
  • iankuk
    iankuk Posts: 31 Member
    You know what, i'm the first to own up and say that i torrent a lot of stuff. Hold my hands up. But DDP is the one and rare thing that i gladly payed money for no questions asked. Going ebay tho for a good value Heart Rate Monitor tho! lol
  • 150is
    150is Posts: 25 Member
    I have been doing DDP Yoga one week and lost 4lbs! I was extremely happy. I have been working for for a long time and I weight train and run and do sprints. So I couldn't understand the concept on getting your heart rate raised on YOGA only. But this isn't your typical YOGA for sure. It's DDPYoga! I'm on my 2nd week and I started on the advance program and so far I'm really enjoying it. I did take my before pics and I want to see how flexible I become in 30days. BANG!
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Wow- that opening video on the website made me cry! I remember my first yoga class and my arms were flapping around like that too.
    So happy this program is helping people!
  • So me...I am 40 years old. My wife and I started DDP Yoga back in March '13, and LOVED IT. I lost about 13 lbs in the first two weeks...and I felt good! Then my 20 year battle with depression kicked back in and I stopped doing it; gained about 20 lbs on depression and medication. Finally found a medication that seems to be working great, and the positive side effect is no weight gain, many people have actually lost weight on it. Anyways, we started back on DDP Yoga last week, and I am loving it again. I am determined to stay on it and keep doing better. I want to be skinny and healthy for my wife and kids and not be the obese man they saw lying on the couch!

    BTW, I love reading the inspirational posts from everyone on their success! I keep saying, if they can do...so can I!!
  • SRMcEvoy
    SRMcEvoy Posts: 18 Member
    Today is day 100 straight of recording everything I eat in MyFitnessPal , and doing DDP Yoga . Feeling Amazing http://bit.ly/DDPYoga2 done over 66 hours of Yoga http://bit.ly/DDP-Yoga

    As of today down 42lbs since July 1st.
  • Can anybody e-mail me the workout schedule and the nutrition guide? My friend gave me a copy of the discs to try out but didn't give me any of the guides. I would appreciate it. e-mail me at matt6484@hotmail.com
  • joshbowman12
    joshbowman12 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey folks,

    I hate to open an inactive forum thread, but I've been reading a lot about it, and I actually have some old injuries from my hard weightlifting a couple years ago in high school and was wondering if it were possible for me to still do this program? The Dynamic tension exercises I have recently read a lot about, and I wanted to give Yoga a try, then I saw this program and wanted to try it.

    If anyone can help please do, and even inbox me also if it's easier. Just looking for some help.
    I joined the site just because I wanted to know more from people that have actually done this program!

  • @josh...You can definitely do this program. No weights involved, just dynamic resistance. Which is just using your muscle groups in a certain order to achieve leaner and stronger muscles. The program will help with flexibility and strength....
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I am going to look into this program. There are some really good videos of people vlogging on YouTube who are currently doing DDP Yoga and the success that they are having. Some of them morbidly obese too. I live in an apartment, so the low impact quiet exercise video might really work for me.
  • I just purchased this program thru craigslist. Is there any way somebody could send the nutrition guide to me. I have to lose so much weight. nikkifree81@gmail.com
  • just got the DVDs as a birthday/Christmas present...hoping this will help alleviate the bulging disc problems in my C5-C7...anxious & nervous, but praying I'll do okay.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I have a friend on here who loves it - I prefer traditional and hot yoga but would be willing to give it a try. Must wait though...tore my rotator cuff in September, ironically doing a yoga transition. Most yoga uses a lot of upper body and I'm in PT so I wait. and run. and wait. and run. and...well....
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 303 Member
    My fiance showed me this program when I told him I was interested in starting yoga after the first of the year. He said he's get it for me for Christmas. I was also looking at Travis Eliot's The Ultimate Yogi (which is much cheaper on Amazon). The DDP yoga seems like it may hold my attention better lol. Just the kind of person I am.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I just bought the combo pack off the website today. They have a Holiday special where it is cheaper. I am looking forward to trying this out.
  • TheOlyGirl
    TheOlyGirl Posts: 3 Member
    Do any of you lovely people have an update on how DDP Yoga is doing for you? I just got my set and am really excited to start it.
  • I ordered yesterday and am waiting for the delivery. Can anyone email the meal plan in advance bc I want to get started?
  • meaghanrocks
    meaghanrocks Posts: 19 Member
    I was thinking about starting this with my boyfriend.... He can barely cut his toenails because he is not flexible at all.... not over weight jus no flexibility at all and myself I thought it would be good for stress and weight loss. Just we are on a fixed income and I want to try it before buying it.

    If someone could send me like the schedule for week 1 and week 2 that would be amazing!!!
  • emosoro
    emosoro Posts: 2
  • emosoro
    emosoro Posts: 2
    I just bought the dvds from craigslist but no workout plan/schedule was included :( Can someone please send me the plan via email? I would really appreciate it! thanks so much!
  • 71MMYg
    71MMYg Posts: 1
    Does anybody have a copy of the workout schedule and meal plan that they could send me? I've scoured my whole apartment and can't seem to find it anywhere :cry: