


  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I love sugar. Sugar is one of my favorite substances in the world. But I don't track sugar anymore. It was bumming me out to constantly see that number go a little in the red. I don't eat candy like I used to though. I've found that most things with obscene amounts of sugar just are NOT worth it calorie-wise. I'm not going to waste over 200 calories on a candy bar. I'm not going to drink my calories in a soda or a glass of juice. It's not worth it. I'd prefer to eat natural forms of sugar and use as few calories as possible. I have no interest in going cold turkey, and I still enjoy sugar. I just look for "healthier" forms of sugar.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    There are drug addicts out there and other addicts that get judged. BUt there are things out there that are just as addictive and dangerous to a persons body. through this journey I have come to realize one major thing. I have a huge huge addiction to sugar. Anyone else have this problem or had it and can give advice on how to fix it. I will admit I am addicted to it and as hard as i try i cannot seem to get over it.

    A bit harsh to not want to offer the OP support or sympathy because of a tenuous statement.

    My personal belief is a lot of non(hardcore)drugs and other things can be addictive.

    For the person suffering that addiction, they may feel that comparison to be true. Rather than give the standard response.

    Why don't we see if we can get to the cause and actually help the person. After all isn't that what we are on this forum for?

    Just saying.

    Its hard to help the OP unless she clearly defines her issue. If a person comes in saying they might have a binge disorder, we recommend getting professional help, not just forum help. If this OP is really addicted to sugar, it would be suggested to get professional help. If she realizes that she binges when there are cookies in the house, then we will tell her not to keep them in the house. Essentially, different diagnosis have different courses of action.

    Seriously - that's how you interpret the responses from the very first response post. The first page is basically criticising the OP FOR 1) using the word addition 2) claiming sugar is addictive 3) using the words sugar and addiction in the same post!
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    It all comes down to self control.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    We need food to live, we don't need drugs or alcohol. Food addiction is becoming an excuse, you will always need to consume food. Therefore, you're going to HAVE to develop some form of self-control and self-regulate intake. Food man, you can't escape it

    Unless...photosynthesis. Plants know where it's at.

    That reminds me, I heard of a small cult of people who insist they can live off sunlight and air alone

    I heard that too I think there is a YouTube video of it,

    Okay so what about sugar again?

    Ahh yes! I love sugar but then again I have self control and will power

    I don't let sugar control me I control the suga!!
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    Yep, I am 100% addicted to sugar without any question in my mind. It has similar dopamine response when ingested the same type of response from doing narcotics.

    A great documentary is Sugar: The Bitter Truth, one of the greatest 45 minutes you'll spend watching a video!

    If I had an option between unlimited access to the Mcdonalds/Wendy's Menu or the 7-11 Candy aisle I'd take the candy aisle any day. :indifferent:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    That reminds me, I heard of a small cult of people who insist they can live off sunlight and air alone.
    Breatharians. :grumble:

    Good. They'll die off and eliminate more stupid people before they breed (hopefully).
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    And we wonder why people leave this site... For the OP, don't feel like you just got beat up for asking a simple question. We all are here to learn. If I have a choice now between apiece of fruit and a candy bar, I will DEFINATELY eat the fruit. Yes, there is sugar in both, but I don't think we gained weight by eating too much fruit.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    And we wonder why people leave this site... For the OP, don't feel like you just got beat up for asking a simple question. We all are here to learn. If I have a choice now between apiece of fruit and a candy bar, I will DEFINATELY eat the fruit. Yes, there is sugar in both, but I don't think we gained weight by eating too much fruit.

    But if you're a self proclaimed addict as the OP was, then either choice could not be eaten in moderation, thus making both choices bad
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    And we wonder why people leave this site... For the OP, don't feel like you just got beat up for asking a simple question. We all are here to learn. If I have a choice now between apiece of fruit and a candy bar, I will DEFINATELY eat the fruit. Yes, there is sugar in both, but I don't think we gained weight by eating too much fruit.

    But if you're a self proclaimed addict as the OP was, then either choice could not be eaten in moderation, thus making both choices bad
    Rocket science :explode:
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I never proclaimed to be an addict, did I?. I just said for myself, I would have a piece of fruit, not because of needing sugar, but trying to eat healthier and making better choices for MYSELF.. Some people just want to argue any point that is posted...
  • pagmichigan
    pagmichigan Posts: 12 Member
    I completely understand that was me too...what i did (it wasn't easy at first) was get rid of all my triggers like bread, pasta and even some fruits. It took a while but now I dont have those cravings very often. I also track my sugars here and allow myself only 30 grams per day (when I work out I allow myself more for energy) Make sure you are eating every few hours to keep your blood sugar in normal range otherwise your body will crave sugar for energy.
  • timc_73
    timc_73 Posts: 6
    I'm not sure I have advice on how to fix it. I believe sugar addiction is a real thing, and I'm not sure there are many solutions besides will power and moderation.

