Best/Worst Part of Your Day



  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Best: the post office not screwing up a delivery
    worst: the car dying 15 days before we were ready to scrap it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Best part is steak and BJs... the worst part is how sad society has become in regards to interracial relationships.
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    Best: the physical satisfaction of my workout. Worst: the sunshine didn't last as long as I hoped it would. At least I got to enjoy it while it lasted.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Worst - The day

    Best - The end of the day.
  • BadAssBeast
    Best: Watching a movie with my BadAssBeautie. As well as my killer workout this morning

    Worst: my aching, injured elbow
  • 40Jamieful
    40Jamieful Posts: 28 Member
    Best: Watching my little girl have fun on a kiddy bungee jumper! That was so sweet.
    Worst: Getting out of bed.
  • purpledaisy4
    Best - getting a food scale for 97p, i love a bargain and no i can properly start logging things :D
    Worst - same as every day that last hour before the kids bedtime where they are tired and whingy :D

    another best that part every day where you check on the sleeping kids and they are so cute and peacful and you forget how annoying theyve been for the whole day :D
  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    Best: afternoon visit with a friend
    Worst: after she left....I was exhausted
  • Lemonshake
    Lemonshake Posts: 223 Member
    Best - Saturday morning sleep in. In may or may not have been 10am when I rolled out bed.
    Worst - getting drenched in sudden freak storm. But actually aside from the fact I was wearing a white tank top and had to go into the shop that was kind of fun as well. It was so freakin hot here before that.
  • BadAssBeautie
    Best: Watching a movie with my BadAssBeautie. As well as my killer workout this morning

    Worst: my aching, injured elbow

    Best: watching a movie with my BadassBeast

    Worst: being afraid of the dark afterwards Lol!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Best: Husband built me a surprise in the yard - an adorable, short wooden fence to keep the dogs out of the watermelon patch!

    Worst: My nap ran too long and I woke up cranky and needed a snack. (Yes, I am a big baby.)
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Best: Working out and lifting more or going further than before

    Worst: Food.
  • addictedtosweat
    Best - I got all 130 questions of my homework done!
    Worst - I ate too much sugar today :/
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Best: I got to drink a glass of amazing Merlot that was on sale weeeeee :drinker:

    Worst: Had to pick up my dog's ashes from the vet hospital...:frown:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    worst: dealing with the god-awful traffic in this area

    best: talking to my boyfriend at the end of the day :smooched: :heart:
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    It is the morning here but yesterday:

    It was a gym day which makes everyday good! But on top of that I did my first unassisted, full chin up!!!

    That lightened up the whole day... I guess the worst part was when I had to leave the gym and go to work instead...