
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i finished level 2 day 7 last night...excited to see how she is going to kill me in level 3! haha
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Today will be Day 3 / Level 1 for me... it's rough, but the fact that it's only 20 minutes keeps me going. The worst part for me is the weights/arm exercises and the easiest part for me is the abs... but I assume this is very different for everyone!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    it kills my shoulders! :)
  • crenee014
    crenee014 Posts: 32 Member
    Starting tomorrow add me please!! Support needed..
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on Day 9, Level 2. Feel free to add me - especially since today's a day where I'm just staring at Michaels' picture on iTunes and thinking, "I don't WANNA!" Still, after today and tomorrow (I rest on weekends), I'm done with Level 2!
  • I'm on level 1 day 3 -
  • aimeemottershead
    aimeemottershead Posts: 6 Member
    I just started yesterday and wow is my butt sore today! I have read some great results on here and it is motivating me to work out! Good luck everyone!
  • mandyfin
    mandyfin Posts: 11
    I'm starting again tonight!
  • Level one day 2 was yesterday!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Had to miss my w/o this morning since I had to take the dog out for hubby, so I ended up going for a run instead.

    Not sure if I will make it up, or just finish with 9 days of level 3. We'll see how the weekend goes.
  • olive_26
    olive_26 Posts: 14 Member
    Level one day two for me today. It was much tougher than yesterday. I was sore when I got up and really didn't want to do it, but once I put the DVD on and had Jillian telling me I could do it I managed to push through =). Bring on day three!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i rotate 30DS with her other videos....i just did her kickboxing (workout 2- legs) last night...omg! kicked my butt!! & i loved it! has anyone else done it before? i'm used to the p90x kickboxing video and her combinations were so different that what i was used too that i had to watch, pause, and rewind to get it! haha i don't think she switched sides of the body in that workout tho...? does she and i was just so confused that i missed it? :)
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Day 4/Level 1 completed yesterday and it was a TON easier than Days 1 and 2! I did not expect to see such an improvement so soon. Still sore but nowhere near as bad as the first couple of days.

    Let's hope I feel the same tonight when I complete Day 5. :) I think it helps that the things which are most difficult for me (pushups and the squat presses, I can't get through either of these without stopping at least once) are first -- so once circuit 1 is over, I always breathe a sigh of relief and keep telling myself the rest is a piece of cake... which it isn't really, but helps me get through it!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member

    Keep going! Levels 2 and 3 are more intense, but I enjoyed them much more. I am really liking level 3, and have been sore all week from it.

    I don't find it's an intense pain, but I definitely feel like I've put in a good workout that will bring positive changes.
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    Hi all! I am on Level 1 Day 5. Amazed on how much "easier" it is getting. Still very hard but I can actually make it through with no rest breaks...except for push ups. Not sure if it just because it is the first thing or what but I really, really struggle with all those push ups in a row! I also never feel sore in my abs. I feel like I'm concerntrating on the abs during the exercises but just don't feel sore afterwards?

    I've done it before but never finished. I think last time was a few years ago and I made it through Level 2. This time is the charm! Flying to meet my serious boyfriend's family in three weeks...I need some extra confidence! :blushing:
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    I am too! Please add me I need inspiration from others that are doing it. Not planning on starting until after March 29th (I am walking/jogging a 10K that day). I have already started Jillian's Yoga Meltdown and that was hard core (literally lol).
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Still going strong, and definitely getting stronger, monday starts the last week of lvl 3. Now I am kind of wishing I took some before pictures as I'm sure the change is much more noticeable than I can see day to day. For everyone else still pushing through keep going even when it gets tough! I can't wait to go back and try lvl 1 again next saturday to school all the moves I found so tough at first!!
  • olive_26
    olive_26 Posts: 14 Member
    Made it to level 1 day 4. It was a bit easier today which was good because yesterday was so tough I was ready to give up. I've decided that for some extra motivation I'm going to write my journey through 30ds in a blog. It's here http://nickyr26.wordpress.com/ if anyone is interested =)
  • bacon_bacon_bacon
    bacon_bacon_bacon Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on level 1 day 5. I could use some 30DS buddies!
  • I stated ripped in 30 yesterday. u shred n ill rip!!!!! how do we start a group?