    I truly believe that sugar (and the bigger category of carbohydrates) are a major problem affecting our health, and I think the first step to getting healthy is to cut sugar...then bread :( This has been tough for me because I really like to eat those humungous fast-food burritos...

    Good luck.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    There are drug addicts out there and other addicts that get judged. BUt there are things out there that are just as addictive and dangerous to a persons body. through this journey I have come to realize one major thing. I have a huge huge addiction to sugar. Anyone else have this problem or had it and can give advice on how to fix it. I will admit I am addicted to it and as hard as i try i cannot seem to get over it.

    A bit harsh to not want to offer the OP support or sympathy because of a tenuous statement.

    My personal belief is a lot of non(hardcore)drugs and other things can be addictive.

    For the person suffering that addiction, they may feel that comparison to be true. Rather than give the standard response.

    Why don't we see if we can get to the cause and actually help the person. After all isn't that what we are on this forum for?

    Just saying.

    Its hard to help the OP unless she clearly defines her issue. If a person comes in saying they might have a binge disorder, we recommend getting professional help, not just forum help. If this OP is really addicted to sugar, it would be suggested to get professional help. If she realizes that she binges when there are cookies in the house, then we will tell her not to keep them in the house. Essentially, different diagnosis have different courses of action.

    I have completely agreed with everything you have said in this thread, thank you! :flowerforyou:

    For the most part, I have no issue with people claiming food addiction in general. I battle with binge issues, so I understand the cumpulsion to mindlessly consume mass amounts of food. This isn't anything that anyone on the forums can help me with, I need to work with a professional therapist to figure that out myself.

    Where I start to have a problem is when people single out a single food item and call it an addiction. If someone were truly addicted to only sugar, they would be eating sugar out of a bag by the cupful, not eating an entire box of donuts or cookies. In my opinion, most people claiming sugar addiction are actually "addicted" to hyperpalatable foods, like stated above (or earlier in the thread, I can't remember). And as a recovered drug addict and someone who has an alcoholic ex, I get very upset when someone compares sugar addiction to drug or alcohol addiction, especially when claiming sugar damages the body the same way. Not. Even. Close.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Not worth it.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    There are drug addicts out there and other addicts that get judged. BUt there are things out there that are just as addictive and dangerous to a persons body. through this journey I have come to realize one major thing. I have a huge huge addiction to sugar. Anyone else have this problem or had it and can give advice on how to fix it. I will admit I am addicted to it and as hard as i try i cannot seem to get over it.

    A bit harsh to not want to offer the OP support or sympathy because of a tenuous statement.

    My personal belief is a lot of non(hardcore)drugs and other things can be addictive.

    For the person suffering that addiction, they may feel that comparison to be true. Rather than give the standard response.

    Why don't we see if we can get to the cause and actually help the person. After all isn't that what we are on this forum for?

    Just saying.

    Its hard to help the OP unless she clearly defines her issue. If a person comes in saying they might have a binge disorder, we recommend getting professional help, not just forum help. If this OP is really addicted to sugar, it would be suggested to get professional help. If she realizes that she binges when there are cookies in the house, then we will tell her not to keep them in the house. Essentially, different diagnosis have different courses of action.

    I have completely agreed with everything you have said in this thread, thank you! :flowerforyou:

    For the most part, I have no issue with people claiming food addiction in general. I battle with binge issues, so I understand the cumpulsion to mindlessly consume mass amounts of food. This isn't anything that anyone on the forums can help me with, I need to work with a professional therapist to figure that out myself.

    Where I start to have a problem is when people single out a single food item and call it an addiction. If someone were truly addicted to only sugar, they would be eating sugar out of a bag by the cupful, not eating an entire box of donuts or cookies. In my opinion, most people claiming sugar addiction are actually "addicted" to hyperpalatable foods, like stated above (or earlier in the thread, I can't remember). And as a recovered drug addict and someone who has an alcoholic ex, I get very upset when someone compares sugar addiction to drug or alcohol addiction, especially when claiming sugar damages the body the same way. Not. Even. Close.

    This is my feeling as well. I love sugar. But I can let myself overeat on all types of foods - including sugary treats. Your words are what we needed to put this into perspective. An addiction is a crippling thing to those caught in it's grasp. To compare overeating of sugar to true addiction is quite a reach. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Where I start to have a problem is when people single out a single food item and call it an addiction. If someone were truly addicted to only sugar, they would be eating sugar out of a bag by the cupful, not eating an entire box of donuts or cookies. In my opinion, most people claiming sugar addiction are actually "addicted" to hyperpalatable foods, like stated above (or earlier in the thread, I can't remember).

