I CAN'T be healthy! Someone help me!?



  • brionysharpx
    Just remember, it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. With this in mind give it 12 weeks, don't give up. Good luck
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You CAN do it, if you want to.

    Change is difficult but not impossible.

    Cooking is not hard, it just takes some planning. Agree with those who suggested crock pot. The hardest thing is chopping up veggies. Make your own frozen dinners, freeze your crockpot meals into single portions. Buy a bag of salad and there you have a meal. Tons of resources on learning to cook. Tons of simple things you can cook. You don't have to turn into some famous chef or have to learn all these advanced techniques and special cuisine (unless you want to, once you learn some basics and find you enjoy it).

    Your biggest issue is changing your attitude. Once you decide, then you take steps to change your habits. Once you start taking positive steps, you will realize that this is totally possible. You just need to decide you want to do it, and then you keep deciding to stick with it.
  • fitnessenchanted
    fitnessenchanted Posts: 41 Member
    wow thanks everyone for the help. This morning I was on my laptop looking up healthy recipes I can try. Im going to the store in about an hour to get the ingredients for it. Im going to have to buy alot of healthy foods and snacks because my family does not eat healthy whatsoever and I obviously cant throw out their food so I will just store my snacks away from theirs so Im not tempted. I feel really motivated to continue and Im going to make it last.

    Thanks again to everyone who replied.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    First of all starting with the word I can't is a poor excuse. You can if you wanted to. STOP using that word. Get off your butt and get moving.
  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    Can't...that the issue. Try working can into your vocabulary. Took me 2 years to get truly focused but now it's cake and I'm never turning back.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Try looking at the photo albums on this facebook page, it has step by step instructions with pictures for recipes.


    Dont try it all at once. Just make better choices tomorrow than you did today, and the day after, make a better choice than you did the day before. I did it slow, over a period of years. I did not restrict myself to fast to soon. I started with cutting some bad things out and then started exercising then started adding in some really good things and cutting more bad things out.

    So dont diet, just make better choices, it does not have to be an all or nothing kind of deal.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    wow thanks everyone for the help. This morning I was on my laptop looking up healthy recipes I can try. Im going to the store in about an hour to get the ingredients for it. Im going to have to buy alot of healthy foods and snacks because my family does not eat healthy whatsoever and I obviously cant throw out their food so I will just store my snacks away from theirs so Im not tempted. I feel really motivated to continue and Im going to make it last.

    Thanks again to everyone who replied.

    Please trust me when I say, do not "buy a lot" of healthy food. What will happen is it will go to waste. Buy a little bit of it, then after you eat that, go buy some more. So often we make up our mind we are going to eat healthy, go spend a crap load of money on healthy food, which generally means fresh produce, which goes bad. So, buy a few pieces of fruit, enough veggies for a salad or two and a couple yogurts and go from there.
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Why don't you learn how to cook if the food part is a challenge? You have to change your mind set and leave the excuses and negativity behind. If you fail, there is only one person that is accountable, and that is you. You either want something badly enough or you don't. Sorry to be tough, but it sounds like you need some tough love.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Sorry but your excuses are lame! You are an adult so act like one. You have learned these excuses so unlearn them

    As a kid I was taught the most basic cooking by my mother who hated to cook. As a teenager (13) I had to do work on the weekends cleaning and doing other things so I taped PBS cooking shows so I could watch them later. I took notes, I copied recipes, I tried them out on my family,and slowly I learned to cook more an more. Were they all great meals? no. Did I over cook pasta and burn meat at first? yes. But I learned, and so can you.

    Now of course all that knowledge is on the internet but I still totally recommend PBS cooking shows. They are really some of the best sources of information

    You have to want this change for you. No matter what your sister or anyone else says to you.
  • BreAnn267
    BreAnn267 Posts: 46
    I was the same way. I always gave up easily. Not this time.

    It's not about the food or exercise.....it's about your life. Either you want it or you don't. If you assume you will fail, then you will. You have to be willing to change who you are and how you live if you want to succeed with this. You have to decide that first and be willing to do whatever it takes to get there. My first step was telling my "I am going to do this." I made a promise to myself and I was tired of all the broken promises, so this time I will do this. You can too if you really want to.
  • Skylark74
    Skylark74 Posts: 58 Member
    Think of this as day one on a journey to a new you and a chance to learn new skills. Find foods you like and use the internet to find new/healthier ways of preparing them, mix & match something familiar with something unusual. Granted you may not always like the results but that is where your frozen meals can come in as back-up options.

    Treat your kitchen as a playground or gym - have fun and experiment, you can use your tinned goods as mini dumbbells, or even just dance around while you are waiting for the microwave to go ping.

    The main thing is to have fun and approach it all with a positive attitude. You can do it. !!! :drinker:
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I've come to terms with the fact that I'm never going to be one of "those" people. The normal people who don't think of food constantly. I'm always thinking of food and I fear I always will. But its how I control those thoughts that count. I don't usually deprive myself of anything. I've learned portion control and I've learned will power. I discovered that I love going to the gym and exercising. I use that to my advantage.

    You also have to want it bad. You have to hit that rock bottom where you just know you can't get any lower. Then you will want it bad enough to stick to it.