I needed to eat more and how men didn't like thin girls, but how they liked curves. ( That may be true, but a man who loves you will like you at any weight and be supportive ). Finally she stopped being my friend out of nowhere because she thought I wanted her boyfriend ( now husband ). I certainly did not.

    So it was weird.

    So far, I have not lost friends. If anything my friends have been supportive. My boyfriend has been mostly supportive until I dropped a few cup sizes.

    But sometimes friends can be jealous and insecure and decide they don't like you anymore for something dumb. :(
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Am I the only person who lost without a huge lifestyle shift? I just ate fewer calories and work out when I have free time. I still went out with my friends and take the same stuff -- just less of it OR planned the rest of my day around indulging. I didn't cut off social activities to work out -- either getting up early or pulling a double a day I had nothing else to do.

    I just.... I don't get how you lose friends unless you are being jerky about it.

  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    women in general like to compete and compare ... when you loose weight and become a hotter version of yourself ... that is not being appreciate it by some and taken as a threat by others
  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    Am I the only person who lost without a huge lifestyle shift? I just ate fewer calories and work out when I have free time. I still went out with my friends and take the same stuff -- just less of it OR planned the rest of my day around indulging. I didn't cut off social activities to work out -- either getting up early or pulling a double a day I had nothing else to do.

    I just.... I don't get how you lose friends unless you are being jerky about it.

    how much did you lose? No seriously.

    I lost 150 pounds....150 pounds! That is a person.

    most of my friends pre loss were extremely overweight. Everything they did surrounded around food.

    They wanted to take their kids to a coffee play place or a mall play place so they could have a coffee and danish while watching them play, I wanted to go to the park so we could be in the sun and play!

    They wanted to take them to the movies I wanted to go bowling.

    I wanted my child to be raised in a world where everything didn't revolve around food. I wanted to live in a world where everything didn't revolve around food.

    and my friends? They wanted to be around food. Meetings/play dates/ consisted of going to one of our houses and sitting with coffee and cakes....evenings away from the kids consisted of wine dates with more cake...

    there was always cake....

    and when I wasn't interested, they got mad.

    I had no problem being at their place and being around cake, I had no problem going to play places as long as it wasn't ALL the time...i did want to occasionally hit a park....

    but wanting to do that was "changing them"

    and I think my loss made them jealous, it was a slap in the face that made what they weren't doing something THEY weren't doing. As long as we were all fat, they could pretend life was just like that....there was nothing to be helped for it....

    then someone helped themselves change that and all of the sudden they were confronted with that. It didn't go over well.

    That's all I know
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Oh my gosh... this title gave me a headache.

  • Shokei
    Shokei Posts: 71 Member
    I love a good party. Dump the old friends they are jealous of your accomplishments. You don't need friends like that. Stay true and stay positive.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I haven't lost any friends per se, but I certainly have less in common with a lot of my friends now than I did 2 years ago. Part of it is my new interest in living healthy and my fitness pursuits, but part is that I'm also at that age (25) where it seems everyone is getting married, having babies, first "real" jobs, and nobody is really at the same place in life. Hanging out with old friends is a burden instead of a joy.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Am I the only person who lost without a huge lifestyle shift? I just ate fewer calories and work out when I have free time. I still went out with my friends and take the same stuff -- just less of it OR planned the rest of my day around indulging. I didn't cut off social activities to work out -- either getting up early or pulling a double a day I had nothing else to do.

    I just.... I don't get how you lose friends unless you are being jerky about it.

    how much did you lose? No seriously.

    I lost 150 pounds....150 pounds! That is a person.

    most of my friends pre loss were extremely overweight. Everything they did surrounded around food.

    They wanted to take their kids to a coffee play place or a mall play place so they could have a coffee and danish while watching them play, I wanted to go to the park so we could be in the sun and play!

    They wanted to take them to the movies I wanted to go bowling.

    I wanted my child to be raised in a world where everything didn't revolve around food. I wanted to live in a world where everything didn't revolve around food.

    and my friends? They wanted to be around food. Meetings/play dates/ consisted of going to one of our houses and sitting with coffee and cakes....evenings away from the kids consisted of wine dates with more cake...

    there was always cake....

    and when I wasn't interested, they got mad.

