27 years old ---------> 300 pounds :'-(

JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
I am morbidly obese.

That is so hard to type.....but I need to realize that. I can't pretend that I'm okay or that I'm healthy because I. AM. NOT.

On the way home from our friend's house yesterday, my husband and I were talking about losing weight together and it was a pretty normal conversation...

Me: "We need to lose weight. "
Hubby: "Ya. I am going to cut out sugar and start going to the gym next week."
Me: "I need to stop eating fast food and cut down my portions."

Blah blah blah.....The same conversation we have had over and over again with the same results - nothing.

But then the bomb dropped. He said something he's never said to me before...

"I'm obese, but you're the type of obese that people die from"

He grabbed my hand and I realized, for the first time, that he was really concerned about me and my being around.

For years, I avoided those fears....I wouldn't voice them...I wouldn't even think them, but now, my amazing husband said those words that I needed to hear.

As soon as we got home last night, I made an account and today I logged my food. I went over my calories...did I fail? Maybe to some, but I measured my food today and I ate less - a lot less - than I normally would, so I'm proud of myself.

I would love some support and motivation through this journey...I need to lose more than half of me! It's scary, but it beats the alternative - dying.


  • deup
    deup Posts: 129 Member
    your welcome to add me if you wish :) always looking for new meal ideas and support :)
  • Hi there!

    Feel free to add me as your friend. I'm here for you! Ask anything you want.
  • GaryRZ2020
    GaryRZ2020 Posts: 29 Member
    When you went over your calories you did not fail--logging is a good tool to see how you went over your calories and is a good way to help you better stick to your daily goals. I have a lot of weight to lose about 225 pounds. I have learned that this is a journey that takes time-- up to 1 to 2 years depending on your starting weight, but it can be done with persistence.

    Check out CyberEd312's story he made the jouney you can too-- don't give up--even if you go over you calorie limit one day get back on track the next day--you can do it !

  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Sometimes it takes a big shock like that to get someone motivated. I spend all of high school at 285 pounds then hit 364 before it finally sank in and i'm 35. I don't even want to think if this has knocked any years off me or not. Once you're strongly motivated it also helps with the self control, i'm doing way better than anyone was expecting. Just set small, reachable goals, and you'll do well. Mine on here is 2 lbs a week, then once i lose a bit more weight i will exercise more and my goals will be 2.5 a week.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    I started out at 302, got all the way down to about 188 then gained back a lot of what I lost. I am now at 252 as of this morning and am getting back into the swing of losing the weight I already lost once. I would love it if we could offer support for each other:)
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    Best of luck on your journey! Sounds like you are off to a great start. I just recently started as well and have a large amount of weight to lose as well!

    I hope you can keep logging in and logging your food and find all the success you want and deserve :)
  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome! Please add me, I'm new-ish and would love more friends. And good for you for getting an account and starting!
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    You can add me, I always love new friends.
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    feel free to add me.. this site is very useful.. make ggod use of it as i did when started in june last year..
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    Wow - I can't believe the outpouring of support in this thread and through friend requests already! I feel extremely motivated because I now have more people in my corner!!

    Thanks for your kind words everyone!
  • I'm a tad younger and a lot worse off than you are. I also need to lose more than half of myself. Don't beat yourself up over going over a single day. The point is you ARE setting down this path. Keep the big picture and your end goal in mind.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    It's a process and a gradual evolution, but if you're patient with yourself, you will get there.

    One thing that has really helped my mindset along the way is the idea that there is no failure. The only way to fail yourself is to give up on yourself. There will be bad days, but they're just bumps in the road, and in the grand scheme of things, they don't matter. Even a small step is still a step in the right direction, and sometimes a step backward can be a learning opportunity.

    Going over your calories is not a failure - especially if you log those calories. I've had days here and there (Thanksgiving!) where I ate almost 1000 calories over my goal, and I still logged it to the best of my ability. And guess what? It didn't matter in the long run. Knowledge is power, and if you know what you're putting into your body, it's much easier to modify. It's all about creating new habits and learning how to make this work for you in a long-term, sustainable way. :smile:
  • Cynner2007
    Cynner2007 Posts: 46 Member
    You are on your way! Maybe take things in baby steps, instead of being overwhelmed by the 50 lbs you want to lose, perhaps break it down to five pound increments. It probably sounds ridiculous but I congratulate myself on each positive step I take towards getting fit and healthy...I completed 48 minutes of cardio? Yay Me! Finished my food diary under calories for the day? You are doing fabulous, Chiquita! I spent so many years running myself down I now need to teach myself to be positive about my successes.
  • boshka74
    boshka74 Posts: 23
    Welcome aboard. Feel free to add me more than happy to add me to friend list we all are here to help each other. We all want to drop the lbs, but remember it was not all gained at once. It will take sometime just know we are all here to support one another.
  • miasmommy21407
    miasmommy21407 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to ad me as your friend!! I'm around your age and weight. It's a journey! Also...make sure you know what your BMR is. MFP tends to give you a REALLY low daily calorie goal (1200-1400 in most cases) and that's no way to be successful. I always set my calories manually based on my BMR for a 1-2 pound per week loss which is a healthy loss range. :)
  • eatpaleo
    eatpaleo Posts: 1
    Hey I am definitely here to help if you need it
  • kksoucie
    kksoucie Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! I am in the same boat too. I am a little older, 32 years old, and I started at 311lbs. The weight is coming off and this site makes it so much easier than I thought it could be. I am at 294 now and it's only been a month and a half. It gets exciting to reach smaller goals along your way to a big one. My husband is very supportive and he has told me that for every 25lbs. I lose he will get me new clothes or a new purse or accessory. He also told me he loves me the way I am no matter what but wants me around for a long time and healthy. Feel free to ad me too! Congrats on finding this site and taking the first step.
  • You can and will accomplish your goals! It's as simple as that. Find any healthy way possible to succeed.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    You took the first step :flowerforyou:

    Mentally set small goals, don't look at the big picture. I was thinking in 5 lb increments when I started. They add up fast. :bigsmile:

    I wish I had gotten on the ball and stuck to it when I was a lot younger (yo yo dieter here in the past, working to make sure history does NOT repeat itself)

    Take it one day, one step, one pound at a time. You will have good days, great days and some not so good days but on those, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track.

    I found it easier to plan ahead, I'll log my food in advance for the next day or two. I put extra snacks in for late nite so I can adjust thru the day if i eat something I had not planned on or forgot I ate or whatever. When I eat out I check the menu or a similar restaurants menu to get some idea of the calories etc, I put that meal down first and then plan the day around it.

    Weigh & measure your portions and eat mindfully, the weight will come off.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    You made the biggest step, getting started. I have been on MFP for a month now. I log every single day and I am working hard to lose weight. I started at 364 and I am now 339. Anyone can feel free to add me :)