Better show? True Blood or Walking Dead ?



    _NAUTILUS_ Posts: 239 Member
    If only they would incorporate Walking dead with true bloods gratuitous sex scenes.... DVR...Set...Record!
  • WonderWoman_5
    WonderWoman_5 Posts: 101 Member
    Seriously The walking dead of course
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm going to have to go with Walking Dead, mostly because I've never seen True Blood.
  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member

  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member


    LOVE IT (and DARYL)!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member
    Wanna know the fastest way to piss off Walking Dead fans? Tell them you don't like Daryl and watch the fun begin as it goes through the phases.

    1. It starts off with a hint of confusion, maybe they misunderstood you, "Wait, what was that?:huh: "

    2. Then it goes to Disbelief, "What do you *mean* you don't like Daryl?:noway: "

    3. Soon followed by denial, "You can't be serious.:grumble: "

    4. Deflection; implied assh*le-ish-ness, there must be something wrong with you, "How could you POSSIBLY not like Daryl?:explode: "

    5. Then bargaining, "You just have to give him some time for his character to develop. What season are you on?:angry: "

    6. More bargaining mixed with justification, "But he's like the BEST character, he uses a crossbow to kill walkers AND takes care of babies, you have to see that, don't you?!:explode: "

    6. And finally, acceptance. "Okay, I see how it is. You're dead to me.:brokenheart: :mad: "

    ....And Yes, I am a Walking Dead fan :bigsmile:
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I've never seen an episode of Walking Dead... But I'm not big on zombies.

    I never miss an episode of True Blood though.... I love it.... Just the way I love my vampires.. MEAN
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I have not seen walking dead so probably not a fair judge. I am an avid True Blood fan. I have read all the books in the series...
    "Sookie is mine"

    Same here. I hate that it is the final season coming up.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member

    That is ... awesome!
  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member
    I know, too bad he doesn't live in a prison anymore!
  • savannahribeiro
    savannahribeiro Posts: 194 Member
    I really liked True Blood in what I call its "Prime" (Seasons 1-3). I was always into vampires (No, I don't consider Twilight to be a vampire book), even when I was really small. I loved the blood, the sex, etc.
    The Walking Dead, while it is a good show for those who are into it, I couldn't get beyond the first couple episodes.

    So, True Blood for this Fangbanger.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Have to give it to True Blood, cause I haven't watched Walkin Dead. I just can't do Zombies....I'm a bit of a punk like that :blushing:
  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
    Walking Dead and Breaking Bad are the only two TV shows that ever made me sit up in my chair and yell at the TV, so I've gotta say Walking Dead. I kind of forgot about True Blood and haven't watched it since the Fairy grandpa thing started.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    True blood is trashy and gets more ridiculous with each season..... this is why I love it...Oh and all the eye candy.

    The walking dead just didn't do it for me, no amount of blowing away zombies can distract me from the fact that it's Egg (you brits might know what I mean).

    I didn't like Dexter either though...maybe just not trashy enough.......
  • Xsadia
    Xsadia Posts: 20 Member
    True Blood every time! ;)