Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • dfwtxmissy1
    dfwtxmissy1 Posts: 5 Member
    I had mine in October 2013. I couldn't adjust the ticker but I have lost 53 pounds since surgery.
  • shajar75
    shajar75 Posts: 3 Member
    I had gastric sleeve on 2/11/14 and I'm down 19.6 lbs so far. If anyone wants to chat about it or encourage each other, feel free to add me and message me! :)
  • I am so glad I found this message board. I have been considering bariatric surgery for many years but was always fearful of it. I have a number of health issues now that I didn't have before, PCOS is the biggest part of my weight gain problem because it makes it almost impossible to lose weight regardless of what I do, and if I am able to lose a few pounds, I can never keep them off. I was insulin resistant along with the PCOS and now it has progressed into type 2 diabetes. Plus I have high blood pressure on top of everything else. Needless to say, I am on a large volume of medications to try and control these diseases, and I feel lousy all the time. No energy, my joints and muscles hurt all the time, and I have problems with sciatic nerve pain.

    I have tried and tried for years to lose weight and tried many different weight loss programs, diet pills, doctors, nutritionists, and personal trainers in a gym ... all with no to very little results. So I have just recently began the process of finding a surgeon and contacting my insurance company to see if they will cover the gastric sleeve. I have my first consultation with my surgeon on the 25th. I am very excited about the possibility of having this procedure done, but I am also very nervous. I have read so many posts and forums on the internet where people have had this done and have had great success with it. I have not read anything so far that someone regretted having it done, or did not have at least some success with it.

