

  • mazmol
    mazmol Posts: 41 Member
    I think we've all been there at some point. Robert Downey Jr. said it best: "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the f**k you were gonna do anyway."

  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    When people feel they need to throw their two cents in, I always look at them as if what they've said just set the lightbulb off for me and enthusiastically state "You're right! I'm going to start / stop doing that right away! Thanks, so much... you've changed my life."

    Sarcasm is fun...!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Amazing how contagious lifestyle changes can be. I copped the same flack at work, people saying that it's a "health kick" and "wont last"...Now they ask me how i stay so fit and tell me about how they're going to the gym/running/dieting these days..pity they still wolf down KFC at lunch every other day, though

    Yes... What a pity. Good thing you're so much better than they are, huh?

    I often wonder, when these rants come up, whether the person ranting might be giving off judgmental vibes without meaning to do so.

    It's definitely easy to. Everyone judges without trying. It's human nature. And yeah I may not understand why people work out and then blow it on sonic or kfc, but i don't make a comment about it, but that doesn't stop them from making a comment towards me

    If you're willing to investigate further, maybe ask a close friend or someone you trust to be honest with you about whether you seem to be judging others' lifestyles. There may be behaviors that are being misinterpreted by your coworkers/friends and that you could work on so that people won't feel like they need to comment on your choices. Not saying you are, but it's something to consider.

    But don't ask unless you're prepared to hear the answer.
    Good suggestion is good.
  • aprilw2222
    aprilw2222 Posts: 23 Member
    You go girl!! I would like to be more like you. You inspire me!!
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I think we've all been there at some point. Robert Downey Jr. said it best: "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the f**k you were gonna do anyway."

  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I'm the opposite I have my mom telling me to keep eating fewer calories and I should be on my exercise bike more because she's afraid that if I gain too much weight I wouldn't be able to wear my prosthetic leg :grumble:

    I admit I'm human, and I do get frustrated sometimes when my mom keeps reminding me, but I am thankful she cares about me and helps me stay in shape. I feel sorry some people around my age who don't have a supporting parent to tell them to live a healthy lifestyle and don't teach them the values of cooking a healthy home cooked meal and eating the right portion. :frown:
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Does anyone else get FURIOUS at people who judge you for eating healthy??? And watching what you eat?? Or tell you that you're "too obsessive" over exercise and eating healthy and should "enjoy your life??"" I'm like BACK UP, I take pride in my work in the gym and kitchen and DO ENJOY EATING HEALTHY. Sorry I don't want fries with that???!?!

    Like today I was told running long distances was terrible for you and I would have to have knee surgery and leg surgery when I got older and was basically belittled because I like running ten miles instead of being told, "Wow look at you go!" Like excuse me people, I love love LOVE being healthy and no I may not eat the entire serving of cake that is put on my plate, but that means I'm "too obsessive" and "worry about my weight too much" ?!?!?!?

    People can just piss you off, ya know?

    No I don't get furious or angry or pissed off over things like this because it's really not a good state of mind and body to be in. I eat the way I eat because I like it and it works for me. That's all that matters.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't experience that. Or if I do, it's not something I think about. People ask me questions about being fit, and I answer. Sometimes people say something like "You look great. Don't lose any weight." I'm not trying to lose weight and I tell them that. When they see me a year later and I'm the same size, they realize they had nothing to worry about. I'm like, "I lost 5 pounds two years ago. You have nothing to worry about."
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Sometimes people do this because they want you to pay attention to them. So give them some attention. Ask where they heard that, comment on something they're doing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    When people feel they need to throw their two cents in, I always look at them as if what they've said just set the lightbulb off for me and enthusiastically state "You're right! I'm going to start / stop doing that right away! Thanks, so much... you've changed my life."

