30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • Tanya761
    Tanya761 Posts: 146
    Hi, can I join? My name is Tanya, and I just turned 26 in October. I had my first baby, a boy in December 2009. From about March to August I managed to lose about 18lbs on here. I joined MFP again in November after my yearly physical and my doc said I had to exercise and lose weight. I wasn't so good about doing what I should till about a week ago. In the process, I have lost another 3lbs. I am sitting around 196 in the morning. My ultimate goal would ba 140, but right now I would like 170-just a few pounds away from being "overweight". My goal is to do 30 mins of cardio 4x/week, and try to keep within my calorie goals everyday. Oh, and I have to be better at tracking every meal too.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,024 Member
    I would love to join, this looks like a great group. My name is sheri, I am 47 and a sahm to 7. Only 3 still at home. I gained alot of weight due to health problems fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. I started here in july and have already lost 41 lbs

    CW 216
    GW 160 ( then I will decide if I want to lose more )
    by st patricks day 186
  • velvetechos
    Hi Tanya, hi Sherri - of course you guys can join in!

    We're starting our first challenge tomorrow! Minimum five servings of fruit/veg every day for a week; post here what you had :)
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Angela I am 31 I do not know how long ago I first found MFP (it will say under my picture) but I am starting fresh 3 days ago.
    I am going to say SW is today 272.5 my heaviest was over 300 but I am not going to worry about that anymore the ups and downs of my past are over SW today 272.5 GW for now I will go with 242.5 for 3/17 I am going to try and not put goals and deadlines on my self. I guess if I had to decide right now and be able to stick to it I would say 10#s a month for six months and 5#s a month for a year that would leave me at 162 by my 33erd birthday. But I don’t think I want to be that small even thou science says I should be even smaller than that, so I will decide as I go.

    My struggles for now trying to eat more and not drink my calories. Trying to fallow the food pyramid without drinking the dairy, fruit and veggies seems impossible. Trying to eat that much even only 1500 cal a day before exercise with out eating junk or a huge dinner to fit it all in is going to be a big challenge.
  • Jeanzelie
    This sounds like a Great idea! Thanks for letting me know about this group. I'm in. Let's do it. 30 lbs by St. Patrick's Day does sound like WOnderLand ;-)
  • shaunadroddy
    hello my name is shauna, is it too late to join? my starting weight is 215! i just joined mfp! i am excited to join!! 30 pounds by st. patty's day, lets go!
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in! CW is 183, so I've put on 5 pounds in the last month. Now I just need to get all my veggies and fruits ready!
  • pandy123
    pandy123 Posts: 16 Member
    I am up for the challenge! My starting weight is 161 pounds so by saint patty's day I want to be 131. I am ready to see results! Good luck to everyone! :)
  • blackchick38
    Hi there my name is raquel,i had joined MFP a long time ago and now im back again.this sounds like a great group to be in.
    SW=235LB as of this morning
    GW=230LBS 17/03/2011
    i want to be accountable this time around,my biggest problem was alcohol which has lots of useless calories.i use to drink 12 beers a day,now im down to just a mix drink on most days,i have came a long way and ready to drop these extra lbs
  • blackchick38
    Hi there my name is raquel,i had joined MFP a long time ago and now im back again.this sounds like a great group to be in.
    SW=235LB as of this morning
    GW=230LBS 17/03/2011
    i want to be accountable this time around,my biggest problem was alcohol which has lots of useless calories.i use to drink 12 beers a day,now im down to just a mix drink on most days,i have came a long way and ready to drop these extra lbs
  • blackchick38
    kiki correct me if im wrong,is fridays weigh in day?
  • velvetechos
    kiki correct me if im wrong,is fridays weigh in day?

    You're not wrong at all :) We weigh in each Friday, and start weekly challenges on Mondays!
  • SilverVal
    SilverVal Posts: 22 Member
    30 pounds would put me just under 200 and its been ages since I was that weight
  • blackchick38
    30 pounds would put me just under 200 and its been ages since I was that weight
  • blackchick38
    i would just love to see 200 and less
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    Great to meet everyone! I can't believe tomorrow is already Monday. What's everyone's favorite fruits/veggies? Or go-to recipe to prepare them? Lately, I've been on a pomegranate kick. DELICIOUS mixed in yogurt!

    I hope everyone's weekend has been a good one. If you're in the midwest with me, I hope you're staying warm - this blizzard business is no fun! :grumble:
  • velvetechos
    Great to meet everyone! I can't believe tomorrow is already Monday. What's everyone's favorite fruits/veggies? Or go-to recipe to prepare them? Lately, I've been on a pomegranate kick. DELICIOUS mixed in yogurt!

    I hope everyone's weekend has been a good one. If you're in the midwest with me, I hope you're staying warm - this blizzard business is no fun! :grumble:

    Mmmmm, pomegranate! So good! And shockingly filling as well!

    I love homemade curries and stirfries - they're both great ways to pack in veggies, you just have to watch the oil and etc.

    I try to start the day out with a piece of fruit to get a serving in right off the bat. Lately it's been 3/4 of a banana and the other 1/4 goes to my one year old ;-)

    Favorite veggies though are definitely leeks, artichokes, and zucchini mmmmm. Artichokes marinated hearts, leeks sauteed up with a bit of garlic or in a potato/leek soup, and zucchini in everything.

    I'm not sure what new veggie to try this week, but I might do beets. Something about them has always put me off - maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    hey guys, i'd love to join you in this challenge :smile: 30 lbs by St. Patty's day is right around the same goal weight I have for myself since i'm shooting for 36 lbs lost by then. A little bit more than 2 lbs per week but i think it's something to shoot for. If i make that weight i'll bee in one-derland at a weight of 199!!! Plus that is my spring vacation week and i'll be visiting my sister in Texas!
    my name is Kelly. I'm 30 years old. I've been on MFP since the middle of October. My starting weight on MFP is 260 and as of tomorrow (hopefully!!) i'll be at 25 lbs lost weighing in at 235. My ultimate goal weight is to get down to 150.

    One of my struggles is that when i have a 'bad' eating moment i tend to keep having 'bad' moments the rest of the day and have a really hard time telling myself no. my thought pattern is basically, well i've already screwed up today so might as well...
    I'm working on it and i am so much better than i used to be. if i screwed up a diet before i would end up quitting all together! so far i haven't done that :smile:

    ymamyma- i'm outside of chicago and this weather is brutal! i've lived in texas for the past 6 years so this weather is taking some getting used to again (i grew up here so you'd think i'd already be used to it!). the wind was blowing the snow practically horizontal earlier today :huh: also my favorite go to meal is soup and a salad. if i'm having a hard time figuring out what to eat or i just need to eat quickly that's what i usually do.
  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    Well, I will have an interesting Christmas. My in-laws are coming, but my Mother-in-law doesn't hardly eat, and while she loves to cook, she usually cooks stuff I don't care for. So thank goodness!
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    made a big pot of veg soup, made mostly from fresh frozen right from the garden last season. should help with the five a day for a few days!! good luck everyone!!!