people who use exercise dvds


I have recently lost all motivation with the gym as the classes i previously enjoyed either were dropped or moved to a time when I just cant get there. So rather than do nothing I have decided to work out at home. Im looking for people to add as friends who also use work out dvds for a little extra motivation :) I also own kettlebells and enjoy using these


  • nofearbebravelive
    I do NOT sell Beachbody products, I have to preface with that.

    I LOVE TurboFire, Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat. I hate T25 (it's very painful, lots of jumping and lots of burpees and mountain climbers, my hips don't like that). I used to love Walk Away the Pounds back in the day for a light workout and then there's always just hitting the pavement for a run.

    Good Luck.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I have looked at all these this morning - but they are all out of my price range for now! I really like combat at the gym but cant see me being motivated to do it at home. Instead I have bought a box set of jillian michaels dvds - 30 day shred, 6 weeks abs, banish fat and no more trouble zones. I also bought bob harpers kettle bell cardio shred - can you tell i like biggest loser lol x
  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member
    I just started getting into Kettlebells, but my brother has been training with them pretty consistently for years now. I just picked up a set of Sarah Lurie Iron Core Kettlebell DVD's on Amazon for less them $10. Two of the them are more for beginners, which is good for me, but the other 2 are pretty hard core - Iron Core Warrior and Iron Core Boot Camp. My brother checked them out and he said they're no BS.
  • Dragonslayer183
    Dragonslayer183 Posts: 70 Member
    Try, I use them and the have hundreds of free workout videos to choose from.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Options Also on YouTube.
    Befit in 90 on YouTube.
  • jenn2375
    jenn2375 Posts: 101 Member
    If you havent tried biggest losers 6 week cardio crush with Bob and Dolvet I found it pretty challenging!!
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    Has anyone tried I can't wait to get home and try the sites listed here!! I have Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, and her body revolution, and I love them but I get bored super easy..
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    I use the You Are Your Own Gym iphone app. I am starting the 10 week program tomorrow. It's only $3.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Try, I use them and the have hundreds of free workout videos to choose from.

    I love love love each time I can pick what I feel like doing and how long I want to aim for, mixing it up has really helped me keep motivated. I also love the 30DS and use zumba for ps3 when i feel like mixing it up for some cardio fun. Insanity is alright, but I found it boring and very hard on the joints.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I would go for the free online ones to figure out what you like to do...what you save now you won't miss later :drinker:
  • Jaminjo2
    Jaminjo2 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been exercising regularly for 6 months, I'm not an expert or in top notch condition.

    What I have found that helps with the motivation and boredom is not to do the same workout more than a couple of days in a row. I own 4 or 5 dvds that I picked up at yard sales, the gym I use has a small selection of dvds and once in a while I rent from the public library. Lots of variety for me. I even like to search exercises on youtube when I start getting the "same old, same old" feelings about my workouts.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    I use Beachbody all the way. The gym is a waste. After 5 years at the gym, I quit. Working out at home is better.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Need more adds guys :D we can keep each other motivated. I am an active user - online most days to log exercise and food and my diary is open to friends :D Add me :D
    UFITYETXX Posts: 38
    I love the Jillian Michaels videos...just rotate them so you're always challenging your has great videos too!
  • earlybrd7
    earlybrd7 Posts: 56 Member
    Insanity has given me results and I would recommend it for anyone looking for workout videos, I never got into any of Shaun T's other workout series though.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    I just sent you an add! I am a vidiot, lol :-) And do practically all my exercising at home. I do have a ton of Beachbody and there is a lot of it I like, some I don't. But, I also have quite a range of other workouts for home as well. I used to do kettlebells and still have them, and am going to be using them in April/May. Am just finishing P90x3 out right now. I have most of the Bob Harper stuff, not so much Jillian as she isn't really my cup of tea, lol! But I do have a few of her videos. Ellen Barrett, I got started with Leslie Sansone and have used her more recently coming off of serious illness. A bunch of pilates, Barre3, some yoga, etc. I have been buying them since 2009 so it's been a little while.
    There is a site called videofitness dot com, the reviews of folks there have helped me to not buy too many I don't like. There is a lot of stuff on youtube... a lot of folks on VF like Jessica Smith, who has a ton of free workouts on you tube.

    I just started using myfitnesspal...I had started an account a few months ago but never really explored it and didn't get started. I have been on actively for the last few days and plan on continuing.
  • Cool_Ginger
    Cool_Ginger Posts: 19 Member
    I've been using 30day shred, and actually like it. It's nice to have it broken down in little segments and its fast. An old one I have that I also liked is a set called "yoga booty ballet" it's three videos, and has strength, balance and cardio. The trainers are kind of cookey and fun....I bet you could find it used on ebay
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Thanks for all the adds so far guys! really appreciate it :D Keep them coming!! :D and for all the suggestions!!! loads of good stuff out there, cant wait to get my delivery and make a start now.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Fitness Blender and 30 Day Shred are online for FREE. Don't buy into Beachbody.. waste of money esp if you don't really have a lot of it.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I love dvds and I am going to start a 30 day bob harper dvd rotation. Its going to be killer, but I am excited. I like to rotate b/w dvds and barbell training to avoid boredom.