The Paleo Diet



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Paleo diet is CRAP..the fact that crossfitters use it is CRAP. Contrary to popular belief your body's prefered source of energy are carbohydrates. Without them your muscles will appear flat due glycogen depletion and you will feel like crap. I cut from 221lbs to 164lb last year on a moderate carb diet, then bulked to 196lbs on a high carb diet and have never had any issues. I'm no different then anyone else. SELF CONTROL will get you to where you want to be. Hell I've been having fruity pebbles and poptarts while dieting and still burning fat. Why? Because I have self control and stay under my caloric's pretty simple

    At the end of the day its:

    Calories in vs Calories out

    how dare you inject basic logic and self control into this debate!!

    I know right!..I should just unnecessarily deprive my body of a macronutrient that, although non-essential, my body being human and all......prefers for energy. Carbs=Glucose, Glucose=full muscles and energy. But hey what do I know..shrug

    People are so blinded by these gimmicks and don't realize the answer is right under there nose..a caloric deficit and SELF CONTROL...oh well, what can you do..

    First off congrats on the weight loss dude.

    Nobody that I know of eating Low carb / High Fat believes that you CANNOT lose weight eating a high carb diet, if you're eating a calorie deficit! Not sure why on these threads that point keeps coming up.

    And as long as you are getting enough protein in your diet you will retain most of your lean mass (and therefore your lean mass percentage will increase as you lose body fat).

    I personally advocate any diet that works for the person doing it - as long as it works for them and the sacrifice they are making they can comfortably live with (but maybe I'm a bit broader minded than some?).

    If you are eating a medium to high carb diet, then yes your body will be relying on a steady income of carbs for fuel (no-one is disputing that). I would question why the body can only store a limited amount of glucose though and requires frequent topping up if we have evolved over a few million years to burn glucose as our main fuel.

    If you are eating a low carb diet then your body becomes efficient at using stored body fat and dietary fat as fuel and utilises your glycogen stores for essential brain and organ function and to fuel the muscle in high activity expenditure (activity over approx. 75% effort).

    Not sure how reducing your intake of carbs (I typically eat 100 - 130g) is depriving your body of a macronutrient? Paleo (and similar styles) choose to reduce or cut certain food types - due to their nutrient deficiency - compared to alternatives.

    The reason people eating low carb / high fat (this style of diet has been around for over a century - so is probably beyond the fad stage) is to reduce their intake of simple processed carbs, grains, starches and trans fats because they like to reduce their risks of inflammation and oxidation that some of these food types can promote with in the body.

    Also reducing or cutting things like grain reduce the un-fermentable and insoluble fiber they eat, and they therefore focus on eating carbs with a higher fermentable and soluble fiber content.

    The paleo style diets IMHO offer some people (who are looking for it) a healthier way of consuming their macro and micro nutrients.

    Just like with exercise - all exercise will burn calories, but they're not all as effective as each other.

    So to say something is CRAP without proper understanding is a bit well - it's a bit.

    I agree that the names Paleo and Primal are a bit lame. But at the end of the day there buzz words (there's plenty of things named incorrectly out there - you can't facepalm at them all).

    It should be called the low carb, medium protein, high fat diet - but that's probably not as marketable.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    What do you think of this diet? I love my grains so I don't think it's for me .

    You answered your own question - if you love grains then there is no good reason to do the paleo diet.

    The only good reason to do the paleo diet is if it helps you sustain your caloric deficit because you prefer to eat the types of food that it promotes.
  • Barbell_
    Barbell_ Posts: 1
    I feel, look and lift better without grains/legumes in my diet otherwise I have serious bloating issues to the point where it hurts like hell.

    But I don't think it's necessary to lose weight :)
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    This isn't ideal because it is the slides from a talk, but it is still very well referenced and makes a lot of great points about Paleo...

    It even touches on a couple issues that the poster above mentioned about inflammation and oxidation.

    I am not anti paleo - I believe in honoring personal preference - so whatever diet works for you but you might want to check out the above PDF to get a more balanced look at the science behind paleo claims.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    IN for lindsey and tennisdude vs. the world, b/c you know that's inevitable.

    OP, Paleo diet is not something that would work for me. I love cookies, cake, bread, candy, pasta, and processed meats too much.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I incorporate some paleo recipes into my daily meal planning because they have a good way of preparing dishes with more veggies. Otherwise, I do the self control method and severely limiting processed carbs.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    This isn't ideal because it is the slides from a talk, but it is still very well referenced and makes a lot of great points about Paleo...

    It even touches on a couple issues that the poster above mentioned about inflammation and oxidation.

    I am not anti paleo - I believe in honoring personal preference - so whatever diet works for you but you might want to check out the above PDF to get a more balanced look at the science behind paleo claims.


    The link is coming up with page not found - do you have another link to it - or some key words I can punch into google.

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    IN for lindsey and tennisdude vs. the world, b/c you know that's inevitable.