    I don't understand this train of thought. Isn't it a bit like saying "If they were really an alcoholic they'd be drinking bottle after bottle of grain alcohol, not whiskey or beer"? Or, "If they were really addicted to tobacco or nicotine, they'd be chewing nicotine gum non-stop, not smoking"?

    All alcoholics don't drink constantly and many have drink preferences based on taste. Same with tobacco addiction.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Yep, I am 100% addicted to sugar without any question in my mind. It has similar dopamine response when ingested the same type of response from doing narcotics.

    A great documentary is Sugar: The Bitter Truth, one of the greatest 45 minutes you'll spend watching a video!

    If I had an option between unlimited access to the Mcdonalds/Wendy's Menu or the 7-11 Candy aisle I'd take the candy aisle any day. :indifferent:
    Actually, Sugar: The Bitter Truth has been thoroughly debunked as the junk science that it is.
  • kstand0053
    kstand0053 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, so I will offer some actually advice on this subject. When I feel a craving coming on, (because I do NOT feel like I am an ADDICT for sugar, but I do get CRAZY cravings, and I think alot of PMSing women can relate) I look for alternatives, BEST advice you will get on the CURVES complete program! Instead of a Phillsbury chocolate chip cookie, I have a Kashi dark chcolate oatmeal cookie-WAY better for you. Instead of some Diary Queen Ice cream I have Skinny Cow Ice Cream! I find there is always an alternative!!!!
    Brownie: Fiber one
    Chcolate: 2 dark dove squares
    Go crazy and add some peanut butter.
    I trick my brain into thinking I am letting it have what crummy food I am craving! Seems like it might work for an "addiction"
    But what do I know! I am just a regular joe who has lost 30lbs since Oct.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Where I start to have a problem is when people single out a single food item and call it an addiction. If someone were truly addicted to only sugar, they would be eating sugar out of a bag by the cupful, not eating an entire box of donuts or cookies. In my opinion, most people claiming sugar addiction are actually "addicted" to hyperpalatable foods, like stated above (or earlier in the thread, I can't remember).

    I don't understand this train of thought. Isn't it a bit like saying "If they were really an alcoholic they'd be drinking bottle after bottle of grain alcohol, not whiskey or beer"? Or, "If they were really addicted to tobacco or nicotine, they'd be chewing nicotine gum non-stop, not smoking"?

    All alcoholics don't drink constantly and many have drink preferences based on taste. Same with tobacco addiction.
    Actually, many smokers end up getting just as addicted to the nicotine gum as they were to cigarettes.

    It's simple, if someone was addicted to sugar, they would be equally likely to binge and lose control from eating an apple as they would a candy bar. In fact, the average apple has about the same amount of sugar as the average candy bar.

    So saying you're addicted to sugar because you can't eat a cookie without eating the whole box, but eating an apple is just fine, is completely bogus and disingenuous.

    An alcoholic may have a drink of choice, but that doesn't mean that they can suddenly control themselves when they drink something different. It doesn't work that way.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Where I start to have a problem is when people single out a single food item and call it an addiction. If someone were truly addicted to only sugar, they would be eating sugar out of a bag by the cupful, not eating an entire box of donuts or cookies. In my opinion, most people claiming sugar addiction are actually "addicted" to hyperpalatable foods, like stated above (or earlier in the thread, I can't remember).

    I don't understand this train of thought. Isn't it a bit like saying "If they were really an alcoholic they'd be drinking bottle after bottle of grain alcohol, not whiskey or beer"? Or, "If they were really addicted to tobacco or nicotine, they'd be chewing nicotine gum non-stop, not smoking"?

    All alcoholics don't drink constantly and many have drink preferences based on taste. Same with tobacco addiction.
    Actually, many smokers end up getting just as addicted to the nicotine gum as they were to cigarettes.

    It's simple, if someone was addicted to sugar, they would be equally likely to binge and lose control from eating an apple as they would a candy bar. In fact, the average apple has about the same amount of sugar as the average candy bar.

    I agree with the first sentence, though don't see how it is applicable to my point.

    The second paragraph doesn't make sense to me. First off sugar, as in the crystalized processed stuff most often used to make candy and baked goods, is not the same as the sugar in an apple. The same things don't happen to the body during digestion.

    And you rarely get the same things along with the sugar in a candy bar as you do in an apple, like fiber.