    How long does it take from the beginning of the process to where they will actually schedule you for surgery? Are there classes they make you take or anything they make you do that takes a while to get through? I mean, from what I've heard, its not like you go in for a consultation one day and they schedule you for surgery within a few weeks. Can anyone tell me what is all involved in this process from start to finish? Thanks for the insight.
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    HI. I'm so glad to see you are off to a good start. I'm scheduled for my sleeve on 3/19 and will start my liquid diet this weekend. I have a feeling I'll miss food too, but I won't miss this weight!
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    I started the process in October of 2012, and am scheduled for surg this month. I'm about the same weight/height as you are and have had simelar expierience. I can say that so far, even with the dozens of apts for medical clearnance, and the expense, it's already worth it because I've stopped beating myself up about being fat, and accepted that I'm making the right choices. That relief alone is worth all of it- I'm looking foward to the weight loss and a fresh start.
  • I just saw this doing a search, I had the surgery in march 2013 it is now 1 year later and I have lost 150 lbs.
  • boomersj
    boomersj Posts: 1
    Had the sleeve done last month in Mexico. Weight loss has been good But I feel like crap. Nausea, tired, general slight pain. I was hoping to find people with advice on this yucky nausea weird feeling in my stomach. I'm worried something wrong since my Dr is in follow ups etc. Help please!!
  • I just had the sleeve done 3/3 and I feel pretty good so far!! Lost 10 lbs my first week and have another 100 to go. I did this for my health and to hopefully reverse my type 2 diabetes!! I want to be around for my children and think this was the best next step for myself . I lost 80 pounds between 2011-2013 and I just hit a wall... So happy I had this done. I do have slight pain on my right side if I walk too long but I know it will go away. Can't wait for soft foods the liquid thing is getting old. Lol! Good luck to those that are going to have this done and congrats to those who have had it done and continue to lose weight every day!
  • Hi I had a gastric sleeve over 2years ago. I was fit and we'll and lost my weight that I wanted to. Trouble is the surgery was the easy part . Training my brain is the hardest. Now I am slowly going back to my old eating habits as I struggle of what to eat each day. I do not like fish and meat is not that nice to me any more. I need help with a healthy diet plan
  • jules6157
    jules6157 Posts: 10
    surgery 1/20/14 ihave lost 37 pounds since surgery 73 since I started the process. Now have gall stones so eating very little now. still think it was the best thing I have ever done. otherwise feel good when I don't eat still not getting all my exercise in but back to work and lifting heavy objects so that's exercise. doing physical therapy on hip and riding bike can't wait til warms up and can be outside everyday
  • I had surgery May 2012. I am really struggling with eating properly. I don't eat much but I have been making bad choices and am hoping to find some like minded folk to help me thru this. I was searching for gastric sleeve diets and found this thread. Gonna update MFP info and get back here to find and give support!! Peace!
  • I had the sleeve on 1/13/14 and I have been doing ok. I've lost 40lbs and have 45 to go. I to have had horrid nausea but it gets better I promise. I thought it would never end and I was going to be like that forever. What I found was that as my stomach would heal the nausea would get better. Hang in there boomersj. :smile: feel free to add me as a friend if you like. It helps to bounce things off of people going thru the same things.
  • I had the same issue and I've had many follow ups. The nausea gets better and so does the exhaustion. It takes time as your body has been thru an extreme trauma. My body has done crazy things but it's all due to the major adjustments you are going thru. Hang in there it gets better
  • Hi! I have lost 100+ so far and have skin, skin everywhere!!! I am hoping to have surgery someday if I can get to my goal and stay there for one is a bummer to loose so much weight but still have a fat body to look at!!! Hopefully, with the support of others in the same situation we can all beat this fat and become healthy loving creatures!!!
  • Hey everyone. I had my sleeve done on 2/10 of this year. So far I've lost 25 lbs total between pre and post op. I go back to doctors today. And thankfully I have been feeling wonderful, thank God no complications. My question is this. Have any of you since your surgery been eating more since having the surgery. by all means I still cannot eat a lot, but I know Im able to eat more than I did when I first had the surgery and was wondering if it was because my stomach is no longer swollen. Thank you for any help.
  • Hey everyone! I had my sleeve done on 2/1014. Im felling great, thank God no complications. Im down around 25 lbs pre and post surgery. Ive been finding that I can eat more now than I did when I first had the surgery, is this normal for everyone else? By all means Im still not eating a lot, but ive noticed im fitting more in now than right after surgery. Could this be because the stomach is not swollen anymore?
  • Sorry I posted twice.
  • ErinCoury
    ErinCoury Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a bandster. I have had the band since 8/2006, with a revision back to the band in 1/2010 due to severe acid reflux issues, a hiatal hernia and pneumonia (also thanks to my insurance company). I am now 4-years later and I'm having blockage, slow leakage, vomitting constantly at night, and having random liquid come out of my nose at night. I managed to go from 252 down to 192 w/the first band, and then 235 down to 180 w/the second band. I also have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, hypothyroidism, and PCOS.

    On 4/4/14, I am getting a revision to the sleeve and am very excited. I don't know many people who have the sleeve and those who I know have the GBS don't take care of themselves and is NOT an inspiration to me, which is why I'm looking for others to get me through this journey. My family has never been supportive of me since I got my first band, so they only know that I'm having the band removed, not the revision to take place. I have an amazing husband who has been with me since my devastating diagnosis of RA at the age of 29 (last year) and he's at my side with everything.

    Anyone who has had a revision from the band to the sleeve have any amazing help for me? Thank you so much! I'm happy that I have joined!
  • Watson_20
    Watson_20 Posts: 50 Member

    Congratulations on having the Gastric Sleeve. I myself had the Gastric Sleeve nearly 4 years ago and doing great. There is another site that I use besides this site, the other site I use is called: Obesity Help. I don't know if you use that site let alone heard of it. If you have heard of it you can follow me on it and the same for this site. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • I am so excited to find this board! I am in the initial stages of getting my sleeve surgery started. I have filled out the paperwork and am waiting to hear about initial appointments etc. For the first time in many years, I feel hopeful that I will be successful at achieving good health. I am 49 with 2 young children (8 and 10) and I want to be around for them. I so appreciate your stories and advice. It lets me know what to prepare for, what is common, and when to worry. Thank you!