    I had no problem being at their place and being around cake, I had no problem going to play places as long as it wasn't ALL the time...i did want to occasionally hit a park....

    but wanting to do that was "changing them"

    and I think my loss made them jealous, it was a slap in the face that made what they weren't doing something THEY weren't doing. As long as we were all fat, they could pretend life was just like that....there was nothing to be helped for it....

    then someone helped themselves change that and all of the sudden they were confronted with that. It didn't go over well.

    That's all I know

    Solid ^this.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Be HAPPY.

    If "friends" aren't happy for your happiness, then don't allow them to be part of your life.

    Edit: Please repeat 2nd grade for grammar / spelling before posting a thread again.

    It's one thing to joke about a spelling error, it's another to post something like this. Not cool.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    Be HAPPY.

    If "friends" aren't happy for your happiness, then don't allow them to be part of your life.

    Edit: Please repeat 2nd grade for grammar / spelling before posting a thread again.

    It's one thing to joke about a spelling error, it's another to post something like this. Not cool.

  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    before weight loss I had two friends
    just lost one friend yesterday
    but gained one before

    so Its pretty even ...two friends is all I can deal with
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    As i was always the sickest (not the heaviest, but not the smallest either) I think a lot of my friends are loving that im stronger and feel better. but on the same note, i think sometimes they dislike when i push for healthier foods they dont want. they have never gotten mad at me, and actually starting to make changes themselves.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Be HAPPY.

    If "friends" aren't happy for your happiness, then don't allow them to be part of your life.

    Edit: Please repeat 2nd grade for grammar / spelling before posting a thread again.

    It's one thing to joke about a spelling error, it's another to post something like this. Not cool.


    No, why would I be mad? It's actually against forum guidelines. Why take a strike for it?
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I don't think I really lost any friends, but I had a few friends that I drifted apart from because my priorities changed. I was no longer a homebody who didn't want to go out or do anything. I'm sure there were a few friends who were jealous but they never said anything directly to me or made snide comments in my presence. I know several had a hard time accepting I was no longer their "fat friend" and they had to accept that were now the "biggest gal" in our group of friends.

    As I became for confident and comfortable with who I was, I made a lot of new friends with similar interests and goals. So in the end, my true friends are still around and I have many more friends than I had before losing the weight.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Be HAPPY.

    If "friends" aren't happy for your happiness, then don't allow them to be part of your life.

    Edit: Please repeat 2nd grade for grammar / spelling before posting a thread again.

    It's one thing to joke about a spelling error, it's another to post something like this. Not cool.


    No, why would I be mad? It's actually against forum guidelines. Why take a strike for it?

    It was a joke, but thanks for reporting me.

    Given how quick the MFP community is to report the most benign of spelling and grammar corrections, and given that your correction was one of the more harsh I've seen in my years here, I have no doubt that there were dozens of reports filed.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Be HAPPY.

    If "friends" aren't happy for your happiness, then don't allow them to be part of your life.

    Edit: Please repeat 2nd grade for grammar / spelling before posting a thread again.

    It's one thing to joke about a spelling error, it's another to post something like this. Not cool.


    No, why would I be mad? It's actually against forum guidelines. Why take a strike for it?

    It was a joke, but thanks for reporting me.


    I didn't report you? :huh:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Be HAPPY.

    If "friends" aren't happy for your happiness, then don't allow them to be part of your life.

    Edit: Please repeat 2nd grade for grammar / spelling before posting a thread again.

    It's one thing to joke about a spelling error, it's another to post something like this. Not cool.


    No, why would I be mad? It's actually against forum guidelines. Why take a strike for it?

    It was a joke, but thanks for reporting me.

    Given how quick the MFP community is to report the most benign of spelling and grammar corrections, and given that your correction was one of the more harsh I've seen in my years here, I have no doubt that there were dozens of reports filed.

    Um, yeah, basically this. It was more of a heads up than anything.