    OP, Paleo diet is not something that would work for me. I love cookies, cake, bread, candy, pasta, and processed meats too much.

    in for neandermagnon telling everyone what palaeolithic people *really* ate

    wait... what...???
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    IN for lindsey and tennisdude vs. the world, b/c you know that's inevitable.

    OP, Paleo diet is not something that would work for me. I love cookies, cake, bread, candy, pasta, and processed meats too much.

    in for neandermagnon telling everyone what palaeolithic people *really* ate

    wait... what...???

    Ugh, my apologies. Your insight into this is one of my favorites. :flowerforyou:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    IN for lindsey and tennisdude vs. the world, b/c you know that's inevitable.

    OP, Paleo diet is not something that would work for me. I love cookies, cake, bread, candy, pasta, and processed meats too much.

    in for neandermagnon telling everyone what palaeolithic people *really* ate

    wait... what...???

    Ugh, my apologies. Your insight into this is one of my favorites. :flowerforyou:

    don't apologise, you didn't do anything bad :flowerforyou:

    glad you like my posts :smile:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Paleo diet is CRAP..the fact that crossfitters use it is CRAP. Contrary to popular belief your body's prefered source of energy are carbohydrates. Without them your muscles will appear flat due glycogen depletion and you will feel like crap. I cut from 221lbs to 164lb last year on a moderate carb diet, then bulked to 196lbs on a high carb diet and have never had any issues. I'm no different then anyone else. SELF CONTROL will get you to where you want to be. Hell I've been having fruity pebbles and poptarts while dieting and still burning fat. Why? Because I have self control and stay under my caloric's pretty simple

    At the end of the day its:

    Calories in vs Calories out

    I believe there is no right or wrong diet for all of us. I love primal/paleo living and feel it is very sustainable for long-term, however, if one doesn't prefer it, or something else works better for them, that's fine too.

    I do know that when I splurge on a sweet, a soda, or a high carb junk, I crave more.

    The longer I stay in low GI it's like a snowball effect on weight-loss.

    I have a hard time balancing a little cheat making sure it doesn't turn in to a lot of cheat.

    But I have self control issues with food, so that's one reason Paleo/primal is great for me.

    If I pig out on chicken and broccoli, the damage isn't anywhere near as bad as it would be if I'd chosen something else.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I tried it for the entire month of January. It was really hard to maintain and some of the rules were kind of silly. It's essentially clean eating, I don't know why it needs any other name. A lot of people pick and choose the rules they want to follow, which defeats the entire purpose of being "paleo." I think it's a fad diet.

    Eat clean, less processed foods. Move more. It's that's simple.

    Anyone else is trying to sell you something.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I love it and have been eating like this since October. I was having trouble losing weight since i am in my late 40's and everything that goes along with menopause. I feel so much better now. It's not for everyone. You have to find what works for you :)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    I think the "paleo" diet has a lot of great attributes. Attention to food quality, sustainability and an end to the fear of fat to name a few. Overall though I find it too restrictive for my taste.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It's not an eating plan that would be appropriate for my lifestyle or dietary needs.

    I agree with this. I think that the health claims are hyperbolic for the vast majority of people.
  • skip2mylu
    skip2mylu Posts: 10 Member
    I incorporate some paleo recipes into my daily meal planning because they have a good way of preparing dishes with more veggies. Otherwise, I do the self control method and severely limiting processed carbs.

    I do this too! I must say that I enjoy some of these paleo recipes and so does my family. We are all eating more veggies than ever. I have found that I don't want to completely cut out grains but if I eat too many grains I get sluggish and bloated.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    IN for lindsey and tennisdude vs. the world, b/c you know that's inevitable.

    OP, Paleo diet is not something that would work for me. I love cookies, cake, bread, candy, pasta, and processed meats too much.

    in for neandermagnon telling everyone what palaeolithic people *really* ate

    wait... what...???

    Hey! That was MY line!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This isn't ideal because it is the slides from a talk, but it is still very well referenced and makes a lot of great points about Paleo...

    It even touches on a couple issues that the poster above mentioned about inflammation and oxidation.

    I am not anti paleo - I believe in honoring personal preference - so whatever diet works for you but you might want to check out the above PDF to get a more balanced look at the science behind paleo claims.

    That is a GREAT resource.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I incorporate some paleo recipes into my daily meal planning because they have a good way of preparing dishes with more veggies. Otherwise, I do the self control method and severely limiting processed carbs.

    I do this too.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    This isn't ideal because it is the slides from a talk, but it is still very well referenced and makes a lot of great points about Paleo...

    It even touches on a couple issues that the poster above mentioned about inflammation and oxidation.

    I am not anti paleo - I believe in honoring personal preference - so whatever diet works for you but you might want to check out the above PDF to get a more balanced look at the science behind paleo claims.


    The link is coming up with page not found - do you have another link to it - or some key words I can punch into google.


    Sorry for the long wait man Im horrible at coming back in threads I posted in - it was still working for me but you cna try:

    If that doesn't work then try Googling "Alan Aragon Paleo" should be one of the first results.