    Sarcasm is fun...!
    I like it. Bet that shut people up right away.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Amazing how contagious lifestyle changes can be. I copped the same flack at work, people saying that it's a "health kick" and "wont last"...Now they ask me how i stay so fit and tell me about how they're going to the gym/running/dieting these days..pity they still wolf down KFC at lunch every other day, though

    Yes... What a pity. Good thing you're so much better than they are, huh?

    I often wonder, when these rants come up, whether the person ranting might be giving off judgmental vibes without meaning to do so.

    It's definitely easy to. Everyone judges without trying. It's human nature. And yeah I may not understand why people work out and then blow it on sonic or kfc, but i don't make a comment about it, but that doesn't stop them from making a comment towards me

    What's wrong with Sonic or KFC?

    Personally I have found demonizing food quite an unhealthy mind frame.

    then again, I find it really pretentious when people say they don't judge other's food choices. They just prefer to eat "real food." :indifferent:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Amazing how contagious lifestyle changes can be. I copped the same flack at work, people saying that it's a "health kick" and "wont last"...Now they ask me how i stay so fit and tell me about how they're going to the gym/running/dieting these days..pity they still wolf down KFC at lunch every other day, though

    Yes... What a pity. Good thing you're so much better than they are, huh?

    I often wonder, when these rants come up, whether the person ranting might be giving off judgmental vibes without meaning to do so.

    It's definitely easy to. Everyone judges without trying. It's human nature. And yeah I may not understand why people work out and then blow it on sonic or kfc, but i don't make a comment about it, but that doesn't stop them from making a comment towards me

    What's wrong with Sonic or KFC?

    Personally I have found demonizing food quite an unhealthy mind frame.

    then again, I find it really pretentious when people say they don't judge other's food choices. They just prefer to eat "real food." :indifferent:

  • GummyBears7779
    GummyBears7779 Posts: 35 Member
    My friend called me "crazy" and "insane" a few times for refusing a chocolate bar she offered or some ice coffee, but they got used to it XP
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    It happens to me all the time with friends and family and it still drives me crazy.
    I've been eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle for more than 2 years, and yet they still comment on me passing on ice-cream and fries. And they still ask me what I normally eat and then make fun of it, every freaking time.

    I've started replying on the line of "please do remember this conversation the next time you'll tell me 'oh, but you're so lucky cause you look good in bikini' or 'wow, how come you're so fit'.

    I am so over people making fun of my heathy eating while they eat like **** and then complaining because they're fat and I am not.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    I haven't really had this problem, just a bit of good natured teasing if I decline a chocolate or something, best response is just to smile at that and move on, not take it too seriously..
    I wonder if you are taking some good natured teasing too seriously and others responded to that and it escalated from there?

    I don't expect others to say much about my food choices at all - and usually they don't - what somebody else eats isn't interesting to others for long if you don't mention it yourself.

    On the other hand I don't expect them to say 'Wow look at you go' either.

    Seems odd that you mentioned they should be saying this instead - which makes me think perhaps you have been going on about your lifestyle a bit and angling for such compliments ?
    Something to think about perhaps?

    Expecting them to say nothing and saying nothing yourself, unless directly asked, seems better approach to me.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I find the "don't ask - don't tell" policy to be helpful in many areas of life. Just as I don't discuss politics or religion - I don't discuss my life changes.
  • sabrina19782014
    sabrina19782014 Posts: 50 Member
    i am unhealthy (at the minute) and i say go girl! you keep up with what you are doing, ignore the ignorant :) you may have a few pounds extra but at least you are doing something about it :) (same as me)
  • caringiscreepyx
    I think we've all been there at some point. Robert Downey Jr. said it best: "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the f**k you were gonna do anyway."

    THIS! :tongue:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I think we've all been there at some point. Robert Downey Jr. said it best: "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the f**k you were gonna do anyway."

    I love Robert Downey Jr. :love:
  • icu814me2
    icu814me2 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, they are probably just jelous, or watch too much Dr. Oz People like you are actually my inspiration, so don't stop now! Have a great Sunday.