Using HRM while doing circuit training?



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Oh duh, I think more than one person was wondering if I'm going to be using the HRM exclusively for circuit training-- the answer to the question is no, I run, cross-country ski, bike, and hike a lot as well. So even if it's somewhat inaccurate for my circuit workouts, it will still be useful for my other activities.

    If you're doing all of these other activities you may want to consider something a little more sophisticated like a GPS / HRM unit such as a Garmin Forerunner. They're a bit pricier but they'll also let you track (with a reasonable degree of accuracy) distances & pace, changes in elevation etc and - this is the bonus - the algorithm used in many of the newer Forerunners (like the 610) is far more accurate than many straight HRMs. (Confession - I'm a numbers wonk and like tracking this kind of additional data but I appreciate that not everyone is as obsessive about it as I am)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hmm, thanks everyone so far! Conflicting info though-- hopefully others will contribute too!

    Heart rate monitors are designed to calculate calorie burns for steady state cardio. Strength training does NOT equal steady state cardio. Yes, circuit training combines some strength training and cardio.............

    HRM's compare your resting heart rate against your exertion heart your heart rate at it's max because you are lifting heavy things? Strength training is about muscle fatigue....not heart rate. Fatigued muscles burn calories long after the workout is over.
  • I've been waiting to see some recent posts about this; glad to read this thread. I have a polar ft4 I use on the treadmill, and it usually works pretty well for that, t's about 3 years old and I've replaced all batteries and clean it, etc. When I want to use it for circuit training, or a Jillian Michaels DVD? Worthless. After 2 workouts where it said I burned 1 calorie, I cried. I don't know if it's not meant for that kind of use, or if it's just getting old, but I don't wear it anymore for circuit training. Too discouraging.
    Does anyone else get any reading from a DVD workout with it?
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have the FT7 I wear it for Circuit training too. I warm up with cardio, 10-15 minutes, move to circuit/weight training then end with cardio at least a half hour. much better than trying to track with MFP database.
  • 70chevellegsp
    70chevellegsp Posts: 50 Member
    I use my Polar H7 for all my workouts, whether circuit, weights, or cardio. It's nice to see an (over) estimate of cals burned, but it's the other information that I really use. Such as, seeing how long I'm in the different zones between workouts. Meaning whether I'm working hard or not. My main example will be intervals on my spinner. Prior to my HR monitor, I couldn't really keep my attention to push myself, now I can watch my heart rate and keep it or get it wear I want. For circuit or weights, I like to track my workouts thru Sports-tracker and I can also compare to see that I wasn't "dogging' it. Also, someone mentioned the Garmin unit. You can get your pace, lap times, gps overlay, hr, elevation changes, etc on Sports-Tracker via an app on your smartphone. I agree that it may not give an accurate calorie count, but it does give me great information to analyze and compare to help keep thing interesting, give me a push, and log my activities. IMHO, for $70, it's a steal!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I've been waiting to see some recent posts about this; glad to read this thread. I have a polar ft4 I use on the treadmill, and it usually works pretty well for that, t's about 3 years old and I've replaced all batteries and clean it, etc. When I want to use it for circuit training, or a Jillian Michaels DVD? Worthless. After 2 workouts where it said I burned 1 calorie, I cried. I don't know if it's not meant for that kind of use, or if it's just getting old, but I don't wear it anymore for circuit training. Too discouraging.
    Does anyone else get any reading from a DVD workout with it?

    That doesn't have to do with the HRM's ability - it has to do with it not keeping in contact with your skin. If a cloth type chest strap, have you cleaned it in the wash as the instructions say?

    Since it is a Heart Rate Monitor after all - did you happen to notice what the HR was it was monitoring during your workout?
    Or do you wait until the end and merely look at calorie count?
    If so, you are missing a whole a world it was designed for.

    Obviously if it sees 0, the calorie calc is bogus.
  • I've been waiting to see some recent posts about this; glad to read this thread. I have a polar ft4 I use on the treadmill, and it usually works pretty well for that, It's about 3 years old and I've replaced all batteries and clean it, etc. When I want to use it for circuit training, or a Jillian Michaels DVD? Worthless. After 2 workouts where it said I burned 1 calorie, I cried. I don't know if it's not meant for that kind of use, or if it's just getting old, but I don't wear it anymore for circuit training. Too discouraging.
    Does anyone else get any reading from a DVD workout with it?

    That doesn't have to do with the HRM's ability - it has to do with it not keeping in contact with your skin. If a cloth type chest strap, have you cleaned it in the wash as the instructions say?

    Since it is a Heart Rate Monitor after all - did you happen to notice what the HR was it was monitoring during your workout?
    Or do you wait until the end and merely look at calorie count?
    If so, you are missing a whole a world it was designed for.

    Obviously if it sees 0, the calorie calc is bogus.
    Yep, I clean it per instructions, but I'm going to do a deep inspection. During the workout it alternates between my HR and telling me to check the settings, and I get a big number 1 usually. Once it said 25 calories. I've tried all sorts of tricks to get the strap in a good place, and tired ultrasound gel etc, but I guess I'll keep tinkering.
  • VisionNZ16
    VisionNZ16 Posts: 1 Member
    The interesting part about this is everyone bagging HRMs, but i'd have to say, it's still likely a whole lot better than MFPs calculations. Mine - when calculating steady state cardio (aka running 10miles/16.1km) reads far less than MFP does, so i end up having to adjust the numbers manually in MFP. I trust the lower amount every time.
    In regards to circuit training, everyone says that they'll be inaccurate, but my circuit training almost always has my HR high the entire time so i still trust it. In my opinion, none of these options takes into account "afterburn" like what has been stated with regard to weight training, or anything that goes anaerobic, so it may be underestimating anyway.

    In short, MFP will severely underestimate actual calorie burn for weight training, and overestimate steady state cardio (particularly in regards to HRMs in this case), but it's nicer to underestimate burn when aiming to lose weight, it's just a pity if you're going for #gainz
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited October 2016
    2 and a half year old thread, dude. And you're mostly wrong.