MACROS (if you dont track them dont comment on here)



  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    OP sounds hangry. And doesn't track anything, which is ironic.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    There is an actual formula for protein so when you apply that formula, you have your protein grams. That leaves just your carbs and fat to set. Carbs should be low because we should not be eating "fake" food... healthy carbs and fat, good fat, is very healthy.
    Good fat is grass fed beef, organic free range chicken, fresh eggs, healthy oils like olive, coconut, walnut, etc. and avocados, etc.

    More and more studies are confirming that it is not about counting calories. Those that are paying attention to the correct amount of macros are the ones with the most success and maintain their weight, never ever having to think about a diet. Coounting calories is "old school" because of what is put in our food today.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    LOL. no.

    The I Eat Lots of Carbs Group
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    There is an actual formula for protein so when you apply that formula, you have your protein grams. That leaves just your carbs and fat to set. Carbs should be low because we should not be eating "fake" food... healthy carbs and fat, good fat, is very healthy.
    Good fat is grass fed beef, organic free range chicken, fresh eggs, healthy oils like olive, coconut, walnut, etc. and avocados, etc.

    More and more studies are confirming that it is not about counting calories. Those that are paying attention to the correct amount of macros are the ones with the most success and maintain their weight, never ever having to think about a diet. Coounting calories is "old school" because of what is put in our food today.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    Oh I would like to see those studies...but if they are from Lustig don't bother he's a quack...
  • quigz90
    quigz90 Posts: 44 Member
    I aim for for 130g of protien and 65g of fat, the rest is carbs. My current calorie intake is 2000 and I'm trying to loose fat/ keep muscle.

    I found a website that let's you edit your macros by the gram or 1% increments.

    (Don't know how to hyperlink from my phone)

    I just bookmarked it then click the bookmark when you have your advanced settings page open.
    Works like a charm.

    Can't find a way to run it on my phone though :(
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I am in the process of switching from MFP method to TDEE method, upping my total calories by 100 per day per week. My macros are set to 35% protein, 35% carbs and 30% fat. That puts me at just under 1g of protein per pound of LBM.
  • Yo dude. I weigh 12.5 st. I dont realy look at calories i just focus on my carbs, fats and protein. Broken down i will aim for - 250 carbs, 70 fats and 180 protein. Hope this helped.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    There is an actual formula for protein so when you apply that formula, you have your protein grams. That leaves just your carbs and fat to set. Carbs should be low because we should not be eating "fake" food... healthy carbs and fat, good fat, is very healthy.
    Good fat is grass fed beef, organic free range chicken, fresh eggs, healthy oils like olive, coconut, walnut, etc. and avocados, etc.

    More and more studies are confirming that it is not about counting calories. Those that are paying attention to the correct amount of macros are the ones with the most success and maintain their weight, never ever having to think about a diet. Coounting calories is "old school" because of what is put in our food today.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    Oh I would like to see those studies...but if they are from Lustig don't bother he's a quack...
    That poster always makes hit and run posts, then retreats back to the group to not face scrutiny. MFP needs a new acronym
    EBD which stands for Education BY Documentary. These dangerously misinformed people need identified.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member


    srs though, I consume .8 protein per lb and .45 fat and the rest carbs
  • Carrie210
    Carrie210 Posts: 16 Member
    I track my protein and sugar. I'm currently 185.5 and aim for just over 100g of protein. I have protein powder and will do a quick shake after work or dinner if I am low on protein. I don't worry heavily about carbs/fat because as long as my protein is on track for the day the other 2 come pretty close. I do watch my sugar intake as well. I don't worry too much about going over if the source is natural.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I used IIFYM to get what should be optimal for me to build some lovely new muscle (first bulk ATM). I then used the closest % on MFP - worked out at 40/30/30.

    I don't think that was a completely accurate translation tbh (bit higher on fat and protein) but I don't do too well with higher carbs.

    ETA: I went for the 1g per lb body weight option for protein.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    problem with the link is with regard to the macronutrients.

    Most people do not know what lean body weight is ... or how to determine lean body weight. And the most accurate way to get an accurate lean body weight is not something the average person would do
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    There is an actual formula for protein so when you apply that formula, you have your protein grams. That leaves just your carbs and fat to set. Carbs should be low because we should not be eating "fake" food... healthy carbs and fat, good fat, is very healthy.
    Good fat is grass fed beef, organic free range chicken, fresh eggs, healthy oils like olive, coconut, walnut, etc. and avocados, etc.

    More and more studies are confirming that it is not about counting calories. Those that are paying attention to the correct amount of macros are the ones with the most success and maintain their weight, never ever having to think about a diet. Coounting calories is "old school" because of what is put in our food today.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    Oh I would like to see those studies...but if they are from Lustig don't bother he's a quack...
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    It's pretty easy to find the studies in the medical journals... I'm sure you'll have no problem.

    It's pretty much in the know at this point in time. Quality of calories NOT quantity. It makes common sense. It was not long ago that we did not have to worry about quality so counting calories was the way to go... NOT now though. It's a whole different ball game.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    I am in the process of switching from MFP method to TDEE method, upping my total calories by 100 per day per week. My macros are set to 35% protein, 35% carbs and 30% fat. That puts me at just under 1g of protein per pound of LBM.

    MFP uses TDEE
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I track protein, fat, carbs, and sugar.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm pretty flexible...protein is anywhere from 0.8 - 1 gram per Lb of LBM..usually at the higher end and generally 0.35 - 0.4 grams of fat per total BW.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am in the process of switching from MFP method to TDEE method, upping my total calories by 100 per day per week. My macros are set to 35% protein, 35% carbs and 30% fat. That puts me at just under 1g of protein per pound of LBM.

    MFP uses TDEE

    No MFP uses NEAT method actually.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Woah dude, it's called a period - use it. I could barely keep up with your "question."

    I just recently bumped up my protein and changed my macros to 45% carbs/30% protein/25% fat. So far, so good. I've been making sure I take in 75% of my weight in grams of protein. Much simpler than the LBM way and ends up being the same thing. I weigh 140 lbs, so I like my protein intake to be around 105 g or higher.